Los estados personales: estar y tener Flashcards
estar aburiso(a)
to be bored
estar cansado(a)
to be tired
estar emocionado(a)
to be excited
estar enamorado(a) (de)
to be in love (with)
estar enfermo
to be sick
estar enojado(a)
to be angry
estar frustrado(a)
to be frustrated
estar nervioso(a)
to be nervous
estar ocupado(a)
to be busy
estar preocupado(a)
to be worried
tener calor
to have heat; to be hot
tener éxito
to have success (to be successful)
tener frío
to have cold; to be cold
tener hambre
to have hunger; to be hungry
tener miedo (a/de)
to have fear (of); to be afraid (of)
tener prisa
to have hurry (noun); to be in a hurry
tener razón
to have reason; to be right
tener sed
to have thirst; to be thirsty
tener sueño
to have (a) dream; to be sleepy
estar alegre
to be happy
estar contendo(a)
to be content
estar deprimido(a)
to be depressed
estar feliz (felices)
to be happy
estar triste (tristes)
to be sad
estar mal
to be amiss
estar bien
to be well
estar así así
to be so-so
estar agotado(a)
to be exhausted
estar perezoso
to be lazy