Salivary glands Flashcards
Which of the following conditions is NOT commonly associated with acute sialadenitis?
Select one:
a. Dehydration
b. Diabetes mellitus
c. Sjogren’s syndrome
d. Mumps
Xray of chronic sialadenitis is characterized by
Select one:
a. Tiny, little cystic formations in gland parenchута
b. Stroma swelling in the gland
c. No changes are visible
Parenchymal swelling and primary duct enlargement
Mumps’ clinical picture in oral cavity is characterized
Select one:
a. Saliva production doesn’t change
b. Hypersalivation
Hyposalivation and Xerostomia
Epidemic parotitis is caused by:
Select one:
a Herpes virus
b. Retrovirus
c. Paramixovirus
d. Cytomegalovirus
In children an acute bacterial sialadenitis is mostly observed in the age of
Select one:
a. 12years and higher
b. 7-12 years
not sur
12_ orchitis during mumps in a long term can result in:
Select one:
a. hypogonadism
b. infertility
c. retardation
d. bone growth problems
13_ which imaging technique is commonly used to diagnose acute sialadenitis?
Select one:
A. computed tomography
b. ultrasound
c. x ray
d. magnetic resonance imaging
16_ Epidemic parotitis (mumps) severe complication is:
Select one:
a. salivary gland infarctions
b. anemia
c. heart murmurs
d. orchiti
17_ Which of the following is a common symptom of acute sialadenitis?
Select one:
a. dry mouth
b. swelling and pain in the affected gland
c. increased tear production
d. difficulty swallowing
21_ Sialolithiasis can be promoted by:
Select one:
a. Dermatitis
b. Dehidration
c. Liver problems
d. Viral infections
22_ Patients with purulent sialadenitis are prescribed:
Select one:
a. Acidic food to stimulate saliva production
b. Avoiding acidic food not to promote saliva production
c. No changes with food consumption
d. High calorie diet
In which forms should avoid fruit juice and acidic food ?
Epidermic parotitis ( mumps )
What can relief epedermic parotitis symptoms?
- Ice or heat in neck or testicular infected areas
- Warm salt gargles
- Soft food
- Extra fluid
In area of which teeth parotid glans drain ?
Upper second molar
Which lymph nodes swallow in parotid gland infection ?
Neck lymph nodes
Where does submandibular gland drain ? And what’s saliva types ?
Near ferunulum
Which gland connected with submandibular and what secrete ?
What’s filatovas symptoms and in which form appear ?
High testosterone levels
In epidermic parotitis in mumps
Whts Hatchocks symptoms ?
Upward pressure and pain in mandible angle
Pain in front Tragus , top of mastoid , mandible incisura , Lower jaw angle , hyperemic duct orifices ( moursons )
Which form ?
What’s mumps complication ?
Organ systems infection
Orchitis / epididmyitis
Testicular atrophy
Spontaneous aboration in 1st trimester
How to diagnose mumps ?
Blood test : high serum amylase level
Pcr for saliva
Swollen glands
Do we have dry mouth and sore face/ ears , voice loss in mumps ?
What’s prodemenate and systemic symptoms of mumps ?
Acute sialadsntitis caused by ?
Dry mouth ( dehydration ) lead to bacterial infection then saliva reduction
Anti histhistamine, deuritics , beta blockers
What’s saliva changes in serous and purulent stages of acute sialadenitis ?
Serous : no changes
Purulent : pus with saliva
In general reduction in saliva flow
Parotid area pain + malaise
Bilateral swelling
Painful mouth opening
Hyperemic and swelling in area of parotid mucosa surround ducts
What’s the diagnosis?
Acute epidemic mumps
What’s the bacterial infection signs in acute sialadenitis ?
Sudden sense of swelling and pain of gland ( common symptoms )
Hyperemic skin over
Regional lymphadentitis
Low saliva flow ( dry mouth )
Purulent saliva in massage
Patient unwell
What’s acute sialadenitis treatment ?
Anti histamines
What’s sialogogues and in which cases we prescribe ?
Lemon candy and juice , vit E … every thing ancourage saliva flow
In acute sialadenitis
In which cases prescribe proteolytic enzymes ?
Purulent acute sialadenitis
In which cases we have unilateral swelling ?
Chronic sialadenitis
How does gland appear in chronic recurrent sialadenitis in remission stage ?
Englarge after recurrency
During chronic recurrent sialadenitis diagnosis which radiograph and what we see in history?
History: attack in variable intervals between attack’s symptoms free
Sialography ( duct ectasia )
What’s salodochitis ?
Salivary ducts inflammation
How does children saliva in chronic form ?
Very milky or Purulent
How do we prevent recurrence ?
Massage 3-5 min , 3 times daily
Ultrasound , laser ( microcirculation improvement )
In which forms we encourage saliva production and in which not ?
In mumps we avoid fruit juice, acidic food cause they stimuli glands leading to pain.
In sialolithiasis we avoid cause saliva will be obstructed
In acute and chronic sialadenitis we recommend
What’s sialolithiasis
Salivary gland stones
Which gland commonly affectefed by sialolithiasis ?
In which cases the sialolithiasis worsen and you feel pain ?
During eating espicially salt and sour food , cause they stimuli the gland and the saliva get packet up in the duct due to obstruction.
What’s sialithiasis signs when stone in the gland and duct is ?
Gland»_space; gland enlargement and smooth surface
Duct»_space; revealed during bimanual palpation in the direction from the gland to the duct
Which part of submandibular gland more suspectable for stones appearance ?
Anterior part of submandibulr gland due to S- shaped duct
How stones in duct get removed ?
By duct opening in the mouth
If stones in the back of duct or in duct how it removed ?
Extraoral by neck incision to avoid lingual nerve damage
What’s sialithiasis differential diagnosis?
What’s sialolithiasis symptoms ?
Assymetry in submandibular area
Mucosa around duct hyperemic
Dry mouth
Salivary gland swelling
Free mouth opening
** painful under tongue **
How saliva appear in sialolithiasis?
Transparent or with pus ( mucopurulent )
In which cases restrictions of mouth opening and which not ?
Sialedinitis restrictions
Sialolithiasis free
What causes sialolithiasis?
Autoimmune disease , lupus , sjogrens syndrome
What’s sialithiasis diagnosis imaging ?
MRI ( magnetic resonance imaging)
Ultrasound most effective
In which forms mostly saliva in absent ?
What’s duct ectasia or sialectasis
Heterophobia develop in the duct
Abnormal dialation of ducts