Local Anesthesi Flashcards
After complex extraction of the 37 tooth a patient experienced anaesthesia of the left half of his lower lip and chin. Electroodontodiagnos showed reduction of lower jaw teeth electroexcitability on the left. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Neuritis of the left inferior alveolar nerve
A 30-year-old patient consulted a dentist about dull pain, numbness in the lower teeth, the lower lip and chin on the right. Anamnesis data: the problems arose a week ago after the extraction of an impacted wisdom tooth on the right lower jaw. The patient developed the following disease:
A. Neuritis of the inferior alveolar nerve
A 34-year-old patient has indicati- on for extraction of the 38 tooth because of chronic fibrous periodontitis. Oral surgeon performed torus anaesthesia. This anaesthesia blocked transmission of pain information from the following nerves:
A 40-year-old patient has an indication for the extraction of central maxillary incisors. What nerve structures are blocked by the incisor anesthesia?
Nasopalatine nerve
Which structures anesthetized by mental nerve ?
Soft tissue of labial side or lower premolar - incisors
A patient has an indication for the 12 tooth extraction for the exacerbati- on of chronic periodontitis. It was deci- ded to apply infraorbital and incisive anesthesia in this patient. What nerve structures are blocked by this anesthesia?
Incisive nerve
Anterior superior alveolar branches,
- A patient has indication for removal of his medial incisor of the right upper jaw on account of chronic periodontitis. What types of anaesthesia should be applied for tooth removal?
Infraborbital and incisive
A patient consulted an oral surgeon about pain in the region of his left upper jaw that appeared 3 days ago. After examination the patient was diagnosed with exacerbation of chronic periodontitis of the 17 tooth. It is indicated to extract the 17 tooth. What nerves should be blocked for painless extraction of the 17 tooth?
Posterior alveolar nerves and greater palatine nerve
A 28-year-old patient has been scheduled for the surgical resection of the root apex of the 12 tooth for chronic granulomatous periodontitis. What kind of anesthesia should be given the patient before the surgery?
Bilateral infraorbital and incisive
A patient consulted an oral surgeon about maxillary pain on the left, whi- ch arose three days ago. After exami- nation, the patient was diagnosed with exacerbation of chronic periodonti- tis of the 17 tooth. The 17 tooth is indicated for extraction. What nerves should be blocked for a painless extraction of the 17 tooth?
Posterior alveolar nerves and greater palatine nerve
A patient is scheduled for the dissection of an abscessed upper lip furuncle. What kind of anesthesia is indicated for this intervention?
Bilateral infraorbital
82.With the purpose of the 46 tooth extraction, a 28-year-old male pati- ent was given Weisbrem’s anesthesia. Specify the site of anesthetic injection with this anesthesia:
Mandibular torus
A patient has indication for removal of his medial incisor of the right upper jaw on account of chronic periodontitis. What types of anaesthesia should be applied for tooth removal?
Infraborbital and incisive
It is planned to lance an abscess of hard palate (it is localized close to the 23, 24, 25 teeth) and to extract the causative 24 tooth that had caused abscess development. What type of anaesthesia is indicated for this operation?
A. Infraorbital, palatinal and incisor
PSAN block
Maxillary molars hard and soft tissue buccal
MSAN block
Mesiobuccal root if 1st molar , premolars hard , soft tissue buccal
ASAN block
Maxillary anteriors buccal soft and hard tissues
Mesiobuccal root if 1st molar in some cases
Greater palatine nerve block
PALATAL mucosa from anterior premolar and posterior of palate until midline
Nasopalatine nerve block
Hard and soft tissue of anterior aspect of maxilla distally to the canine until other part of arch same point
Maxillary nerve block
Half of maxilla in injection side , teeth , hard , soft , lingual tissu
IAN Block
Depend of the used technique
Halsted : all teeth bone , anterior soft tissue labially due to mental nerve.
Accedintally lingual
Gas gate : buccal , IAN , lingual , auriculomotor , mylohyoid
Buccal nerve
Buccal soft tissue of molars
Mental nerve
Chin , lower lip , from premolar to incisors labial soft tissue
Incisive nerve
Pre molars , anterior teeth
Lower lip , skin over chin , labial tissue of anterior
What’s the characteristics of upper jaw bone ?
Cortical bone is thin and porous compared to mandible , anasthetic solution easly diffuse to nerve endings.
Mandibular bone characterstics
Thick espicially in molars , less in anterior region so we can do infiltration.
Why 1st maxillary molar need to injections ?
Which nerve block for profound pulpal anesthesia in mandible ?
Which nerve we should anesthetize if molar don’t numb?
Greater palatine injection
Where is the intraligamentry needle insertion occur ?
Mesiobuccal aspect of the root