Salivary Gland Enlargement Flashcards
What are the different causes of salivary gland swelling/enlargement
- viral sialadenitis
- secretion retention
- gland hyperplasia
What viruses can cause salivary gland enlargement
- paramyxovirus (mumps)
What virus causes mumps
How is mumps transmitted
- direct contact with infected saliva
- droplet spread
What are the symptoms of mumps
- fever
- malaise
- swelling of salivary glands
- involvement of other organs possible
What is the typical salivary gland presentation in mumps
- bilateral swelling
- parotid always almost effected
What is the incubation period of mumps
- 2-3 wks
What organs may mump effect other than the salivary glands
- testes in males
- pancreas - usually older px
What is HIV-associated salivary gland disease characterized by
- xerostomia and/or swelling of the major glands
- usually the parotid
What is the cause of the HIV-associated salivary gland disease
- lymphoproliferative enlargement
What should you consider testing for when you see unexplained salivary gland swelling
- HIV testing
What are causes of secretion retention
- mucocele
- subacute obstruction
What is a mucocele
‘cystic’ lesion of minor salivary glands
filled with saliva
What aer the types of mucoceles
- mucous extravasation cyst/extravasation mucocele
- mucous retention cyst/retention mucocele
What are the features of extravasation mucoceles
- no epithelial lining - not really a cyst
- most common type
Where is the most common area for a extravasation mucocele
- lower lip
- v rare in upper lip
- if you see a lump in the upper lip, be suspicious of a salivary tumour
What is the clinical presentation of a mucous extravasation cyst
- blue/translucent submucosal swelling
What is the usual cause for a mucous extravasation cyst
- rupture of a duct
- usually history of trauma
What are the features of a retention mucocele
- lined with ductal epithelium
- rare in lower lip
- usually older px
What causes retention mucoceles
- obstruction of gland
- duct dilates and becomes filled with saliva resulting in swelling
What is a ranula
- mucous retention cyst in FOM
- resembles frogs belly
Describe the histology of a mucous extravasation cyst
- mucin filled cavities/pools of mucin
- no epithelial lining
- extravasated mucus evokes a chronic inflammatory response
- macrophages have vacuolated cytoplasma containing phagocytosed mucin