Sales Metrics, Reports and Dashboards Flashcards
What is a reporting snapshot?
A source report that can be defined to run daily, weekly or monthly. The data from the report is populated into a custom object on which trend reporting can be performed.
What can be used to see the number of new leads each day as well as the number of open leads over a week?
Create a reporting snapshot that runs daily and includes the date of open leads.
What 2 permissions are required to be able to create, edit, delete and search for reports in private folders?
- Create and Customize Reports
- Manage All Private Reports and Dashboards
How can changes in forecasts over time be viewed and reported on.
- Enable Historical Trending for Forecasting Items
- Create a Forecast History Report using the existing (standard) report type
What standard report shows users the influence of campaigns on the number of opportunities and the amount of revenue?
Campaigns with Influenced Opportunities
What is the difference between historical trend reporting and a reporting snapshot?
Historical trend reporting already exists as a report type and retains historical data for the previous 3 months plus the current month. Reporting snapshot requires builidng the report, running it on a scheduled basis and storing the data to compare. If you need historical data from 1 month ago and a reporting snapshot has not been set up, historical trend reporting needs to be used.
What primary object contains quota details.
Forecasting quotas. (There is no such thing as Quotas or Forecasts objects)