Saleem Lecture Flashcards
Why was most vision research done in stantionary subjects
+ Precise control of stimuli
+ Fewer variables
During movement: Does vision speed up when moving?
Vision is faster and better during movement
During navigation: Is vision influenced by spatial context?
Vision is modulated by spatial context during navigation
What tool did they use to measure the mouse V1?
Presented a dome of dots that are only moving on one side, and the dots are moving at 6 different visual speeds.
They used extracellular electrophysiology (Neuropixel2.0) in mice free to run on a treadmill.
What does running do to activity rate
Running response has a more sustained higher firing rate.
Single neuron responses are less transient - how did they study this futher
Factor analysis from large recoridn gset of stantionary and running mice
What did factor analysis show about running
Population responses diverse more during running/locomotion
Single neuron responses are less transient
Population dynamics more direct & less oscillatory
Is vision influenced by spatial context?- how did they test this
stimuli presnted that varies, but they gave a reward if the mouse liked when a specifc frame was presented.
2x ucl building -When visual cortex was recorded using 2 photon imaging and electrophysiology.
They found some had biased responses when a landmark was presented on both occasions, and then sometimes it would only respond to one of the landmarks only.
Visual responses are modulated by
animal position
Spatial modulation increases with ………. when they did this over a few days (5 days)
Spatial modulation emerges in…… & persists in higher visual areas.
in V1 (absent in thalamic inputs)
Spatial signals in V1 are coherent with spatial signals in ……….areas
What is the closed loop paradigm advancement?
closed loop by creating bonviison whihc updates the visual enviroment as mouse explores it.
static cues
where animal is head fixed and presented with non moving objects on a screen
The main advancement of creating augmented reality is it
allows Precise control of stimuli and recordings from freely moving animals
What is factor analysis?
Factor analysis is a sophisticated statistical method that is primarily used to reduce a large number of variables into a smaller set of factors. This technique is valuable for extracting the maximum common variance from all variables, transforming them into a single score for further analysis.
What does the aumengted reality bonvision created by (Lopes et al.,2021)
Zong et al, 2022 created 2p imaging in freely moving mice-Large-scale two-photon calcium imaging in freely moving mice - ScienceDirect
Key features of bonvision
1.Naturally closed-loop system
2.Handles 2D and 3D stimuli with equal ease
3.Visual environment generated independent of display configuration
4. Can be used for Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality or 2D visual stimuli
5.Does not require the observer to be in a fixed position