11-2SailplaneV1 (PIT) Flashcards
What is the takeoff currency requirement for an inexperienced pilot?
30 days.
What is the landing currency requirement for an inexperienced pilot?
30 days.
What is the spin prevent currency requirement for an inexperienced pilot?
30 days.
What is the takeoff currency requirement for an experienced pilot?
60 days.
What is the landing currency requirement for an experienced pilot?
60 days.
What is the spin prevent currency requirement for an experienced pilot?
60 days.
What is the spin currency requirement for any pilot?
180 days.
How many sorties must be accomplished annually by an inexperienced pilot?
48 sorties.
How many ID sorties must be accomplished annually by an inexperienced pilot?
8 sorties.
How many instructional sorties must be accomplished annually by an inexperienced pilot?
32 sorties.
How many landings must be accomplished annually by an inexperienced pilot?
16 landings.
How many stall series must be accomplished annually by an inexperienced pilot?
16 stall series.
How many times must slow flight be accomplished annually by an inexperienced pilot?
16 times.
How many simulated rope breaks must be accomplished annually by an inexperienced pilot?
4 simulated rope breaks.
How many sorties must be accomplished annually by an experienced pilot?
24 sorties.
How many ID sorties must be accomplished annually by an experienced pilot?
4 sorties.
How many instructional sorties must be accomplished annually by an experienced pilot?
16 sorties.
How many landings must be accomplished annually by an experienced pilot?
8 landings.
How many stall series must be accomplished annually by an experienced pilot?
8 stall series.
How many times must slow flight be accomplished annually by an experienced pilot?
8 times.
How many simulated rope breaks must be accomplished annually by an experienced pilot?
2 simulated rope breaks.
How often must CRM Training be accomplished?
Every 12 months.
How often must AFE Familiarization Training be accomplished?
Once per base.
How often must AFE Training be accomplished?
Every 12 months.
How often must egress and hanging harness training be accomplished?
Every 12 months.
How often must boldface and ops limits testing be accomplished?
Every 30 days.
How often must situational emergency preparedness training (SEPT) be accomplished?
Every 6 months.
How often must local area survival training be accomplished?
Once per base.
How often must emergency parachute training be accomplished?
Every 36 months.
How often must noncombat survival training be accomplished?
Every 36 months.
How often must water survival refresher training be accomplished?
Every 36 months.
How often must antihijacking training be accomplished?
Every 2 years.
How often must marshalling testing be accomplished?
Once per base.
How often must air card training be accomplished?
Every 36 months.
How often must flight surgeon written examination be accomplished?
Every 17 months.
How often must aircrew qualification training be accomplished?
Every 17 months.
How often must physiological training be accomplished?
Every 60 months.
How often must a flight physical be accomplished?
Every 455 days.
What does SEPT training include?
EP and CRM training, all SII, any additional local items.
What causes a loss of mission ready IP status?
Fail any flight evaluation, written examination, failing to complete any of the above training, or ID sorties.
What is required to gain recurrency for takeoff and landing after 1 to 30 days?
1 takeoff and landing under the supervision of a current IP.
What is required to gain recurrency for takeoff and landing after 31 to 90 days?
2 takeoffs and landings under the supervision of a current IP and SEPT review session.
What is required to gain recurrency for takeoff and landing after 91 to 180 days?
3 IP supervised sorties with takeoff and landing: 1 spin, 1 ID sortie, and 1 pattern tow or ID sortie. Open and closed book testing. EP test.
What is required to gain recurrency for spin prevent after 1 to 30 days?
1 spin prevent under the supervision of a current IP.
What is required to gain recurrency for spin prevent after 31 to 60 days?
IP supervised spin procedures review session and 2 spin prevents, 1 in each direction.
What is required to gain recurrency for spin prevent after 61 to 180 days?
3 IP supervised sorties with takeoff and landing: 1 spin, 1 ID sortie, and 1 pattern tow or ID sortie. Open and closed book testing. EP test.
What is required to gain recurrency for spin after 1 to 180 days?
Spin IP supervised 2 spin recoveries, 1 in each direction.
What are BIPs?
Sorties with an experience rated officer or civilian IP to further develop the new IP’s instructional techniques.
What are the 2 kinds of BIPs?
Instructional and intervention.
What does the instructional BIP focus on?
Instructional technique, planning profiles, student progress, grading, flying policies, common errors, pitfalls.
What does the intervention BIP focus on?
IP error analysis, and forms of intervention.
What are the prerequisites for experienced IP?
100 instructional sorties and 4 BIPs completed.
What are the requirements for PIT IP?
Experienced IP and complete PIT upgrade.
What are the prerequisites for Phase Check IP?
What are the requirements for Spin IP?
What are the prerequisites for AMC IP?
Qualified IP with 50 instructionals.