Dash 1 (Pre-Solo) Flashcards
What type of approach does the dash one follow?
How is a change in the dash one’s text indicated?
Black line adjacent to the text.
How is a change in the dash one’s figures indicated?
Miniature hand pointing at the change.
What is a warning?
Operating procedures, techniques, etc., which could result in personal injury and/or loss of life if not careful followed
What is a caution?
Operating procedures, techniques, etc., which could result in damage to equipment if not carefully followed.
What is a note?
An operating procedure, technique, etc., that is considered essential to emphasize.
What do the terms “shall or will” indicate in the dash one?
The terms indicate binding or mandatory requirements.
What does the term “should” indicate in the dash one?
The term expresses a non-mandatory desire or preferred method of accomplishment.
What does the term “may” indicate in the dash one?
The term expresses an acceptable or suggested means of accomplishment.
What is a caution about checking rudder movement?
Avoid over controlling and hitting the rudder stops.
What is a warning about the airbrakes during takeoff?
Ensure they are closed and locked before hooking up to the tow.
What is the warning about hooking up the sailplane?
Never hookup an empty aircraft.
What are two warnings about aerotow takeoff?
A rapid climb after takeoff may exceed tow plane elevator authority. A steep climb angle may cause a loss of sight of the tow plane.
What is a caution about maneuvering and the canopy?
Side loads may cause the canopy to depart the aircraft if not closed and locked.
What is a warning about precipitation?
Precipitation decreases sailplane performance. Increase airspeed by 5 knots in precipitation.
What are two warnings about slips?
Airspeed indications are unreliable so pitch pictures must be used. The rudder may remain fully deflected when pedal forces are removed.
How much pedal force is required to exit a slip?
15 to 20 pounds.
What are two warnings about landing?
Recovery from stalls and spins in the pattern may be impossible. Exceeding 45 degrees of bank in the pattern place the aircraft dangerously close to a stall.
What is the warning about approach?
To avoid a stall/spin situation, maintain known pitch settings for pattern airspeed.
What are four cautions for airbrake usage on landing?
Handle them carefully just above the ground. Rapid airbrake usage in the flare may cause a hard landing or flare. Greater than half airbrake deployment in landing may cause a rapid flare. Landing at full airbrakes may cause inadvertent brake actuation.
What are two notes about using airbrakes on landing?
Insufficient airbrake usage results in increased pitch sensitivity and PIO. The most predictable landings occur between 1/4 and 1/2 airbrake deployment.
What height should the round out occur?
10 to 15 feet.
What height should the flare occur?
2 to 5 feet.
What speed does a normal touchdown occur?
45 knots.
At what speed does a maximum performance landing occur?
40 knots.
What is a caution about PIO during landing?
Freeze the stick neutral to slightly aft to stabilize the aircraft.
What is the warning about aircraft alignment during landing?
Failure to align the aircraft during touchdown may cause damage to the wheel assembly.
What is a caution about airbrake usage during touchdown?
Reduction of airbrakes on the ground at speed may cause the aircraft to become airborne again.
What is a caution about rough terrain on landing?
High speed landings in rough terrain may cause damage to the wheel assembly.
What is a caution about no-airbrakes landing?
Landing with no airbrakes is very difficult and a shorter than normal aim point should be chosen.
What is the note about maximum performance landing?
Maximum energy dissipation occurs at the beginning of the landing roll due to the wheel brake being most effective at high ground speeds.
What is the caution about stopping the aircraft after landing in high winds?
Remain in the cockpit during high-wind operations. If possible point the aircraft into the wind with full airbrake extension.
What are two cautions about tie down procedures?
More sailplanes are damaged on the ground than flying accidents. Do not leave the airbrakes extended during periods of rain.
What is a warning about tie down procedures?
Do not leave the airbrakes open if rain is expected as water may fill the airbrake box. Water can be drained by removing the tie down ring.
What is a note about tie down procedures?
Ensure tie down equipment does not come in to contact with the GFRP/CFRP.
What is a warning about high wind procedures?
Ensure the airbrakes are fully opened.
What is a caution about high wind procedures?
Secure the flight controls to avoid hitting the control stops.
What are the four warnings for rope breaks?
Do not delay release. If a rope break occurs below 150 feet land straight ahead. If a rope break occurs above 150 feet make a 180 degree turn. Maintain known pitch pictures to avoid a spin or stall.
What is the warning for release failure?
Maintain the calculated airspeed, increasing airspeed may cause the rope to approach the aircraft.
What are the two warnings for upright spin?
- The spin may induce disorientation, in which case controls should be neutralized. 2. Accelerated entry spins may produce non-standard spin characteristics.
What are the three cautions for upright spin?
- To prevent unintentional spins, do not stall the aircraft. 2. Do not delay recovery from the dive. An over G or over speed may occur. 3. Spins and spiral dives may be easily confused. If airspeed exceeds 60 knots, execute spiral dive recovery.
What is the note for upright spin?
Although the aircraft will normally recover if controls are neutralized, performing the manual recovery will ensure minimum altitude loss.
What are the two warnings for spiral dive recovery?
- Do not make abrupt control movements above VA. 2. Do not exceed VNE and do not use more than one-third control deflection at VNE.
What are the three cautions for spiral dive recovery?
- Airspeed and G-Limits can be exceeded during recovery from a spiral dive. 2. Special attention should be paid to timely recovery. 3. Spins and spiral dives can be easily confused.
What are the two warnings for jammed flight control?
- If unable to maintain a safe tow position, release. 2. If proper turn coordination is not exercised near stall, a spin may occur.
What is the note for jammed flight control?
If on tow and control is sufficient, consider remaining on tow prior to performing a controllability check.
What are the three notes for a controllability check?
- If time permits, perform a controllability check prior to pattern entry. 2. No airbrake patterns are difficult to fly well. 3. If on tow, consider remaining on tow prior to the controllability check.
What are the two warnings for a controllability check?
- Do not use airbrakes if there is significant structural damage in the wings or near the airbrakes. 2. Do not slow below 45 knots or to a point where more than half of total control input is required to maintain control.
What are the five warnings for bailout?
- Delaying bailout below 2,000 feet greatly reduces chance of survival. 2. Plan to bailout from the left side of the aircraft if the canopy does not separate. 3. It is critical to push free of the aircraft. 4. If bailout is accomplished in a spin, bailout opposite the direction of the spin. 5. If aircraft is uncontrollable, get out any way possible.
What are the two warnings for forced landing?
- There may be hazards in the landing area. Roads are a poor landing choice. Every attempt should be made to identify hazards prior to landing. 2. Flying too high may lead to the inability to stop in a given distance.
What is the caution for forced landing?
It is usually best to land uphill, even if there is a tailwind.
What are the three notes for forced landing?
- Obstructions in the approach path reduce the available field length by ten times the obstacle height. 2. Various circumstances dictate how much of the forced landing pattern may be flown. 3. If immediate assistance is required after a forced landing, turn the ELT to “ON”.
What are the two warnings for inadvertent flight into IMC?
- Performing a turn without visual cues can lead to spiral dive. 2. Spins are not recommended as a means to lose altitude in IMC flight.
What is the decision distance for a ground loop?
130 feet.
What is the warning for minimum crew requirements?
On solo flights, secure the rear seat and safety harness.
What are the aircraft CG limits?
7.48 inches to 17.32 inches.
Where is the CG datum on the TG-16A?
The leading edge of the wing root.
What are the TG-16 prohibited maneuvers?
IMC flight and night flight.
What is the TG-16 crosswind limit?
16 knots.
What is the TG-16 maximum non-lifting parts weight?
1034 pounds.
What is the weight of the wings?
401.5 pounds.
What is the caution for the baggage compartment?
Heavy cargo should be secured to the compartment floor. Maximum weight over the compartment centerline should not exceed 16.5 pounds.
What is the maximum seat weight?
242 pounds.
What is the maximum combined seat weight?
463 pounds.
What is the warning for G-limitations?
Discrepancies between the front and rear G-meter greater than 0.4 Gs should be written up.
What are the aerobatic G limits at VA?
Positive 7 / Negative 5
What are the aerobatic G limits at VA with wind gusts?
Positive 5.4 / Negative 3.4
What are the two cautions for G-limitations?
- The wind gust limit is based on light to occasional moderate turbulence. 2. Do not perform aerobatics in turbulence greater than light to occasional moderate.
What are the aerobatic G limits at Vne?
Positive 7 / Negative 5
What are the aerobatic G limits at Vne with wind gusts?
Positive 4.6 / Negative 2.6
What are the aerobatic G-Limits with airbrakes extended?
Positive 3.5 / 0
What are the utility G-Limits with airbrakes extended?
Positive 3.5 / 0
What are the utility G-limits at VA?
Positive 5.3 / Negative 2.6
What are the utility G-limits at Vne?
Positive 4 / Negative 1.5
What is Vne below 10,000 feet?
146 knots.
What is Vne at 13,000 feet?
138 knots.
What is Va?
100 knots.
What is Vra?
100 knots.
What is Vt (maximum tow airspeed)
100 knots.
What is dual max L/D?
61 knots.
What is solo max L/D?
54 knots.
What is dual min sink speed?
50 knots.
What is solo min sink speed?
45 knots.
What is pattern airspeed?
54 plus one half maximum headwind velocity.
What is wings level stall speed at aerobatic weight?
40 knots.
What is wings level stall speed at utility weight?
41 knots.
What is wings level stall speed at aerobatic weight with airbrakes extended?
43.1 knots.
What is wings level stall speed at utility weight with airbrakes extended?
43.8 knots.
What is the airbrakes extended, 45 degree bank stall speed?
51.3 knots.
What is the range of the airspeed indicator’s green arc?
47.5 to 100 knots.
What is the range of the airspeed indicator’s yellow arc?
100 to 146 knots.
What speed is the airspeed indicator’s yellow triangle at?
54 knots.
What speed is the airspeed indicator’s red line at?
146 knots.
What are the three airspeed limitation warnings?
- Do not exceed Vne or use more than one-third control input at that speed. 2. Do not make abrupt control movements above VA. 3. At high airspeeds, airbrakes should only be used in an emergency.
How is best glide speed defined?
Best glide speeds is max L/D corrected for wind with added 1/2 max headwind not to exceed Vne or minus 1/2 max tailwind not to subceed min sink.
What are the five approved maneuvers?
- Spins. 2. Inside loop. 3. Chandelle. 4. Lazy eight. 5. Hammerhead.
What is the test strength of the tow rope per the dash one?
2000 pounds.
What is the rope length per the dash one?
100-230 feet.
What is the Abort Boldface?
What is the Rope Break Boldface?
What is the Upright Spin Boldface?