11-2SailplaneV3 (Front Seat) Flashcards
Who is designated as PIC for a specific sortie?
The pilot with the most experience in the mission being performed.
What are the primary responsibilities of the PIC?
Safety foremost and mission completion.
When is it acceptable to deviate from published procedures?
When safety dictates.
What is the maximum flying time for pilots?
8 hours per day.
What mission is the exception for the maximum flying time?
Cross country.
What type of aircraft are sailplanes considered under AFMAN 11-202v3
Who is ultimately responsible for mission planning?
The PIC.
How is an alternate mission defined?
Any mission that is less complex than the planned mission.
When is an alternate mission not required?
Pattern tows.
When are area charts required?
When flying outside of the local flying area.
What documents are required in a sailplane to fly?
1.Weight and balance report 2. Airworthiness Certificate 3. Aircraft Registration 4. AFTO 781F 5. Flight crew checklist 6. Unit developed pilot aid (In-Flight Guide)
What documents may be given to an AM-251 student in lieu of an In-Flight Guide and Aircraft Checklist?
A unit developed checklist.
What is the length of the SPLA?
3,450 feet.
What is the width of the SPLA?
600 feet.
What is the length of the turf?
3,000 feet.