Sagae Thessalae Flashcards
cum haec etiam loca prōvinciae clārae vīsitāre cuperem,
Since I also wanted to visit these places of a famous province,
iuvenis ego Mīlētō profectus ad spectāculum Olympicum,
(When I was) a young man having set out from Miletus to the Olympic Games,
peragrātā tōtā Thessaliā Lārissam pervēnī.
I travelled through the whole of Thessaly, and arrived at Larissa.
ac dum urbem pererrāns tenuātō viāticō paupertātī meae fōmenta quaerō,
And while wandering through the city with my travelling allowance diminished I looked for* remedies for my poverty,
mediō in forō senem cōnspiciō. īnsistēbat lapidem magnāque vōce praedicābat,
(and) I caught sight of an old man in the middle of the forum. He was standing on a stone and proclaiming in a loud voice,
- magnāque, historic present, the importance of what he is about to say
sī quis mortuum custōdīre vellet,
(that) if anyone wished / was willing to guard a dead man,
- alliteration Mortuum and magnum(next card) show the great danger
- assonance of um sound joins these words together
Magnum praemium acceptūrum esse.
he would receive a big reward.
- alliteration Mortuum(previous card) and magnum show the great danger
- assonance of um sound joins these words together
et cuīdam praetereuntī “quid hoc” inquam “audiō? hīc mortuī solent aufugere
And I said to somebody passing by, “What’s this I hear? Do the dead usually run away around here
- short snappy sentences
- emphatic positioning
- his ignorance in making fun
“tacē,” respondit ille “nam puer et satis peregrīnus es,
“Be quiet,” he replied, “for you are a boy and a mere stranger,
meritōque nescīs in Thessaliā tē esse,
and naturally you don’t know that you are in Thessaly,
- in Thessaliā, emphatic positioning
- importance of the place
ubi sāgae ōra mortuōrum semper dēmorsicant, quae sunt illīs artis magicae suplēmenta”
where witches always bite pieces out of the faces of the dead, which are extra-ingredients for them in their magic art”
- assonance of mor
- eating away to death
- vivid, frightening
contrā ego: “quālī custōdēlā” inquam “opus est?”
In reply I said, “What sort of protection is needed?”
“iam prīmum” respondit ille “tōtam noctem eximiē vigilandum est apertīs et incōnīvīs oculīs semper in cadāver intentīs,
“To begin with,” he replied, “all night you must stay fully awake with eyes open and sleepless, directed always at the corpse,
- totam, first word of speech
- WHOLE night, very important as first word
nec aciēs usquam dēvertenda est,
and your glance must not be turned away anywhere (else),
-acies, line of battle, deadly, this is his only defence
cum illae pessimae sāgae latenter arrēpant,
since those very wicked witches creep up secretly,
-latenter, used in an evil sense
fōrmā in quodvīs animal conversā.
with their shape changed into any animal.
nam et avēs et canēs et mūrēs, immō vērō etiam muscās, induunt
For they take the form of birds, (and) dogs (and) mice, and indeed
Even flies
hīs cognitīs animum meum commasculō et statim accēdēns senem,
After finding this out, I strengthened* my spirit and approaching the old man at once,
- statim, quickens pace, building tension
- desine,adest, juxtaposition, mo vivid
“clāmāre” inquam “iam dēsine. adest custōs parātus.”
I said, “Stop shouting now! A guard is here (and) ready.”
vix fīnieram, et statim mē perdūcit ad domum quandam,
Scarcely had I finished, when he led* me at once to a certain house,
-finieram to statim, change to the historic present, reflects a quickening of pace
ubi dēmōnstrat mātrōnam flēbilem fuscīs vestīmentīs contēctam.
where he pointed* to a weeping woman dressed in dark clothes.
-flebilem fuscis, chiasmus
illa surrēxit et ad cubiculum mē indūxit.
She got up and led me into a bedroom.
-short, STRAIGHT to the bedroom -a quick BJ
Ibi corpus splendentibus linteīs coopertum manū revēlāvit.
There she uncovered with her hand a body wrapped in shining-white sheets.
- Corpus, then description, a build up
- contrast body and shining white sheet
ubi singula anxiē dēmōnstrāvit, exiit.
When she (had) anxiously pointed out the individual features, she went out.
sīc desōlātus ad cadāveris sōlācium,
Thus left alone to the care of the corpse,
-SOL, long vowels, gloomy
perfrictīs oculīs et parātīs ad vigiliam,
with my eyes rubbed and ready for guard duty,
- vigiliam
- guard/ sleeplessness
dum animum meum permulcēbam cantātiōnibus,
while I was soothing my mind/spirit with songs,
usque ad mediam noctem pervigilābam.
I stayed awake until midnight.
tum autem mihi formīdō cumulātior cum repente intrōrēpēns mustēla contrā mē cōnstitit oculōsque in mē fixit.
But then my terror (became) greater when suddenly a weasel, creeping in, stopped in front of me and fixed its eyes on me.
- Rep,rep,con,con
- alliteration of t
- something’s not right, eery
tanta fidūcia in tantulō animālī mihi turbāvit animum.
Such great self-confidence in so small an animal disturbed my mind.
-tanta, tantulo, contort, something scarier under its appearance