Safety Survival Programs for Collection System Operators Flashcards
What skill most marks the professionalism of the collection system operator?
The skill that most marks the professionalism of collection system operator is the operators ability to carry out work assignments safely. Page 341
What are the three common factors that are important to prevent accidents?
The three common factors that are important to prevent accidents are: * Awareness. * Responsibility. * commitment. Page 341
What is the overall objective of this chapter?
The overall objective of this chapter is to make operators aware of the hazards of working in the collection system environment. Page 342
List of Hazards discussed in this section that might be encountered by collection system operators in the performance of routine daily tasks and work assignments.
Hazards encountered by collection system operators in the performance of routine daily tasks and work assignments include:
Falling objects.
Infections and diseases. Lacerations and contusions. Falls.
poisonous or toxic gases. Page 342
Where and under what condition are operators most likely to slip and fall?
Slips and Falls are most likely to occur when working in or around wet Wells and metering flumes where slime can accumulate and surfaces are wet. When working in Northern climates snow ice Frost and below freezing temperatures demand extra caution in the winter time. Page 342
Can AIDS be in contracted from working in the Wastewater industry?
The scientific evidence today indicates that A.I.D.S cannot be contracted through occupational exposure associated with Wastewater collection treatment.
Page 344
How can an explosion in a sewer be set off when the mixture of air and gas is within explosive limits?
Explosion in a sewer can be set off by spark from an automobile and improper tool or even a shoe nail as well as the more obvious Open Flame or cigarette when the mixture of Air Gases within explosive limits. Page 345
What gas is the most dangerous and most likely to be encountered in Wastewater collection systems?
The number of toxic gases are found in the Wastewater collection system. Hydrogen sulfide is the most dangerous and most likely to be encountered because it is generated during the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter and it is heavier than air and tends to concentrate near the bottom of enclosed spaces. Page 346
When might an operator encounter oxygen deficient atmosphere?
Operator might encounter oxygen deficient atmosphere during the new construction inspection. Inside pipelines and any time an operator is working inside confined spaces such as manholes sewer lines and wet Wells. Page 347
Why are traffic mishaps a high-risk area for collection system operators?
Traffic mishaps are a high-risk area for collection system operators because access to a collection system is frequently from streets and roadways. Page 347
Where will collection system operators most likely find black widow spiders and scorpions?
Collection system operators are most likely to find black widow spiders and scorpions in collection system facilities and structures such as manholes metering enclosures and electrical control enclosures. Page 347
List two sources of equipment noise which can result in permanent hearing loss?
Permanent hearing loss can result if an operator is in exposed to engine driven pumps standby power generators large ventilation blowers air compressors jackhammers concrete cut-off saws or High Velocity cleaners over a period of time unless adequate hearing protection is worn. Page 347
What are the major types of accidents and injuries in collection system work?
The major types of accidents and injuries in collection system work are: *sprains and *strains. *Being struck by object *falling. Page 346
What should be the basis for a safety survival program?
The basis for a safety survival program should be; Safe operation shall take precedence over expediency or shortcuts. Page 354
List the three levels of structure within an agency for a safety program?
Typically the structure within an agency for a safety program consists of the following levels: Administration department which states “we will have a safety program”.
Safety department which “says we will help with the resources.”
Safety Committee which is “where the corrective action is”
Page 354.
What are the responsibilities of top Administration for a safety survival program?
The responsibilities of top ministration for a safety survival program include:
Promote the concept.
Approve policies and procedures.
Require adherence to safety procedures.
Ensure adequate budget resources.
Monitor the effectiveness of the program and communicate with regulatory agencies as required.
Page 354
List the responsibilities of the safety department staff for a safety survival program
The responsibilities of the safety department staff for a safety survival program include:
Coordination and distribute safety requirements and regulations.
Provide safety resources. Coordinate safety activities with regard to Agency Insurance programs.
Provide facility safety inspections.
Provide support for training and programs.
Conduct ongoing evaluation of safety procedures with revisions as required.
Page 354
Supervisors and managers are responsible for what aspects of a safety survival program?
Supervisors and managers are responsible for the following aspects of a safety survival program:
Being aware of safety rules and regulations.
Ensuring the safety of other Personnel who work in or pass through the area of supervision.
Providing job safety instruction and new employee orientation.
Conducting safety training within their area.
Identifying safe unsafe practices and conditions and take corrective action. Investigating injury producing accidents and property damage accidents. Maintaining a firm commitment to a safety survival program. Promoting and enforcing the use of personal protective equipment.
Page 354 355
What are the responsibilities of operators in the field with regard to a safety survival program?
What are the responsibilities of operators in the field with regard to a safety survival program include. Understanding and following all safety procedures and policies.
Making the commitment to the safety survival program. Assuming the responsibility to make the program a part of their daily routine. Page 355
How do monthly safety meetings differ from tailgate sessions?
Monthly safety meetings are more comprehensive than tailgate safety sessions. Monthly meetings can last up to an hour or more depending on the topic as compared to 10 minutes for tailgate safety sessions. Page 355
Who can conduct safety programs?
Safety programs can be conducted either by operators or by employees of outside agencies. Page 355
Who should be on a Safety Committee?
A Safety Committee could consist of representatives from each area of the collection system such as office Personnel
electrical mechanical maintenance
If the collection system Staff is small the committee consists of representatives from other department such as Street water parks and other areas which share some of the main safety survival programs.
Page 356
What should the Safety Committee do if an accident results from an unsafe Act use of the wrong tool or improper use of a piece of equipment?
If an accident resulted from an unsafe Act, use of the wrong tool or improper use of a piece of equipment the training procedures need to be changed to correct the safety hazard.
Page 356
How frequently should operators be trained using personal protective equipment PPE?
Frequency of training requirements for personnel protective equipment PPE include.
Prior to use or changes
Annual training is advisable
Page 357
What are the core elements of a utility’s safety and health program?
The core elements of a utility’s safety and health program include:
*Management leadership and employee participation.
*Hazard identification and assessment.
*Hazard prevention and control.
* Information and training.
* Evaluation of program effectiveness.
Page 357
If there are permit required confined spaces in the workplace what information must employers provide to exposed employees?
Employers must inform employees who are exposed to permit required confined spaces of the existence, location and danger posed by the confined spaces.
What is the order sequence for testing the internal atmosphere of a confined space?
Before an employee enters the internal atmosphere of a confined space must be tested in the following order:
- Oxygen content.
- Flammable gases and Vapors. *Potential toxic air contaminants.
What happens to a confined space entry permit signed by the entry supervisor and verifying the pre-entry preparations have been completed and the space is safe to enter?
A confined space entry permit signed by the entry supervisor and verify the space is safe to enter must be posted at entrances to the space or otherwise made available to entrants before they enter the permit space.
When do operators who work in confined spaces require additional training?
What operators work in confined spaces additional training is required:
*The job duties change.
*There is a change in permit space program or the permit space operation presents a new Hazard.
When an employee’s job performance shows deficiencies.
What is the definition of work on Machinery or equipment used by lockout
The definition of work on Machinery or equipment used for a lockout policy is:
Or cleaning of blocked or jammed Machinery or equipment.
What information must be included in a energy control procedure?
Energy control procedure must outline the:
rules and techniques that will be used to control hazardous energy sources as well as the means that would be used to enforce compliance.
What is the purpose of an energy isolating device?
The energy isolating device is a mechanism that prevents the transmission or release of energy and to which all locks or tags are attached.
This device guards against accidental machine or equipment startup or the unexpected, re-energization of equipment during service or maintenance.
What training must employees have before doing work that requires use of personal protective equipment PPE?
Before doing work that requires use of personal protective equipment employees must be trained to know when personal protective equipment is necessary; what type is necessary; how is it to be worn; and what its limitations are, as well as its proper care, maintenance, useful life and Disposal.
When is eye and face protection equipment required by OSHA?
I and face protective equipment is required by OSHA Whenever there is a reasonable probability that it will prevent injuries.
Hard hats can protect employees from what source of potential hazards?
Hard hats are extremely versatile and can protect employees from a multitude of potential hazards, including, impact to the Head, electrical shocks, splashes, spills, and drips, and flammatory and hair risks.
Why should an accident report be prepared after every accident?
An accident report must be prepared by the supervisor after every accident to prevent similar accidents from happening in the future.
What information should be included in an accident report?
Information that should be included in an accident report include.
Identification of injured person. Nature of the injuries. Circumstances at the time of the accident.
First aid or medical referral given.
List of witnesses who saw the accident.
Corrective action taken to prevent similar accidents.
What are the color codes and risk levels for the u.s. homeland security advisory system?
The color codes and risk levels for the U.S.. homeland security advisory system include:
Red severe risk of terrorist attacks
Orange high risk of terrorist attacks
Yellow significant risk elevated condition
Blue General risk guarded condition and
Green low risk of terrorist attacks.