Lift Stations Flashcards
How is waste water raised or lifted in a lift or Pump
Wastewater is raised or lift in a lift station by centrifugal pumps or pneumatic injectors.
Page 11
What factors influence the location of lift stations?
The location of a lift station depends on economic factors. They are installed at low points in the collection system at the end of gravity sewers where the following conditions exist: *Excavation cost to maintain gravity flow and sufficient velocity become excessive.
*Soil stability is unsuitable for trenching.
*Groundwater table is too high for installing deep sewers. *Present waste water flows are not sufficient to justify extension of large trunk sewers and a lift station ofters an economical short-term solution. Lift station locations are also influenced by the location of other utilities, buildings and transit systems.
Page 11
Which two safety items must be considered in operating and maintaining and lift station?
Safety of The Operators involved in operating and maintaining the lift stations must be considered as well as a safety of the public
page 12
What type of pump is often installed in a wet well?
A submersible pump is often installed in a wet well
page 12
What is a limitation of installing a pump inside a wet well?
Limitation of installing a pump inside a wet well is limited access to the pumping equipment which creates a problem when the pump has to be repaired.
Page 14
What is the most desirable operational situation for a lift station?
The most desirable operational situation for a lift station is when all the flow and solids that discharge into the wet well from the gravity sewer are lifted to the higher elevation and continue to the wastewater treatment plant without delay.
Page 14
What are the effects of water hammer?
Water hammer causes extremely high pressure shock waves to travel up and down a force main.
Water hammer associated with check valve slamming can produce a force strong enough to damage check valves and piping in the station.
In severe cases, water hammer can brake-force Mains and thereby cause a system failure and flooding.
In some cases negative pressure sufficient to collapse a pipe can develop and can also contribute to the destructive effects of water hammer.
Page 22
What is the difference between static heads and dynamic heads?
Static heads are measured when the pump is not operating and are the differences in elevation (in feet) between the surface of the water on the suction side of the pump and the surface of the water on a discharge side of the pump.
Dynamic heads are measured when the pump is operating and depend on the velocity of water in the pump suction and discharge pipes.
Dynamic heads are greater than static heads because they include the static heads plus the friction loss in the suction and discharge pipes.
Page 25
Friction losses in lift stations are the results of which factors?
Friction losses in lift stations result from pipe friction and the friction losses due to the water flowing through pipe fittings such as valves, Reducers, and elbow.
The greater the velocity of flow in pipes the greater the friction losses.
Page 25
Why should the pumps in a lift station not start and stop frequently?
Pumps in a lift station should not start and stop frequently because frequent motor starts cause excessive wear on the equipment and may cause surges in the waste water flow. Also frequent starting will increase power cost.
Page 28
What problems develop in a wet well that is too large?
If a wet well is too large, solids will tend to accumulate on the bottom because the wet well will be acting as a settling tank, similar to what occurs in a treatment plant sedimentation tank or clarifier.
Accumulated solids partially or totally block the pump suction pipes, over a period of time, microorganisms decomposing the organic material will generate hydrogen sulfide (toxic) and Methane (explosive) gas, as well as nuisance odors. Page 28
What is the main advantage of variable speed pumping equipment?
The main advantage of variable speed pumping Equipment is that the pumping speed or rate can be adjusted to match the pump capacity or the flow rate into the wet well. Page 29
A collection systems for only domestic and Industrial Wastewaters, why have bar racks or screens at the lift stations been eliminated by some agencies?
In collection systems for only domestic and Industrial Waste Waters bar racks or screens at the lift station have been eliminated by some agencies because most pumping units are equipped with open impellers or closed two-port impellers sized to pass solids up to the size of a 2.5 inch diameter sphere.
This is the largest size spear that may pass through most home toilets and disposal systems. In addition the necessity of visiting a Station 1 or 2 times a day to clean a screen and struggle with hauling the screenings to a disposal site is eliminated. Page 31
What happens when a seal fails on a submersible pump?
When a seal fails on a submersible pump, the wastewater can leak into the motor compartment and the unit willshort or burn out the motor.
Page 40
What are some advantages of solid state motor starters compared to Conventional electro-mechanical starters?
When compared to Conventional electromechanical starters Solid State motor starters offer certain advantages. Typically Solid State motor starters incorporate current sensing devices in each phase of the power being supplied to the motor. This allows much more precise overload protection for the motor. The system can also detect nuisance types control inputs from floats pressure switches or other input devices. Mechanical wear on the contacts is also reduced which prolongs contact life and reduces maintenance. Other features of solid state starters include phase unbalance and phase loss protection as well as ground-fault protection.
Page 46
What are the 3 types of float controllers?
The three types of float controls are: * Rod-attached floats. *Steel tape, cable, or rope-attached floats. *Mercury switch float controls Page 47 - 48
Ball floats are usually attached to a steel rod or float rod. The float rod is equipped with brass stops. Explain how these stops are used to select the wet well rise and fall levels.
When the wet well fills the bottom stop of the float ride pushes a micro switch arm up and starts the pump.
When the wet well is pumped down the floats drops and the ride travels downward.
When the top stop on the float rod pushes the micro switch arm down it turns the pump off.
The wet well rise and fall levels are selected or Changed by moving the rods stops to new positions on the float rod.
Page 47
What are the limitations of rope or cable attached float control systems?
Limitations of rope or cable attached float Control Systems include the following:
- Grease and debris may enter the stilling well and hinder or stop the up-and-down movement of the float. (These must be removed)
- The float attachment line or counterbalance line may break and unwind from the drum sheave thus allowing the counterbalance to fall in all or none of the pumps should be called on to operate.
- Floats develop please which may change or stop pump operation.
- Cables or ribbons attached to the flow can become twisted.
How does an ultrasonic level detector measure water levels?
A transducer is mounted above the highest water level in the wet well. The transducer generates ultra Sonic pulses which hit the water surface and bounce back to the transducer. The system measures the pulse’s travel time and converts this information into an electrical signal in the control system.
Page 49
What safety considerations are necessary when using electrode controllers?
Electrical safety regulations must be complied with when using electrode controllers. Be sure that power to the electrodes is turned off and properly tagged before performing any maintenance on the equipment.
Operators should be cautioned not to touch electrodes with bar screen
rakes or other tools.
Page 53
What are the limitations of electrode controllers?
Limitations of electrode controllers include the following:
*Rags and the debris can a wrap around electrodes and alter desired pump start and stop water levels and sequences of pumps.
*Grease or slime can cover and electrode, thus preventing good conductivity and causing intermittent or unreliable operation.
Page 53
What are the limitations of enclosed-electrode controllers(Sealtrode units)?
Limitations of enclosed Electro controllers (sealtrode units)include the following:
*When the bulb breaks, the electrolyte solution is lost. *Shorts can occur in the electrode wiring.
Bulb life is three to five years.
Page 53
How is the depth of water in a wet well measured using a pressure-sensing controller?
Pressure sensing controllers measure the depth of water in a wet well on the basis of air pressure or back pressure in the air bubbler line.
Page 53
How are pressure changes detached in a pressure-sensing controller?
Pressure sensing controllers detect pressure changes by measuring the back pressure required to overcome the pressure created by the level of the water above the outlet of the bubbler.
Page 53
What are the limitations of pressure-sensing controllers?
Limitations of pressure sensing controllers include The Following:
* Air compressor failure. *Bubbler blockage (the line must be purged regularly) tube breakage or Outlet elevation shifts.
*Complex equipment provides more opportunity for failures and requires a higher level of training for operators to troubleshoot, repair, and keep instruments calibrated.
Page 56
What are the two major types of pumps?
The two major types of pumps are positive displacement pumps and kinetic (or dynamic) pumps
page 58
Which type of pump is most commonly used in raw wastewaterlift stations?
Kinetic (or dynamic) pumps, usually of the centrigugal type, are most commonly used in raw Wastewater lift stations.
Page 58
Why should lift stations be equipped with at least two pumps?
What station should be equipped with at least two pumps because they must be capable of operating even peak flow periods with the possibility of one pump been out of service for maintenance. A station designed for capacity at peak flows will normally have one additional pump size to handle Peak flow pumping requirements. If two pumps are required under Peak flow circumstances, the station should have three pumps and so on.
Page 59
Why must pump seal water from a domestic water supply have an air gap?
Pump seal water from a domestic water supply must have an air gap to prevent contamination of the public water supply from backflows.
Page 66
Under what conditions is cavitation likely to occur?
Cavitation is likely to occur if modifications over time change the basic balance of the hydraulic system if the system was improperly designed or if the wrong pump has been used for a particular application. Page 68
List the major valves found in wastewater lift stations
The major valves found in Wastewater lift stations are:
Pump suction and discharge isolation valves (gate, plug, knife)
Discharge check valves (swing or ball check, wafer).
Cross-connect or pump discharge pipe manifold isolation valves (gate, plug)
Page 75.
Where are pump suction and discharge isolation gate valves located and why?
Suction and discharge isolation gate valves are found immediately before and after the pump to allow isolation of the pump from the wet well and the Force main during pump or check valve maintenance.
Page 75
Where are check valves installed and why?
Check valves are installed in the discharge of the pump to provide a positive shut-off from Force main pressure when the pump is shut off and to prevent the forcemain from draining back into the wet well.
Page 78-79
Why should operation and maintenance operators be given an opportunity to review the prints and specfications of a new lift station before the award of a Construction contract.
Operation and maintenance operators should review prints and specifications of a new lift station before construction to be sure adequate Provisions have been made for the station to be easily and properly operated and maintained.
Page 81
Why is accessibility to a lift station important?
Accessibility to a lift station is important not only for equipment, but for operators to get to the station and to easily operate and maintain the station.
Page 81
When reviewing lift station specifications for the accessibility of equipment what basic items should be determined?
When reviewing lift station specifications for the acceptability of the equipment determine if the equipment is familiar to your agency and if its reliability has been proven. Find out what warranties, guarantees, and operation and maintenance aids will be provided with the equipment and the lift stations.
Page 82
Why is it important that prints and specifications be carefully reviewed before construction and installation?
Prints and specifications should be carefully reviewed before Construction and installation because changes are easily made on paper and I’m much more difficult in the field.
Page 82
Who should inspect a lift station after it is completed, but before it is accepted?
After a lift station is completed but before it is accepted it should be inspected by the engineer, the contractor, and the operators responsible for its operation and maintenance page 82
Where should information regarding lift station equipment and performance be filed?
Information regarding lift station equipment and performance should be filed with a copy in the lift station and a duplicate copy at the agency office.
Page 83
Why should data from initial test on equipment in recorded and filed?
Data from initial test on equipment should be recorded and filed to document that the equipment meets specifications and to show how it performed when stalled. Page 83
What is the best strategy for inspecting a new lift station to ensure that adequate preparations are in place for all kinds of circumstances?
Once a lift station is built it is time to inspect the new station to ensure that adequate preparations are in place for all kinds of circumstances.
The best strategy for this inspection is ask yourself what problem will be face when maintenance and repairs are to be carried out under adverse conditions.
Think of the worst situations so that your preparations will be adequate when needed. Page 83
What are the hazards that may be encountered when entering a lift station or other Wastewater facility?
The hazards that may be encountered are the following: Insufficient oxygen.
Explosive and toxic gases. Poor footing caused by Grease or slimes.
Unsafe stairs and walkways. Dangerous electrical gear. Inadequate drainage.
Page 84
What atmospheric conditions must be checked and found to be satisfactory before it is permissible to enter a wet well?
If a wet will is it be entered Begin by monitoring the wet will for toxic or poisonous gases, explosive gases and lack of oxygen. If all conditions are satisfactory then and only then is it permissible to enter the wet well.
Page 84
Where should the inspection of electrical equipment begin?
When inspecting electrical equipment start by recording all nameplate Data.
Page 84
Should extra fuses be kept at the station? Why?
Extra fuses should be kept at the station so blown fuses can be replaced immediately and Equipment downtime can be minimized.
Page 84
When inspecting an electrical circuit or equipment and what position should the main breaker be positioned?
When inspecting an electrical circuit or equipment the main breaker to the equipment being inspected must be locked off in the OFF position page 84
Before a lift station becomes operational what is essential for the operator to learn?
Before a liftt station becomes operational it is essential to learn how things are supposed to work read the operation instructions and examine the controls for their proper operation. Move all switches with the power off to see how they operate check reset buttons and know what they are supposed to do.
Page 84
What is the purpose of anti rotation equipment on a pump?
Anti rotation equipment is used to prevent the pump from rotating in the wrong direction page 84
What can happen if a universal joint on a drive shaft is unlubricated?
If a universal joint on a drive shaft is over lubricated the Seal of a universal joint will rupture and cause failure by allowing entrance of foreign material.
Page 85
An engine must be inspected for the sufficiency of which three items in order to operate properly?
The engine must be inspected for sufficient oil, water and fuel to operate properly.
Page 85
What can happen to an engine if it’s internal alarm system fails to shut down devices?
If an engine internal alarm system fails to shut down devices the engine could burn up.
Page 85
What precautions should you take when lubricating the church the clutch throw out bearings?
When lubricating the clutch throwout bearings lubrication should not be excessive because the friction plates will fail if contaminated with grease.
Page 85
What must one look for when changing engine oil?
When changing engine oil inspector oil for metal fillings and sludge as indicators of engine condition.
Look for water or an oil/water emulsion that indicates water in the wrong place.
Page 85
Why should an engine’s fuel tank be kept full?
An engine fuel tank should be kept full to prevent condensate from forming on top of the tank.
Page 87
Why is it important to check everything on an engine so thoroughly?
It is important to check everything on an engine thoroughly because inspecting and obtaining a standard for the engine will help tremendously when problems occur. The jobs of troubleshooting and repairing become easy when you have a good data for reference.
Page 87
What should be done before a lift station is placed in service for its operational inspection?
Before a lift station is placed in service for its operational inspection remove any floating debris left by the contractor in the sump or off the bar rack.
Problem materials include cans, bottles, small pieces of wood, such as grade stakes or pieces of plastic of any size.
The debris left in the sump should be removed to prevent damage to the pump, plugging of the eye of the impeller and clogging of pipelines.
Page 87
After all debris is removed from the sump and bar rack what is the next step in the operational inspection of a lift station?
After all debris is removed from the sump and bar rack open any valves on the influent line to fill the wet well.
Make certain that the pump Volute drain lines and vent lines are closed.
If there is no wet well, open the valve to the suction side of the pump. Inspect the sump and bar rack at this point for debris and free flow into the station.
Page 87
What are the ways by which the sump level can be determined?
The sump level can be determined by: *Inspecting the sump level indicator *Visually checking the sump level. *Watching the rise in the pump control stilling well. Page 87
How would you determine if the rotation of the pump shaft is correct?
Watch the rotation of the pump shaft to see that the rotation is correct.
There is usually a narrow indicated to the side of the pump to indicate the proper direction.
If there is not refer to the manufacturer’s manual to find out how to determine correct rotation.
If the pump is a centrifical pump the rotation is in the direction of the Volute.
Another means of determining rotation is to take a load check of the amperage drawn by the pump motor and compare this value with the motor nameplate data.
If the rotation is in the wrong direction the app reading will be lower than the motor rating. Page 87-88
When performing the operational inspection of a lift station why is it important to record all the data that has been observed?
It is important to record all the data that has been observed because this information becomes the base for future operation reference.
Page 88
After all operating controls are in proper position and mechanical checks on the engine or made who should be notified that the lift station is being tested?
After all operating controls are in the proper position and mechanical checks on the engine or made notify operators of downstream lift stations and wastewater treatment plants that the lift station is being tested.
Tell them the volumes of water than that can be expected then allow the sump to fill and activate the station.
Page 88
When inspecting the packing gland omechanical seal how much leakage should be there?
If the unit has a mechanical seal there should be no leakage. If it is a packing gland get the data on the size and type of packing needed.
Set the packing so that there will be leakage of approximately approximately one drop per second.
Page 88
What are the special precautions to take when inspecting Teflon packing?
If the packing is Teflon, you must adjust the gland tight with the fingers and run the pump 15 to 30 minutes while you watch the packing gland. Teflon will expand. Do not tighten the gland during this period of operation. You are watching to see that it does not get hot if Teflon gets hot it will glaze and stop working properly.
Page 88
Most mechanical seals have flushing water supplied to the seal. What should be the pressure above the pump discharge pressure?
Most mechanical seals have flushing water supplied to the seal. The pressure needed here is 3 to 5 PSI above the pump discharge pressure. Page 88
When testing the operation of a lift station what should you do if you think a unit is not functioning properly?
Do not operate any unit if you think it is not functioning properly. Shut it down and have the contractor examine the problem. When the problem is corrected to your satisfaction you may proceed with the test operation. All gauges should be inspected and their ser points recorded. Page 89
How can nearby streams and rivers be protected from Wastewater when a lift station fails?
Nearby streams and rivers can be protected from Wastewater when a lift station fails by the use of portable Emergency Equipment to pump the Wastewater to a functioning section of the downstream collection system and not to the environment.
Page 94
How can complaints from the public about a lift station be minimized?
Complaints from the public about a lift station can be minimized if the operators responsible for the lift station maintain it in a top operating condition and respond to complaints and questions in a positive and concerned manner. When responding to a complaint be sure to tell the public what has been done or what will be done to correct the complaint.
Page 94
What is the one rule that should apply to all lift station visits?
The one rule that should apply to all lift station visits is that for safety precautions there must always be two operators making the station visit.
Page 94
What items are factors influence the frequency of Love station visits for operational inspections?
The frequency of Loop Station visits for operational inspection depends on the following.
Number of stations in the community.
*Type of Wastewater being conveyed.
*Potential damage from Storm flooding the station.
*Condition of the equipment. *Design of the facility and Equipment installed.
*Adequacy of the preventive maintenance overhaul program.
* Type,adequacy and reliability of the Telemetry system.
*Attitude of the operating agency toward operation and maintenance.
The number of employees available to visit the lift station.
Page 94
What are the different types of lift station failures?
Lift station failures include:
*Electrical power failures
*Failure of level sensing or other control equipment. *Flooding wet wells.
*Plugged pump impellers or lines.
*Overheated and tripped-out motor thermals.
*Sump pump off and sumps of dry Wells flooded.
*Air or gas bound pump.
*Stuck or block check valve. *Pump control systems not functioning.
Failure of Lift Station telemetry System.
Ventilation fans burn out.
Page 95
What is the critical period of time for a lift station after failure has occurred and why is this important?
The critical period of time for a lift station after failure has occurred is the length of time from when the failure occurs at a high water level in the wet well to when back up flooding or overflow will occur. When this critical time. Is determined it provides the time available for a station crew to respond to an alarm condition.
Page 95
When are daily visits to a lift station required?
Daily visits to a lift station are required when essential operational and maintenance tasks must be performed on a daily basis to keep the station operable and reliable.
Page 95
What requirements must be met to permit limited visits to lift stations of once a week to once a month?
The following is a list of requirements that must be met to permit limited visits to lift stations of once a week to once a month.
*Equipment lubrication reservoirs must be large enough to hold lubricant supplies to meet needs between visits to the station. *Telemetry of the station is required. Most lift stations constructed today are telemeteredr at least for the high water alarm.
Usually other items maybe sensed and alarmed on the same high water alarm signal. *Crews must be able to respond to alarms before flooding or damage occurs
Page 96.
How is an alarm situation transmitted from a lift station to a Dispatch Center?
An electronic interface device located in the lift station can transmit alarm information to a Dispatch Center by radio signals,leased telephone lines or Wireless technology.
In some cases and agency may run its own transmission lines or microwave systems however these methods currently or not common practice.
Page 96
In referring to the actual maintenance or operational types of lift station visits which two types of visits are activities are included?
In referring to the actual maintenance or operational types of lift station visits two types of visits and activities are included:
* Visits to perform scheduled routine preventive maintenance on the equipment and the station.
* Visit to respond to a lift station alarm or emergency condition to restore the station to operation.
Page 102
What elements are needed to allow a lift station to operate automatically for long periods of time and to reduce the number of occasions when a crew must respond to an alarm?
A good preventive maintenance program will allow a lift station to operate automatically for long periods of time.
The maintenance program must include clear written Duty assignments and completion of the assignments must be verified by manager. With a good preventive maintenance program and operational visits scheduled at the proper intervals, there should be few occasions when a crew must respond to an alarm.
Page 102
Why should lift stations have a sign in log?
Lift stations should have a sign in log to reduce the number of mysterious changes in station operation such as, pumps turned off, control system changes and station doors or Gates left unlocked. Also this practice provides a method for reaching the appropriate person when corrective instructions need to be issued.
Page 103
What information is contained in the lift station book?
The lift station book should contain: * station identification number * a map showing important facilities * the station description * safety instructions * equipment data sheets * responses to emergency conditions and * the station's preventive maintenance schedule. Page 103
Why should an emergency crew at a lift station notify the dispatcher when they will call in again?
What an emergency crew arrives at a lift station the dispatcher should be notified and given an estimate of when the crew will call back in again.
This procedure notify the dispatcher that the crew has arrived at the lift station and protects the crew in case a serious injury occurs and they’re unable to contact the dispatcher.
If the crew dos not call in again and a dispatcher cannot contact the crew rescue operations can be started. Page 104
Why should overhead power lines be inspected by e&mergency crews upon arrival at a lift station?
Overhead power lines should be inspected by emergency crews upon arrival at a lift station because if they are broken they could come in contact with a chain link fence or other conductor and electrocuted crewmember opening the gate.
Page 104
What are the major categories of lift station problems?
The major categories of lift station problems are: * Power. * Control systems. * Pump systems. * Structures. Page 107
What are the two major parts of a maintenance program?
The two major parts of a maintenance program are:
* Scheduling the work.
* Performing the work.
Page 109
Why should equipment manufacturer’s recommendations be followed especially during the first year?
Equipment manufacturers recommendations must be closely followed to maintain equipment warranties.
Page 109
Why are the maintenance requirements of wet wells and Force mains sometimes the greater on new lift stations handling low flows
The maintenance requirements of what wells and force Mains are sometimes greater on new lift stations handling low flows because detention times in wet wells and force Mains can become very long and allow the production of hydrogen sulfide.
Page 1 1 0
Why should field crews f e allowed to contribute to decisions regarding the frequency and types of Maintenance tasks required by a lift station?
Field crews should be able to make important contributions to decisions regarding the frequency and types of Maintenance tasks required by a lift station.
These crews are familiar with the station, notice changing conditions and are capable of comparing conditions and operational characteristics with other lift stations.
Page 1 1 0
Why should a form showing work completed be compared with the work assignment?
A form showing work completed must be compared with the work assignment to be sure all scheduled work is completed.
Page 1 12
Why should lift station operation and maintenance records be filed at the agency’s main office rather than being left in the lift station?
Records are important part of a lift station operation and maintenance program. They should be filed at the agency’s main office because records left in the lift station are of little value to supervisors or managers.
Frequently records left and lift stations get lost or misplaced. Page 1 12
Records maintained on each lift station should show the cost of operating and maintaining the facility and should include which cost?
Records maintained on each lift station should show the cost of operating and maintaining the facility and should include the following cost:
* Electrical power cost.
* Fuel cost.
* Operational and maintenance cost on the basis of Labor Vehicles equipment and supplies including water and chlorine used.
* Scheduled preventive maintenance and repair cost on the basis of Labor parts shop expenses Vehicles Tool and Equipment Rental pay lubricants and other supplies. * * Unscheduled repair cost including responding to the Station telenmetry alarms power failures and other problems.
* Repair cost to the station caused by vandalism or accident.
Page 1 12
Why are activity codes used in accounting or to keep track of Lift Station cost?
Activity codes are used to help identify exactly how money is spent on a lift station.
Page 113
Why should reports be written detailing how repairs are made?
Reports should be written detailing how repairs are made so if a similar job must be done in the future this report can serve as a helpful reference.
Page 113