Administration Flashcards
What factors make up discipline?
Obedience application energy respect and behavior go together to make up discipline an essential condition for a smooth-running organization
What are the essential elements of an effective Administration plan?
Overall mission statement of the agency Goals to be attained Specific objectives Tasks and procedures that would lead to the attainment of the mission. Page 428
How can excessive infiltration or exfiltration be reduced?
*Remove sources of infiltration inflow and exfiltration from the collection system.
*Isolate manhole and clean out openings from surface water *Adopt and enforce sewer use regulations prohibiting the illegal discharge of stormwater or groundwater to the Wastewater collection system
Page 429
How can a collection system agency work toward a goal of operating system safely?
*Take actions to constantly promote safe operation by personnel and contractors *Establish safety training programs for personnel *Control risk involved in the operation and maintenance of the collection system
Pg 430
How can management promote safety?
Provide safety equipment and training
Require adherence to Safe work practices
Pg 430
Overflows spills or raw Wastewater bypasses must be reported to whom by the Clearwater superintendent?
Overflow spills or Roar waste bypasses must be reported to the following:
*Regional Water Pollution Control agency
*Local health department *Director of Public Works
Pg 432
What are the responsibilities of Clearwater’s superintendent?
Superintendent responsible for field activities, planning and implementing maintenance, operation training and safety aspects of the section.
Page 432
In becoming fairly familiar with the collection system facility and its problems what sorts of information can Clearwater superintendent obtained from a review of agency records maps and the physical system?
*Collection system pipelines the (total length)
*The number of Wastewater lift stations
*General conditions of the system and
*known problem areas in the system
Page 432
Why is the Carefree selection of personnel important?
New employee represents an investment of agencies time and money and hiring and training the employee. Selective hiring to ensure the new employee will stay with the agency for many years and the agency’s investment will pay off.
What information should be listed on an “opportunities for employment” notice?
The noticed you give a brief description of the work to be performed, required qualifications, compensation, the selection process, where the application forms can be obtained and the closing date for accepting applications
Page 436
What information should be given a new employee during the first day of work?
New employees should be given all of the info available in writing or verbal form on the agency’s policies and practices concerning compensation benefits attendance and other matters relating to the employer-employee relations
All questions need to be answered and safety orientation should be given as soon as possible
Page 439
What types of adjustments are commonly made to an employee’s starting salary?
Adjustments to a starting salary for an employee remaining in the same position would be based on the following:
Longevity and a concurrent Improvement in performance
Increases in the cost of living
Page 440
What is a prime responsibility of every collection system supervisor to ensure the proper training of assigned personnel?
So that they may perform their work in a safe and efficient manner
Page 440
How can collection system operators be trained?
Articles published in local or national professional magazines on excellent source of information about new products and procedures and could be used as a basis of a training session.
Page 440
In addition to providing job-related training what other items of information should an agency provide to operation and staff to help build a team spirit among the agencies personnel?
In addition to providing job-related training and agencies should also inform its operators and staff of the agency's operation. The following are some items of information that will help build a team spirit among all agencies personnel: Results achieved Annual report Agency financing Agency recognition
What is the purpose of an annual report meeting?
A wise supervisor will make it a practice to hold an annual report meeting with assigned Personnel to inform them of their accomplishments.
Page 441
Describe the relationship that should exist between the supervisor and the shop steward?
Most of the supervisors Union contracts are with a shop Stewart the shop Stuart is elected by the union employees and is there official representative to management of the local union.
* the steward must create an effective link between the supervisor and the employees * the Steward must communicate complaints and grievances from The Operators to the supervisor
* Steward also must follow and settle differences what a shop steward and supervisor can work together the Stewart can help the supervisor to Be an Effective manager
Successfully handling of complaints and adjusting grievances requires Corporation by both the shop Steward and the supervisor
Page 442
What are the basic elements of a superintendent’s safety program?
Superintendent must develop and administer an effective safety program the basic elements of a safety program include a safety policy statement which includes the disciplinary procedures safety training and promotion and the accident investigation and Reporting.
Page 443
Who should prepare a safety policy statement?
Prepared by the top management of the collection system agency with close consultation of the agency safety officer safety consultant since its purposes is to let employees know that safety program has a full support of the agency and its management.
Page 443
What are Management’s responsibilities with regard to safety?
What is it has the responsibility to:
*Formulate a written safety policy.
* Provide a safe workplace. *Set achievable safety goals.
* Provide adequate training. * And delegate authority to ensure that the program is properly implemented.
Paige 443
What are the collection system operators responsibilities with regard to safety?
The collection system operators are the direct beneficiaries of a safety program the operator share the responsibilities to:
*Observe prescribed work procedures with respect to personal safety and that of their coworkers.
*Report any detected Hazard to a manager immediately. *Report all accidents including those that cause minor injury. *Report near Miss accidents so that hazards can be removed or procedures changed to provide problems in the future. *Use all protective devices and safety equipment supply to reduce the possibility of injury.
Page 443
How can tool equipment requirements be
As with staffing Tool and Equipment requirements will depend largely on such things as a size of the collection system, workload, and operation and maintenance objectives.
Other factors include the age and condition of the system as well as the types and number of problem areas.
Paige 445
Is most of the equipment available for collection system maintenance Specialized or is it capable of dealing with a variety of problems?
It also is true however that most modern collection system maintenance equipment has one particular function that it performs most effectively.
Page 446
What is the shotgun approach of going through a system at set intervals with one piece of equipment not recommended?
The shotgun approach of going through a system at set intervals with one piece of equipment is wasteful and unnecessary.
Unfortunately it is a common practice.
Page 446
How can agency Implement a preventive maintenance program when it does not have enough money to purchase the necessary equipment?
It is not always necessary to purchase the equipment you need to implement your preventive maintenance programs.
There are several alternatives to committing your funds this way.
All types of construction and maintenance equipment are available through long or short-term leasing as well as buy outright purchases.
Page 446
What are some advantages of leasing equipment?
The first benefit to be realized is that expensive equipment can be made available without a large initial capital expenditure.
Leasing offers advantages, to any size agency and makes any specialized equipment available at a reasonable cost to complete any one time or seasonal programs you may want to undertake .
Page 446
What is the primary advantage of purchasing equipment?
The primary advantage of purchasing equipment is that the equipment is available when needed. In general purchases should be limited to the more standard equipment that is used frequently, has a long life span, and represents a capital investment within the scope of the available budget
Page 446
What are some advantages of Contracting for work?
Sometimes your agency may not have sufficient qualified or qualifiable operators available to do a highly specialized job. Under these conditions a contract with a firm specializing in solving a particular problem may be the best approach.
Page 447
Emergency crews should be provided what type of vehicles?
Emergency crews should be provided it with at least a 3/4 “ ton truck for clearing stoppages.
Page 447
Which Crews should be equipped with two-way radios paging devices or cell phones?
Repair Crews, emergency crews and Rod crews.
Why is it important to specify truck with adequate capacity for a high velocity cleaner?
Because many operators failed to realize that considerable weight of the water carry in High Velocity cleaning tanks it is a common mistake for an operator to specified truck that is of inadequate capacity or marginal capacity for the loads involved. Frequently the sufficient capacity will not become apparent until the truck has been in use for a period of time.
With use, brake problems may develop, springs weake, Road handling becomes less efficient and even a loss of engine power could become evident.
Page 448
When are truck mounted equipment units preferable over trailer mounted units?
For full-time use the truck mounted unit is preferable. Trailer mounted units are advantageous when they are to be used less than full-time. These units can be towed by a three-quarter ton or larger truck depending upon the size of the rodding machine unit. The advantage of trailer mounted units is at the truck full of the trailer can be used for other purposes when the trailer mounted unit is not in service.
Page 449
Why should portable standing pumping units be inspected and Ron at regular intervals?
Portable standing pumping units should be inspected and run at regular intervals to ensure that they will be in operating condition when emergency does arise.
Pg 449
What major pieces of equipment are needed for construction and repairs?
Major pieces of equipment backhoe/loader, dump truck, Water truck, portable air compressors & hoist.
Page 449
Why do repair and construction Crews need a portable air compressor?
A Portable air compressors is required for repair and construction Crews for operational of jackhammers and tampers. Compressors are also use for your operation of a sheet driving head.
Page 449
Air testing equipment for detecting leaks in pipes and Joints often is used to do what other jobs?
Equipment for air testing collection system pipes in joints for leaks and for sealing such leaks is widely used today.
This equipment is commonly used in conjunction with closed circuit television CCTV equipment and may be purchased separately or in conjunction with TV units.
The complete package is usually purchased and mounted on a truck or trailer.
What would you store equipment that is seldom use such as a large size sewer balls and portable pumps?
Sewer Balls are kept in a central storage room or toolroom and are available to whichever crew they have use for them.
The pumps are stored in a tool room and issued to crews whenever needed.
Name three different types of electronic locators?
Valve or lid locator is easy to operate as a limited death capacity and is most useful in locating very manhole covers or water valves.
The pipe locator is a bit more complicated but simple to operate it operate after it has been assembled. ( capable of operating at greater depths) The ferret type locator is the most complex and capable of the most accuracy.
What are the two different kinds of plugs?
The air and the mechanical are the two different types of plugs
Air plugs have the advantage of being inserted and inflated and the mechanical plugs are available that can be inserted and tightened.
Pge 451
Why should handmade sewer taps be discouraged?
Attempts to tap a sewer with hammers chisels and miners pics often results in broken Mains ill-fitting taps and Taps protruding into the sewer.
The resulting cracks and poor connections were inviting areas for future root intrusion and workers often tempted to use an excessive amount of mortar in an effort to hide the poor installation.
Many municipalities or agencies no longer allowed tapping of sewers by anyone other than their own operators.
Page 451
How can Taps protruding into Mains be removed?
Internal tap Cutters were develop to remove protruding Taps that resulted from former cuddy tapping methods.
The cutter which is slightly smaller than the sewer line is pulled manually into the sewer to the location of the protruding tap. Two inflatable collars hold it securely in place.
Using air power, the Diamond core drill is turned and slowly Advanced until the tap has been neatly and safely cut off.
How can a service line be placed under a major thoroughfare without disrupting traffic?
Many municipalities no longer permit cutting across major thoroughfares to install collection system service lines.
Installation is Impractical due to traffic flow therefore boring is a more effective method to do this work.
What areas of collection systems should always be tested atmospheric hazards before entering?
Confined spaces such as man hose and wet pits should always be tested for atmospheric hazards.
Page 452
What are the three main items of concern when testing for atmospheric hazards?
1) lack of oxygen
2) an explosive condition and
3) toxic gases the only Effective device for testing atmosphere testers.
Page 452
Why should the atmosphere in confined space be monitored continuously while people are working in them?
The atmosphere in a confined space can change suddenly, therefore confined spaces must be monitored continuously while people are working in them.
Atmospheric testing should be a basic safety rule for all collection system organizations.
How can fresh air be introduced into confined spaces?
In conjunction with atmosphere detection meters blowers of ample capacity should also be used to bring in fresh air into confined space
Page 452
List the different types of Shoring?
Different types of Shoring Hydraulic shoring Manuel Shoring Sheet Shoring Cylinder and shield Page 452
What common hazard is frequently overlooked or underrated by collection system operators?
Traffic is a significant Hazard faced by collection system operators which is frequently overlooked or underrated.
In the interest of expediency operators will often expose themselves to traffic flow without adequate protection.
Pg. 453
Why must collection system operators wear protective clothing
Operators come into contact with the variety of hazards that make protective clothing advisable. Uniforms. Safety Shoes. Rubber boots. Gloves. Eye protection. Hardhats. Ear protection. Portable ground fault circuit interrupters. (GFCI) Safety harnesses. Personnel hoist. Page 453
List of main categories of computer Office application software that could be used by a collection system agency?
Computer Office application software falls into the following main categories:
Word processing. Spreadsheets.
Database management. Application development.
Page 455
List the essentials of an equipment inventory record?
An inventory record documents equipment owned by an agency and provides information for his management. The inventory which physical form must be kept current and accessible. The essentials of an equipment inventory record include: Type of (velocity cleaner Model year Date purchased Cost Description Manufacturer Fuel type Page 455
When should a piece of equipment be replaced?
Equipment should be replaced when it has reached the end of its useful life
Useful life can be defined as a time at which a piece of equipment ceases to perform as required work or when the cost of operating and maintaining equipment is greater than the cost of operating and maintaining new equipment.
Page 456
A collection system yard should provide for the servicing of vehicles and engine-driven special equipment with which items?
Yard to provide for the servicing of vehicles and the engine driven special equipment with fuel, air coolant, and oil when needed page 457
What types of hazardous materials could be stored in a maintenance area?
Hazardous materials that can be stored in a maintenace area include toxic chemicals, flammable fuels, and hazardous wastes.
The manner of all material storage must be provided for safe and efficient movement in and out of its area by hand or with appropriate equipment.
Page 457
How should valuable shop equipment and tools be secured in the shop facilities?
Valuable shop equipment and tools should be inventory and secured and in close to a room with one person responsible for checking items in and out. The entire shop area should be secured when authorized shot Personnel or not in the immediate area and at the end of work shifts.
Page 458
Why is it important to landscape around the collection system maintenance yard and Office Buildings?
Landscaping the fringes of the collection system maintenance yard and office building setbacks will make the facility pleasing to the public and visitors and will increase the satisfaction employees receive from working for the agency.
Page 460
Why are maps absolutely essential to the successful operation and maintenance of any Wastewater collection system?
Maps are absolutely essential to the successful operation and maintenance of any Wastewater collection system.
A detailed record of what is underground is critical.
Maps indicate what has been constructed where what size the material used and the conditions encountered .
Maps enable maintenance operators to find specific components for repair and they provide information that will eliminate guesswork concerning what tools and materials will be needed to complete a job.
Page 461
List as many items of information as you can recall that should be required on Wastewater collection system Maps.
Locations Identification. Manholes Elevations and depths Lenghts and width Flow of Direction Force Mains access points & overflow points Scale and North Arrow Dates
optional information would be the types of pipe, soil conditions, properties connected to the collection system & an inventory of the items on each map.
Page 462
How should manholes Be identified on collection system Maps?
Each and every manhole should be assigned a specific permanent identification number and these number should never be changed page 462
What elevation should be shown on collection system Maps?
Essential elevations that should be shown on maps are. Flow lines. (invert elevations)
Manhole Rim elevations.
Depth of building sewers at property lines.
Page 462
Why should soil conditions be shown on collection system Maps?
Unusual soil conditions would be of great importance and a significant safety factor to future repair crews who would be re-excavating in disturbed ground.
Page 463
Which type of map is ideal for a maintenance department to adopt and adapt as a basis of collection system maps?
Base map bound into books are ideal. Base maps provide detail information and include record right aways street names and whist and property identification and sizes.
Tracing of these Maps usually can be obtained from the original County Assessors or real estate department and can overlay your collection system on these tracings.
Page 464
Why should collection system Maps be updated?
Collection system apps must be updated to maintain their usefulness and to reduce time-consuming and costly mistakes.
Page. 465
What are some of the advantages of using microfiche copies of collection system maps?
Advantages of using microfiche copies of collection system maps include a low reproduction cost, ease of handling, Less storage space, and they do not deteriorate with repeated handling.
Paige 470
How can collection system Maps be used as a maintenance record?
And some instances Maps provide an excellent method of recording maintenance activities:
*Problem areas. Color codes
*Maintenance activities. Date type of Maintenance performed
*Repeated problems. Colored pens can be used to indicate repeated problems
*Schedules. Proposed maintenance schedules
Page 470
How can problem areas be shown on a collection system map?
Area-wide maintenance maintenance activities conducted in an area why bases can easy be recorded on maps through the use of color codes.
Concentration of problems using colored pens to mark trouble spots match quiz show at a glance if problems are concentrated in one or more specific areas.
Page 470
How do collection system operators account for their daily work
Collection system operators account for their daily work activities of operating and maintaining collection systems are making daily work reports.
Page 474
List the types of work reports use a collection system
Types of work reports used by collection system agencies include:
Main sewer construction
Time material and Equipment. Main sewer maintenance.
Main sewer repair.
Structure maintenance. Structure repair or abandonment.
Building sewer Maintenance. Building sewer repair.
Page 474
Who would use a main sewer construction data sheet form?
Main sewer construction data sheet forms are used by construction crew leaders when working on Main Line Construction and by inspectors when construction is performed by a contractor.
Page 475
List of types of debris that can be found in sewers.
Eggshells or grounds Grease or soap Paper or Rags Grit( silt,sand gravel) Foreign objects Roots solids Mud and other Page 481 chart
List the types of conditions that can be found in sewers.
Broken pipe. Offset joints. Infiltration. Roots. Sagging pipe other Page 481 chart
Operation and maintenance work reports are assembled into reports and becomes a database for a collection system management information system. What happens to records when they are no longer needed for current information?
What reports are then assembled into records by staff personnel and become the database for the information system. Records no longer needed for current information are removed.
Page 471
What does data processing do with information?
They were processing takes pieces of information independent in nature and unlimited and number usually in the form of records and produces useful information by arranging it into meaningful knowledge.
Page 473
The quality of information produced by computers depends on what factors?
The quality of the information produced by computers is in town and dependent on the quality of data put into the computer and the software directing the process garbage in garbage out.
Page 473
What kinds of reports does a superintendent of a Wastewater collection system need and
The superintendent of a collection system needs to have reports analyzing records of Staffing materials and equipment used to take actions to improve work efficiency and prepare budgets. Reports on Main sewer line stoppages are used to make adjustments to a collection systems preventive maintenance program. A superintendent will order the preparation of other reports as needed for Effective planning and control of the collection system agency.
What information should be contained in the monthly work summary from each individual foreperson?
The monthly work summary from each individual should contain information regarding the daily production activity of each and every crew under each foreperson. Activities involved may include Balling, rooding, TV inspection, construction and repairs or any other significant maintenance activities that are part of the agency maintenance program
What information should a cost of operation report contain?
It cost of operation report is a summary of how budget funds were or will be spent this report to describe the total cost of operation as well as cost for supplies materials equipment and salaries. Cost also can be reported by types of programs such as clearing emergency stoppages preventive maintenance responding to complaints and repairs.
What types of work directives are given by superintendents and supervisors to operators?
What directives given by superintendents and supervisors to operators include training and work performance and Equipment operation standard operating procedures and work orders.
What should a collection system supervisor do upon receipt of a service request report?
Upon receipt of a service request report a supervisor immediately obtains any information needed for response to the request makes a personal investigation if required and gives direction to a service crew for responding to the service request.
What should a crew leader do upon discovering that the agency policy for prohibiting correcting a problem in a service request?
Upon discovery that the agency’s policy prohibits correcting a problem in a service request the crew leader should explain the agency’s policy to the property owner and offer any appropriate suggestions on how the service might be obtained.
Why are duplicates or carbon copies of work orders not needed when using a computer system?
Duplicates or carbon copies of work orders are not needed when using computer systems because the original work order information is retained in the computer for anyone who needs it.
What are the two basic categories of computerized maintenance Management Systems(CMMS)?
The two basic categories of Commas are equipment-oriented systems and pipeline oriented systems
What is the main difference between the two types of CMMSs?
The main difference between equipment oriented CMMS and pipeline orientated CMMS is the information that is stored is used in the databases and Equipment based Systems the information relates to various types of equipment such as pumps motors electrical systems, valves, instrumentation and control. The information and pipeline based systems relates to the various parts of the collection system pipelines such as main lines building service laterals structures catch basins and storm image.
What makes a geographic information system GIS a potential powerful tool for a Wastewater collection system operator?
The power of a geographic information system GIS is that information can be retrieved your geographically and operator can easily look at or print out a specific area of a map the map will contain an inventory of the collection system structures within the selected area and it will provide detailed information about each of the structures or entities.
What does SCADA stand for?
SCADA stands for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition system.
What does a SCADA system do?
A SCADA system collects stores and analyzes information about all aspects of operation and maintenance; transmits alarm signals when necessary and allows fingertip control of alarms equipment and processes.
How could measured (sensed) information be transmitted to a computer system?
Measured (sensed)information could be transmitted to a computer system by FM radio leased telephone circuits, private signal lines, dial telephone lines, coaxial cable networks, spread Spectrum Radio, fiber optic cable, microwave, 900 MHZ radio, cellular telephone or satellite communication systems.
What are the greatest challenges for operators using SCADA systems?
The greatest challenges for operators using SCADA systems are to realize that computers may not be correct and to have the ability to operate the collection system manually and without critical information.
List the two basic reasons for collection system records.
Records are necessary because they provide:
1) a record of the past
2) a sound basis on which to plan the future
Records should be kept on what different cost items?
Cost items that should be recorded include: Labor. Equipment. Supplies. Services.
How can Good Records be helpful to someone preparing a budget?
Records are very important when preparing a budget. Accurate records detailing last year’s activities cost workload growth and production (such as miles of lines cleaned) can be the best justification for next year’s budget request.
Discuss how and why reliable records are the best protection against legal action or liability claims.
The best protection against legal action or liability claims is to have reliable records to verify that recommended procedures were followed and that agency Personnel were not negligent in meeting their responsibilities. We must keep accurate records to document our daily routines to a degree that will be of value in establishing our innocence or to disprove any negligence on our part should liability claims arise.
What kind of information should be contained on an individual’s fact sheet in a personnel file?
An individual’s fact sheet in a personnel file should contain information on date of employment age blood type vaccines, dependents and medical history for use in case of an accident or Serious injury.
Which Personnel records should be of direct concern to supervisors?
Personnel records that should be a direct concern to the supervisor include operator performance reports, accident reports, and attendance analysis reports.
What information should be included on a television survey history form?
Information that should be included on a television survey history form includes date, video tape number and file location, observed conditions, footage from entrance of manhole to recorded observation, observed tap location, pipe conditions observed and the type and severity of any problem conditions.
How long should records be kept?
Records must be retained in accordance with the state and federal regulations. All records should be kept as long as they are thought to be useful or maybe need it for defending claims for injuries or property damage submitted to an agency. And agencies legal counsel should be asked to provide guidance for retention of Records.