Safety and accident prevention Flashcards
Health histories include
pas/present medical conditions
chronic conditions
medication/medical alerts
Healthy history UPDATE
at every appointment
patient signature
helps anticipate potential emergency
Ways of preventing emergencies
Health histories/updated
patient observation
pain control
Patient observation
walking/ med bracelet
DRC first to greet patient
medical alerts(allergies)
nitroglycerine (angina
Pain control
*ONLY Recommended by DENTISIT *
post/during treatment
emergency record
symptoms vs. signs
symptom:what patient tell you they are experincing
Signs; What DRC observes
REcord keeping should include
What happened
treatment provided
condition of patients
Role of DRC in Emergency care
Have emergency #
Notify emergency unit :
• Report emergency,
•Direct emergency personnel when they arrive
Latex allergies
repeated exposure to latex
prevent by latex free glove
upper neck injury
forward head posture
Dental material hazards
amalgam -mercury exposure Prevent by read instruction
Occular injuries
foreign objects near eye
prevent by wearing safety glasses
exposure to infectious agents (needle)
clean wound
report incident,
exposure to radiation (xray)
prevent wearing lead apron and perform ALARA
Inhalation of vapors/fumes
inhalation of sterilization products
Prevent always wear mask
reduced blood flow
administer nitroglycerin
heart attack
sudden complete blockage of blood flow
adrmister nitroglycerin call 911 ,
interrupted blood flow to brain
FAST +call 911
Epileptic seizure
neuro disorder-cause head injury petit and grand
clear area -time seizure-lie patient down
Diabetic coma- hyperglycemia
blurred vision .unconscious
lay patient down administer insulin 911if necessary
Diabetic shock -hypoglycemia
low blood sugar =dizzy/mood change
lay patient down,
provide juice
911 if needed
caused by reduced blood flow to brain Lay patient in Trendelenburg
faster breathing-anxious
patient in comfortable postion
calm voice=calm patient
blockage of airway= no oxygen
response: encourage coughing
blocked airway= CPR/abdominal thrust
Allergic reaction
LOCALIZED: itching-med consult
SYSTEMIC ; shortness of breath -911+ Epipen
study of people and work space workspace=organized environmental awareness(equipment cords)