Safety Flashcards
What are some ways that are used to promote patient safety?
- NPSG (National Patient Safety Goals
2. Quality and safety education for nurses
Whatdoes the quality and safety education for nurses consist of?
Knowledge, skills, and attitudes for 6 areas of competence
What are the 7 types of errors?
- Diagnostic
- Treatment
- Preventative
- Communication
- Commission
- Omission
- Execution
What are some of the goals of the QSEN?
- Patient-Centered Care
- Teamwork and collaboration
- Evidence-based practice
- Quality improvement
- Safety
- Informatics
Define error of commission and give an example
Errors of commission are errors of doing the wrong thing
EX: catheterizing the wrong patient
Define error of omission and give an example
Errors of omission are errors of not doing the right thing
EX: not doing discharge teaching, not checking placement of a nasogastric tube before a feeding
Define errors of execution and give an example
Errors of execution are errors related to doing the right thing incorrectly
EX: contaminating a wound when changing the dressing, giving incorrect info when teaching the patient about his or her medications
How would you apply the first stage of Tanner’s Model of Clinical judgement to safety?
Notice- risk factors based on age, developmental level, culture, injuries, environment, etc.
How would you apply the second stage of Tanner’s model to safety?
Interpret- what injury is patient at risk for ( it will vary depending on assessments that were made)
How can you apply the third stage of Tanner’s model to safety?
Responding- implement actions to improve knowledge of safety hazards, eliminate or minimize exposure to hazards, promote safety
How can you apply the fourth stage of Tanner’s model to safety?
Reflecting- think about if the actions were effective or not
What are some of the goals of the National Patient Safety Goals?
- Identify patients correctly
- Improve communication
- Use medicines safely
- Use alarms safely
- Prevent infection
- Identify patient risks
- Prevent mistakes in surgery
- Prevent pressure ulcers
- Prevent skin breakdown
How is assessment related to safety?
When you assess someone who is having difficulty walking, then you know what to look for and how to be safe for them.
How is clinical reasoning related to safety?
If there is protective equipment needed before you enter a certain person’s room
How are dosage calculations related to safety?
Making sure the right calculations for the right patient are made during patient care or pulling meds.
If you are working in home health what should you do to promote patient safety?
make sure that the patient’s environment is safe