Safety Flashcards
What are the factors that affect one’s ability to protect themselves from injury?
- Age & development
- Lifestyle
- Mobility & health status
- Sensory perceptual alterations
- Cognitive awareness
- Emotional state
- Ability to communicate
- Safety awareness
- Environmental factors
What are examples of environmental factors that affect a person’s ability to protect themselves against injury?
- home
- work
- community
- health care settings
- bioterrorism
- disaster planning
As a nurse, what should you assess a client for to determine their safety level?
- nursing history
- physical examination
- risk assessment tools
- client’s home environment
What are the national patient safety goals (NPSGs) ?
- improve accuracy of patient identification
- Improve effectiveness of communication among caregivers
- improve safety of using medications
- reduce the risk of healthcare associated infections
- Accurately & completely reconcile medications across the continuum of care
- reduce risk of residential harm resulting from falls
- prevent healthcare associated pressure ulcers
- identify safety risks inherent in the patient population
What do you diagnose a client for after assessment for safety?
- risk for injury
- risk for poisoning
- risk for suffocation
- risk for trauma
- latex allergy response & risk for latex allergy response
- contamination & risk for contamination
- risk for aspiration
- deficient knowledge
What can you plan to achieve desired outcomes associated with preventing injury?
- change health behavior
- modify environment
- particular outcomes depend on individual
How do you implement safety measures to help the client & their family prevent injuries?
- identify environmental hazards at home & community
- demonstrate safety practices appropriate to the home health care agency, community & workplace
- experience a decrease in frequency or severity of injury
- demonstrate safe childbearing practices & lifestyle practices
How do we promote safety across a persons’ lifespan?
- observation or prediction of potentially harmful situations in order to avoid harm
- client teaching. Empowering clients to protect themselves and their families from injury
Newborns & infants accidents are a leading cause of death, how can we reduce this risk?
- by teaching parents a level of observation that is needed to maintain safety
- identify & remove common hazards
- first aid, including CPR & interventions for airway obstruction
What are the common accidents of Newborns & infants?
- burns
- suffocation
- choking
- automobile crashes
- falls
- poisoning
How can we prevent toddler injuries?
- toddler proofing home
- use of federally approved car restraints
- removing or securing all potentially hazardous items
- inspect & remove sources of lead
What is the leading cause of injury in older adults?
Where do most falls occur?
At home
How can we promote safety in health care settings?
- avoid focus on blame
- develop trust
- be active in preventing medication errors
- communicate
What are common older adult accidents cause by?
- Night driving
- peripheral vision diminished
- forgetting iron or stove left on
- not extinguishing cigarette completely
- potential for burns when person bathes or uses heating devices