Sacrum Diagnosis (extra Dr. Chou) Flashcards
What is sacral sulcus? terminology to describe it?
Distance btw PSIS and sacral base
- “deep” or “shallow”
Terminology to describe sacral base?
- Anterior and posterior
- If SS is deep= SB is anterior
- If SS is shallow = SB is posterior
- found as superior/anterior
- or inferior/posterior
What are the two possible SS and ILA diagnosis for Unilateral dysfxn?
- SS: Ant
- ILA: Post
- they have to stick with a seesaw motion
What are the two possiby SS and ILA diagnoses for a torsion>
- (on same side)SS: ant
- ILA: ant
- R on L
- SS: post
- ILA: post
- R on R
What does SFT tell you?
Right or left sacral base part of the SD
Lumbosacral spring?
- Passive test to see if the sacral base can flex
- resists: positive (sacral base relevant to SD is posterior/extended)
- motioni: negative (sacral base is anterior/flexed)
Backward bend test?
- Active test to see if the sacral base can flex
- start uneven → lumbar extension → sacral flexion
- if it stays uneven or gets more uneven its positive and sacral base is posterior/extended
- If it becomes more even then the test is negative and it is anterior/flexed
Respiratory motion test?
- inhalation=extended sacrum
- exhalation = flexed sacrum
Describe all extension sacrum diagnoses?
- b/l ext
- u/l ext
- backwards torsions
- R on L
- L on R
Describe all possible flexion sacral diagnoses?
- b/l flex
- u/l flex
- Forward torsion
- R on R
- L on L
Right SS is shallow and L ILA is inferior. SFT is + on the right. What is diagnosis? What should other motion tests be?
- Right Unilateral extension
- LSS → resists = +
- BBT → more uneven = +
- Resp= inhalation
R SS is shallow, left Inferior ILA. Lumbosacral spring test resists motion. What is the SD and other motion tests?
- R unilateral extension
- LSS resists motion so it is positive meaning its extended
- BBT will be uneven, so positive
- Resp. will prefer inhalation
- knowing that its extended you have to figure out which side fits that to get the SFT results
BBT becomes even on testing. Right sacral sulcus is shallow and the left ILA is inferior. What is the SD and what will the othe motion testss show?
- LSS = -
- BBT= -
- resp. exhalation
- SFT= Left +
Left SS is deep, Right ILA is inf/post. Diagnosis and other motion test results? LSS test is negative.
- SFT= + on left
- LSS= -
- BBT= -
- Resp. = exhalation
- R on R torsion
look for which is posterior, that will tell you the rotation. If it is posterior on right it is rotated right and if on left rotated left.