OB Sacrum Lab Flashcards
What are the restrictions to patient positioning in a pregnant woman?
- no prone
- limit supine
- favor seated and left lateral recumbent techniques
- avoid changing positon though to keep patient as comfortable as possible
How do you perform Seated Straight leg raise? Positive test?
- Patient seated slumped forward to cause cervical and thoracic flexion (tighten meninges)
- straighten leg by bracing knee and lifting from the ankle
- Positve test is reproduction of radiating pain
- Lower sensitivity and specificity than normal SLR
What is the FAIR test?
- Flexion, ADduction, Internal Rotation
- Tests for sciating nerve irritation due to piriformis muscle
- Patient lays lateral recumbent with hip up
What is the FABER test?
- Flexion, ABduction, Ext. Rotation
- Positives:
- groin pain= intraarticular issues
- labral tear
- OA
- Also Iliopsoas bursitis/strain
- Buttock pain
- SI joint dysfxn
- groin pain= intraarticular issues
How do you set up the thomas test and what is it testing?
- Tests for tight hip flexors (psoas)
- Patient is suupine with both legs hanging off table and then pull one knee to the chest extending the other
- Postive test is the inability to fully extend the leg or the leg raises off of the table
SLR positive?
- Pain over lateral leg at 15-30
- IT band
Neurologic Pain btw 30-60
- Lumbar disc herniation L4-S1 nerve roots
- Lumbosacreal radiculopathy
- Sciatic neuropathy
- Pain > 70
- mechanical LBP due to strains or joint disease
- pathology of hips or SI joint
- Hamstring or glutes tightness
ROM for sidebending, flexion, ext, and rotation of the lumbars?
How do you set up a patient with L1-3 N RRSL for seated MET? What is the treatment and Is this a type 1 or 2 SD?
- Type 1 SD
- Set up patient by having them take their ipsilateral hand to the PTP and place it behind their neck and hold that elbow with the other hand.
- Physician steps away from PTP
- Place hand on opposite bicep going over only one
- L2 NRLSR is the treatment
How do you set up a patient for seated L2 ERrSr MET?
- Type 2 SD
- Set up patient by having them take their ipsilateral hand to the PTP and place it behind their neck and hold that elbow with the other hand.
- Physician steps away from PTP
- Place hand on opposite bicep going over both biceps
- Tx is L2 FRlSl
How do you move a patient to rotate and side bend in a lateal recumbent positon for lumbars?
- In type one and type two dysfunctions the rotation is the same because the PTP is always down
- Control rotation by pulling the bottom arm or rotating the top shoulder
- control sidebending by drawing the bottom arm inferiorly to rotate opposite of the rotation or superiorly to rotate the same direction as rotation
How do you set up a L3-5 N Rl Sr lateral recumbent MET?
- PTP down physician facing patient
- Caudal hand or thigh flexes patients knees & hips
- Cephalad hand monitor
- Patients top leg is flexed and lowered off table causing anterior roattion of the pelvis
- Grasp the table side arm and pull anteriorly and inferiorly moving the patients top shoulder posteriorly
Describe set up for lateral recumbent MET L4 F RlSl.
Set up for L4 E RlSl lateral recumbent MET.
What does NUDR stand for and when is it used?
- Neutral dysfxn, ptp Up, patient force Down, lateral Recumbent position
What is SUUE?