Sacraments Flashcards
Sacraments of initiation
The sacraments of initiation are:
A sacrament is a religious ceremony in which the person involved receives the grace of God
Sacraments of healing
The sacraments of healing are:
Anointing of the sick
Sacraments of vocation
The Sacraments of vocation are:
Marriage and holy orders
What is baptism?
Membership in the church, call to witness. Pour water over your head bless with holy water
What is confirmation?
Completes baptism grace, call to witness receives gifts of the Holy Spirit
What is Eucharist?
Deeper relation ship with Christ, spiritual nourishment, we celebrate receiving the body of Christ for the first time.
What is reconalition?
Liberation from sin. Special chance to meet the risen Christ and to celebrate with him our efforts to do good.
What is anointing of the sick?
Strength, peace, courage to endure. The risen Jesus is present to heal and strengthen the person who is ill.
What is Marriage?
Permanent union of a man and women . Two people are called publicly to make a promise to love each other for the rest of their lives.
What is holy orders?
Sacred powers for service to the church. Special way that we are called to service by god