Sacral SD Treatments Flashcards
Explain the muscle nrg treatment for Bilateral Flexion; what about HVLA
What tests do you run after to reassess?
Patient is prone with doctor at side of table; place heel of caudad hand at ILA and place other hand on top; apply an anterior and superior force during inhalation and resist during exhalation until no new barriers are found; for HVLA apply a thrust on last inhale
Perform lumbar spring test and resp exam to reassess
Explain muscle nrg treatment for bilateral extension; what about HVLA
What tests do you perform to reassess
Patient prone in sphinx position with doc at side of table; caudad hands index and middle fingers go to both sulci and cephalad hand lays ontop; apply anterior and inferior force during exhale and resist during inhale until no new barriers found; apply thrust on last exhale for HVLA
Perform spring test and resp test to reassess
Describe treatment for unilateral flexion
Patient prone with doctor at effected side; monitor lumbosacral junction with cephalad hand and abduct and internally rotate effected leg with caudad hand; place caudad hand on effected sides ILA with other hand on top and apply an anterior and superior force during inhale and resist during exhale until no new barriers
Describe treatment for unilateral extension
Patient prone in sphinx position with doctor on side of SD; contact sacral base and abduct and internally rotate effected sides leg; place heel of hand at sacral sulcus with fingers pointed toward apex with other hand on top; apply an anterior and inferior force during exhale and resist during inhale until no new barriers
What tests do you perform to reassess unilateral SD?
Side bend passive
Seated flexion
Explain treatment for forward torsion
Put patient in modified sims; patient prone and pull hip and knee to 90 degrees so that effected axis is down (second letter is down); stand facing patient and monitor lumbosacral junction while you pull flexes legs off of the table so that knees hang off table; while monitoring lumbosacral junction apply a downward force on knees and then have patient push against your force for 3 to 5 seconds then repeat until no new barriers
Explain treatment for backward torsion
Have patient lie lat recumbent with effected axis down (second letter); pull bottom arm so that patients is laying face down and his arms are off of table; contact lumbosacral junction and pull top leg off of table until motion is felt; push on top of knee down towards floor and have patient resist for 3 to 5 seconds then repeat until no new barriers are found
What two tests do you perform to reassess torsion SD?
4 digit contact
4 point passive
Explain HVLA for backward torsion
Patient supine with you on side of effected axis; push patients torso and legs so that the patient forms a C shape; have patient interlock fingers behind their neck; contact contralateral ASIS to stabalize and then with other hand reach over and under opposite arm and pull them towards you so you hand is on their sternum; then apply a thrust while they exhale