(S6) Glacial Environments Flashcards
What is a “Nunatak”?
Protrusion of land above ice
What is an “Ice Shelf”?
Floating ice from an ice sheet
Where is the fastest flow in a valley confined glacier?
Center of the valley
What is the primary mode of transportation of sediment in a cold based glacier?
Sediment largely from valley fallen detritus carried on surface
What is the primary erosion and transportation regieme of a polythermal glacier?
PMP = glacial surges readily eroding bedrock which is released on retreat
What is the primary erosive regieme of a temperate glacier?
Abrasion, plucking, rock-flour and large blocks of bedrock
What is “supraglacial debris”?
Onto top from valley sides
How is basal debris formed?
Abrasion and plucking
What size of material is usually transported supraglacially?
Mostly coarse material from valley sides
What size of material is usually transported subglacially?
Large range from rock flour to larger rocks
How does internal deformation of a glacier effect basal debris?
May cause some basal debris to be brought up into the glacier body
How do englacial and subglacial channels affect the transport regieme of a glacier?
Sorting of sediments inside temperate glaciers
What is glacial till?
The direct deposit of (unconsolidated) rock by ice
What is tillite?
Till which has been consolidated
Where are melt-out tills found?
Front of glacier
Where are lodgement tills found?
Debris which has been plastered at the base of ice during movement
What are flow tills?
Accumulation of tills which have been reworked by gravity flows
What are the characteristics of sediment which has been transported by laminar flow in a glacier?
No mixing or sorting
What are the four main characteristics of glacially transported sediments?
No sorting, Angular, Material on top subject to weathering, Immature texture
Name one common and one uncommon lithology found in glacial deposits
Common: Lithic Fragments, Uncommon: Clays
What is an interesting feature about rock flour which is not common in all other sediment environments?
Retains it’s mineralogy as often not subject to chemical weathering
Rock flour does not ___ and therefore stays in ___ much longer
Flocculate, Suspension
What gives glacial melt its green colour?
Rock flour in suspension
Why are continental glacial deposits rarely preserved in the long-run?
Most modern glacial environments subject to erosion and thus are reworked and removed