(S4) Rivers Flashcards
What are the three zones found in fluvial and alluvial systems?
Erosional zone, transfer zone and depositional zone
Give three locations you would likely find a depositional zone?
River channel, flood plains, alluvial fan
Why do the fluvial/alluvial zones vary with specific systems?
Some systems may only have erosional zones into the sea, some may not have transfer zones, etc.
What does the term “fluvial” involve?
Channels and overbank systems
What does the term “alluvial” involve?
Channels, overbank, alluvial fans - all general processes which involve river systems
What are the two main factors on water supply control in a drainage basin?
Catchment area, Climate
What does “perennial” mean?
Year around
What does “ephemeral” mean?
How does catchment area have an effect on the water supply in a drainage basin?
Small catchments have limited storage
What is the name for flow which is below the channel banks?
Low flow stage
What is the name for flow which is just under or at the channel banks?
High flow stage
What is the name for flow which is over channel bank onto the floodplain?
Overbank flow
What is the name for the cross-sectional area of a river with the highest flow rate?
What are the three main variables of river forms?
Straight/sinuous Presence/absence of depositional bars Number of separate channels present
What is the simplest form of river?
Straight, single channel, no bars - in reality: uncommon
What is the technical definition for a braided river?
Mid-channel bars which are covered at high flow stage
What is an anastomosing river?
Contains multiple channels which are interconnected, separated by areas of floodplain
What is the name for a river which contains multiple channels which are interconnected, separated by areas of floodplain?
An anastomosing river
What is a bedload river?
A river which contains a high proportion of sediment which is being transported by rolling or saltation
What is a common feature in a bedload river?
Mid-channel bars, i.e. a braided river
What is “coarse lag”?
When coarsest material is deposited to form an accumulation of larger clasts
What is the name for bars which run along the axis of a river?
Longitudinal bars
What is the name for bars which spread across the river?
Transverse bars
What is the name for bars which have their apex pointing downstream?
Linguoid bars