(S13) Carbonate Platforms Flashcards
What are the five different forms of carbonate platforms?
Homoclinical ramp, Distally steepened ramp, Unrimmed flat-top platform, Rimmed flat-top platform, Isolated flat-top platform
What is an “attached flat top platform”?
A very low gradient top connected to the continent, then a steep slope which is the front margin: Rimmed or unrimmed
What is the variation in size of an attached flat top platform?
Few km to >1000km
What is another name for an inland sea?
Epeiric sea
What is a rimmed platform?
Carbonate shelf with a reef or other carbonate body to act as a rim before the forereef slope
Give three examples of facies that a lagoon created by a rimmed platform may be associated with
Shoals, patch reefs, migrating island systems
Instead of reefs, unrimmed platform margins are often marked by the development of relatively high-energy facies such as ___.
Ooid shoals
Aside from the lack of reef system, what is the two main differences between a unrimmed and a rimmed carbonate shelf?
Unrimmed tend to have lower gradient margins, and a somewhat higher energy platform
What is the variation in size of an isolated flat top platform?
Few hundred meters to ~500km long
Give a modern example of a larger isolated flat top platform
What is the difference between a isolated flat top platform and a reef?
Isolated flat top platforms may be hundreds to km above the sea-floor depth which aggrigated before reef formation
What defines an asymmetrical isolated flat-top platform?
Well-developed rimmed margin on one side of platform - usually side with prevailing wind/ocean current favourable for reef growth
What forms at the leeward margin of an isolated flat-topped platform?
Grain-shoal islands
What forms at the windward margin of an isolated flat-topped platform?
Aggrading reef
What is the difference between ramp platforms and other carbonate platforms? (2)
Not flat-topped, do not have steep margin
What are the two main subdivisons of carbonate ramps?
Homoclinal and distally steepened ramps
What is the difference between homocline and distally steepend ramps?
Homoclinal = gradual gradient, Distally steepend = gradual gradient, then a margin which is slightly steeper at some distance (inner and outer ramp)
What do the facies belts on a carbonate ramp range from?
Proximal tidal flats/sabkha to fine/coarse grained shoreline/lagoon to gradually finer down ramp
What three facies can ramps be seperated into?
Inner, mid and outer ramp facies
What facies can be associated with carbonate ramps? (2)
Patch reef systems, grainstone shoals
Give three examples when continental interiors have been flooded by extensive shallow seas
Late Cretacous, Ordovician, Early Carboniferous
How is it suggested that epieric platforms were infact very dynamic environments?
Vast shallow-water carbonate factories responding to tectonics and progradation
What type of platform is favoured in cooler waters and why?
Ramp platforms - Temperature favours hetrotrophic factories
What is “Eustacy”?
Change in sea level