S4C8 Flashcards
Who made up the Greek ferry project?
69% women and children
21% single parents with minors
15% pregnant or post-partum (<4 weeks)
>5000 unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC)
What are the health statistics surrounding pregnant African women seeking asylum in the uk?
Seven times more likely to develop complication
Three times more likely to die
What is utilitarianism?
A form of consequentialism where outcome is more important than actions
Aim to maximise the good
Utility - Human welfare
Aims to maximise human welfare
What are barriers stopping migrants accessing NHS care?
NHS complexity Requirement to register Language and culture Suitable ID Transport costs/ Phone credit Telephone triage New migrants may not Understand entitlements Recognise or prioritise health Be aware of preventative strategies Mental health Difficulty engaging, shame, and stigma Self-referral only in crisis Fears of: Charging Sharing information
What are virtue ethics?
Collection of normative ethical philosophies that focus on how we ought to act
Being rather than doing
Morality stems from character of individual
How is the mental health of children affected living in poverty?
Children living in poverty have 4x more mental illness by age 11
How can negative emotions affects surgery?
Negative emotions before surgery are common
Anxiety and depression predict postoperative pain
Negative emotions can increase perception of pain
Stress is associated with impaired healing
Higher anxiety may find it more difficult to understand information and follow instructions which could prolong procedure
How do you prepare patients by providing behavioural instructions?
Telling people what they should do Examples: How soon to start walking after Techniques for effective pain control How to act without damaging surgery site
What information should be provided before a surgery?
Procedural information
What, when and how?
Reduce anxiety by eliminating unexpected anxiety-provoking events
Sensory information
What it will feel like, look like, sound like, taste like?
Goal to reduce discrepancy between expected and actual sensation
What is BPH?
Benignprostatic hyperplasia(increase in the number of cells) or hypertrophy(increase in size of cells)
What is BPE?
A benign (non-cancerous)enlargementor growth of theprostategland.
Why is the IPSS scale used to measure prostate symptoms?
The first is in trials where outcomes can be measured and compared between different studies.
Affects Treatment decision:
So <8 are mild symptoms and can be monitored.
Moderate (8-19) and severe (20+) symptoms may require medical treatment as more likely to deteriorate
How does BPH link with age?
One of the commonest disease that affect men beyond middle age.
Linear increase of pathological BPH with age, so that by time reach 100, 100% will have it.
However, not all symptomatic.
Age and testosterone are requirements for prostate enlargement.
Even fewer will end up needing surgery as 80% of symptomatic patients will be treated with medical or no treatment.
What is the pathogenesis of BPH?
Various growth factors
Proliferation of prostate glands smooth muscle connective stroma
Essential requirements: age + testosterone
Theory is the flow of urine through the bend in the prostatic urethra causes minor trauma in the urothelium. This causes the release of growth factors which causes the proliferation of prostate glands, smooth muscle and connective tissue
Lack of apoptosis
What are the treatments available for BPH?
Alpha-1 blockers
5-alpha reductase inhibitors
What are examples of Alpha-1 blockers? What are the advantages and side effects?
Tamsulosin (0.4mg od) Alfuzosin (10mg od) Doxazosin (1-8mg od) (Requires titration + is antihypertensive) Advantages: Rapid onset Safe Doesn't alter PSA Symptom improvement maintained Side effects: Postural hypotension 2-5% Retrograde ejaculations headaches
What are examples of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors? What are the advantages and side effects?
Finasteride (5mg od) Dutasteride (0.5mg od) Advantages: Improves and maintains relief Shrinks prostate Reverses pathology Reduces urinary retention Side effects: Promotes hair growth Erectile dysfunction/ reduced libido (5%) Reduces PSA Gynaecomastia - moobs Slow onset
What are the benefits of combination treatment?
Significant symptom benefit with combination in first 12 months of therapy
Significantly greater improvements of IPSS between 3-24 months
What can be used to treat the symptoms of BPH?
Viagra (Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors - Relaxes smooth muscle of the prostate
Anticholinergic - Treat overactive bladder symptoms
Phytotherapy - Saw palmetto, zinc, selenium
Why is creatinine measured?
essential to pick up renal impairment which occurs in 11% BPH
Usually due to hypertension and other causes, but occasionally due to high pressure retention
When is it suggested to measure PSA?
(Prostate specific antigen)
Recommended when a diagnosis of prostate cancer will change the choice of treatment
What is the function of the prostate?
Antegrade ejaculation Contributes to 25% ejaculate volume Milieu for sperm to thrive Nutrition Antimicrobial (Zn, Selenium) Prostatic specific antigen enzyme Semen coagulation Semen liqufaction