S3 M8 Quality improvement Flashcards
Quality improvement
Systemic process
Measures patient outcomes
Improves care
Quality safety and education for nurses
Focuses of QSEN
Patient centered care EBP Teamwork and collaboration Quality improvement Safety Informatics
Health Resources and Services Administration
Fed agency
Improve health care and access to it
4 KEY points of quality improvement
Systems and processes
Being part of team
Use of data
Mission of the joint commission
Established quality assurance
Standardize data collection
How does TJC accredit
Based on benchmarking
Aka measuring performances
2019 National patient safety goals
ID patient Staff comms Med safety Alarm safety Prevent infection Prevent surg mistakes
aka CMS
Established quality improvement
Created to improve care
pay incentives
Sentinel event
Safety event that results in
Permanent Harm
Severe temporary Harm
PT suicide within 72h of discharge is classified as
Sentinel event
Full term infant death
Infant discharge to wrong fam
Sentinel event
Wrong blood
Wrong organ operated
Sentinel event
sentinel event
Intrapartum maternal death
Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
Sentinel event
Never event
Something that should never have happened
Never event types
Surgical/procedural Product/device Patient protection Care management Environment Radiology Criminal
Near miss
WHO - error that can cause adverse event but does not due to interception of chance
CMS and never events
pays is not covered
For jot TJC never events =
sentinel events