S3 - 1.6 Flashcards
What are Commodity Pools?
Various persons, investors, fund a common Pool to trade futures and futures options
Who sets up a Commodity Pool?
a CPO (Commodities Pool Operator)
Who manages the pool’s funds?
By a CTA (Commodities trading Advisor)
Are Commodity Pools the same thing as ETFs or MFs?
Not at all
What do CPOs do?
1) set up and operate Commodity Pools (CP)
2) Accept funds for investment in a CP
Are CPOs regulated at all?
CPOs are heavily regulated
What kind of info do registered CPOs need to furnish to their clients?
1) Disclosure agreement
2) Periodic account statements (mthly or qtly)
3) Certified annual reports, including: Statement of financial condition, Profit and Loss statement
4) a statement of the changes in the NAV of the pool
How long must a CPO maintain records and record ?
5 years
When must the Pool deliver the Annual Report?
Within 90 days off the pool’s fiscal-year end
Which books and records does a registered CPO need to keep for 5 years?
1) Daily purchase/sell record
2) Daily cash record
3) Acknowledgements signed and dated of participants saying they received a Disclosure document
When does a Registered CPO have to give Disclosure documents to prospective clients?
Before on the day client adds funds t the pool
Who must check the Disclosure document before it can be used with clients?
NFA must approve disclosure documents in writing
How current do disclosure agreements need to be?
No older then 9 months
How many months old can disclosure documents concerning the pool’s performance?
No more than 3 months old
What is in the Disclosure doc given to clients?
1) Name, address, phone, firm’s and pool operator’s structure, name of CTA
2) Types of commodity interests (products that can be traded in the pool)
3) Detail of fees and expenses, including those for management, trade advice, trade commissions, for last fiscal year
4) CTA trade compensation / incentive
5) minimum funds needed to start-up the pool
6) Restrictions on transferability of client’s interests in the pool
7) Extend to which client may be liable past the funds contributed to the pool
8) Legal motions involving the pool in last 5 years
9) Solicitation fees (who is pool paying to bring in more clients and funds)
10) Statement saying pool will provide monthly or quarterly statements on condition of the pool
11) Permission or not to check on CPO’s proprietary trades