S2W8Consc Flashcards
Mind exists independently of the brain.
Mind and matter.
Mind has attribute of thought and matter has spatial extension.
How do they interact?
I think, therefore I am
Cogito ergo sum
The act of doubting own existence is proof of the reality of one’s own mind (must be a thinking entity)
Mind controls the body.
Only mental phenomena exist
Mind arises from the brain.
For every mental event there is corresponding brain event
Wrote a book that discusses consciousness.
Use of very-large-scale integration (VLSI) systems containing electronic circuits to mimic the nervous system.
Implement models of neural systems (for perception, motor control, or multisensory integration)
A device that can monitor and decode the electrical language of thoughts and convert into overt machine control (limbs).
Conscious content
Information we are aware of at any given moment.
Characterised by experience of perceptions, thoughts, feelings and awareness of the world.
Conscious level
State of consciousness
From coma through to alert wakefulness
Phenomenal consciousness
Feelings, sensation in the present moment
Access consciousness
Ability to reason, reflect and have a sense of self, that extend beyond the current moment.
Chalmer (2007) hard and easy problems
The hard problem:
Why should physical processing give rise to a rich inner life?
Easy problem:
Understand our ability to discriminate and categorise stimuli, integrate information, and access our internal states and control our behaviour.
Functions of consciousness
Perceiving the environment
Social communication
Controlling our actions
Allows us to think about events and issues far removed from the present
Integrating information
Subliminal perception
Debner and Jacoby (1994)
Word presented for 50 or 150 ms followed by a mask.
Then the first 3 letters of the word presented again.
Think of first word that came to mind starting with those letters, except for the word that had just been masked.
150 ms: participants followed instructions to avoid using masked word.
50 ms: masked word was often.
Proof reading task
IV1: Unconscious goal: with socialisation-relevant words
or not.
IV2: Socialisation seen as important or not.
DV: errors detected in text.
Unconscious socialisation goal impaired proofreading performance in participants for whom socialisation is an important goal.
Social communication
Developing conscious awareness of ourselves helps us to understand other.
Temporo-parietal junction used for this function.
Possible that awareness originally developed to understand others and only later did we develop self-awareness.
Controlling our actions
Free will is an illusion. Our actions are caused by unconscious process.
Wegner argued that the principle of priority, consistency and exclusivity jointly lead us to believe our actions are caused by our conscious thoughts.
When a thought appears in consciousness just before an action (priority), is consistent with the action (consistency) and is not accompanied by alternative causes of action (exclusivity), we experience conscious.