S2SS Flashcards
Label regions of medulla and adipose tissue of hilum
What type of epithelia are the black arrows pointing to?
Options embedded in image
What is the name of the space lined by the epithelia pointed to by the black arrows:
Which of the following are functions performed by mesangial cells and mesangial matrix?
Participation in the tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism
Structural support of glomerular capillary loops
Secretion of vasoactive factors and cytokines
Contraction to control glomerular capillary blood flow
All of the above
Which features are associated wit the proximal convoluted tubule and which are associated with the distal convoluted tubule?
Smaller cells (or ore visible nuclei)
Brush border
Paler cytoplasm
Larger more well-defined lumen
More numerous cross sections per field of view (ie longer tuble that appears more often in sllide)
Proximal convoluted tubule:
Brush border and more numerous cross sections per view
Distal convoluted tubule:
Smaller cells
Paler cytoplasm
Larger more well defined lumen
Label the glomerulus and distal convoluted tubule
Compared with proximal convoluted tubules (PCTs) the distal convoluted tubules (DCTs) are lined by smaller cuboidal cells with slightly paler cytoplasm. PCTs are longer, thus there are more cross sections of PCTs that DCTs in the cortex.
Identify the cell types (as listed in the menu embedded in the image)
BC: Bowman’s capsule
BM: Glomerular basement membrane
BS: Bowman’s space
C: Capillary loop or lumen
E: Endothelial cell (nuclei)
F: Fenestration (in endothelium)
M: Mesangial cell (nuclei)
MM: Mesangial matrix
P: Podocyte (or visceral epithelial cell)
P 1 : Primary foot process
P 2 : Secondary foot process (or pedicel)
SPS: Sub-podocyte space
In which region of the kidney are glomeruli located?
What will happen to nephron tubules associated with a sclerosed glomerulus?
Efferent arterioles from the glomerulus give rise to the peritubular capillaries and vasa recta. Blood will not flow through sclerosed glomeruli so the remainder of the nephron (i.e. tubules) will undergo ischaemic atrophy. As this is a chronic process it will happen slowly. There will also be associated interstitial chronic inflammation and fibrosis. The kidney will atrophy over time. Renal atrophy can be seen radiologically.
How is a kidney with extensive glomerulosclerosis (and associated tubular changes) likely to appear macroscopically?
Very small
Very small
Compare the features of the normal glomerullus vs the two showing a patient with membraneous nephropathy.
Why was this patient tested for antinucelar antibodies, anti-double-stranded DNA and hepatitis B and C?
The patient may have a secondary glomerulonephritis that has developed as a result of another disease process such as hepatits B or C or an autoimmune disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus, where patients have various autoantibodies (e.g. anti- double-stranded DNA) in their serum.
While most cases of membraneous nephropathy are primary or idiopathic, some develop secondarily to other diseases such as hepatitis B and C and SLE, or drugs. Antigens of these other diseases, or circulating immune complexes, deposit in the glomerulus and initiate immune responses.
The immunofluorescent micrographs of the two glomerular disorders (IgA nephrophathy and membranous nephropathy) are presented here to allow direct comparison.
In which glomerular region has the IgA depositied in the section of IgA nephropathy AND In which glomerular region has the IgG depositied in the section of membranous nephropathy
Within the:
glomerular basement membrane
Bowman’s space
juxtaglomerular apparatus
cappilary lumen
IgA nephropathy - IgA is deposited within the mesangium
Membranous nephropathy - IgG is deposited within the glomerular basement membrane
Both two forms of glomerulonephritis (membranous and IgA) are the most common types in adults. Membranous typically presents with proteinuria and IgA with haematuria. The patient’s serum creatinine level is frequently normal when first diagnosed. Some patients progress to end stage renal disease. Some patients may present with end stage renal disease having previously been asymptomatic.
What changes would be expected in the kidneys in a patient with end stage renal disease caused by IgA or membraneous nephropathy?
Renal atrophy with glomerular and tubular necrosis
Renal enlargement with hypertrophy of non-diseased glomeruli and nephrons
Renal atrophy with sclerosis of diseased glomeruli and atrophy of associated tubules
Renal atrophy with sclerosis of diseased glomeruli and atrophy of associated tubules
Over time diseased glomeruli will become sclerosed (mesangial expansion in IgA affects blood flow through the glomerulus causing ischaemia; whilst immunoglubins in membraneous nephropathy affect podocytes which produce TGF-β and impaired filtration will result in sclerosis). Tubules secondarily become atrophic and there is interstitial fibrosis. The kidneys macroscpically will appear small and atrophic.
Which of the following pathological processes may be associated with fever? (more than one may be correct)
Acute inflammation
Chronic inflammation
All of the above
Fever is caused by the action of IL-1 and TNF, predominantly produced by macrophages in inflammatory responses, on the hypothalamus. Inflammation may be associated with all these pathologic processes. Following infarction there may be mild fever associated with the inflammatory response, and chronic inflammatory responses are associated with malignancy. Certain types of malignancy in particular e.g. lymphomas are especially likely to cause fever. Although in this case, the fever is caused by infection, in many cases it is not