S.20 GBH/Wounding Flashcards
Definition of S.20 GBH/Wounding
S.20 OAPA 1861
“Whosoever shall unlawfully and maliciously wound or inflict any grevious bodily harm on any other person, whether with or without a weapon or instrument, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor”
S.20 GBH stage 1 AR
Some wouding or GBH nay be classed as lawful, I’m cases sushi as self defence, prevention of a crime or sports/ surgery
Stage 2 S.20 GBH AR
A wound exists were there is a break in the continuity of the skin
(JJC V Eisenhower)
Stage 3 GBH AR
Greviois bodily harm
GBH is “really serious harm” (DPP v Smith)
No more or no less than serious harm (R v Saunders)
Broken limbs are GBH (R v Lewis)
STI transmission is GBH (R v Dica)
If the victim is particularly vulnerable, the jury can take this into account when deciding if the injury is serious (R v Bollom)
Several injuries at once that would be ABH alone can amount to GBH (R v Brown + Stratton)
GBH can include physciatric injury (R v Burstow)
Stage 4 S.20 GBH AR
On another person
Gbh Inflict
Taken to mena cause in pheyxuahtric injury (R v Burstowe)
Intention or reckless as to cause some harm
Don’t need to prove for serious harm
(R V savage) ( R v mowatt)