S12 Flashcards
The orthogonal projection of u onto v is the same as the orthogonal projecton of u onto a v for any a ≠ 0.
The a cancels out of the formula:
If W is a subspace of ℝn and u ∈ W, then projW(u) = u.
By Theorem 8 in the book, there is a unique decomposition
u = p + o with p = projW(u) ∈ W and o ∈ W⊥.
But if u ∈ W, then u = u+0 is such a decomposition, hence projW(u) = u.
Alternatively, there is an orthogonal basis of W that includes u. Applying the formula for the orthogonal projection with this basis will exactly give u.
Let A be an n × n matrix. The columns of A form an orthonormal basis of ℝn if and only if det(A) = 1.
The matrix A (image) has orthonormal columns but determinant -1, and
the matrix B = ([1 0], [1 1]) has determinant 1 but does not have orthogonal columns.
So the implication doesn’t work in either direction.
However, it is true that an orthogonal matrix (a matrix with ATA = I) has det(A) = ±1, because 1 = det(I) = det(ATA) = det(A)2 implies det(A) = ±1.
If ATA = I, then A must be square.
A square matrix has orthonormal columns if and only if it has orthonormal rows.
By Theorem 6 in the book, a matrix A has orthonormal columns if and only if ATA = I.
But then A−1 =AT, so we also have AAT = I, or in other words (AT )T AT = I.
By the same theorem, this means that AT has orthonormal columns, which means that A has orthonormal rows.