S1-L12: Enzymes 2 Flashcards
Figure 1 and 2 show enzyme catalysed reactions
- figure 1: substrate binds to enzyme and is then broken down after forming E-S complex
- ->enzyme can be reused
- figure 2: activation energy reduced with use of enzyme (catalyst)
What is the effect of substrate concentration on enzyme-catalysed reactions? (figure 3)
- increasing substrate conc increases reaction rate
- at optimum conc of substrate all active sites full AND working at max efficiency
- any increase in conc beyond optimum will have no added effect as no extra a. sites to be used
Describe the effect of enzyme concentration on rate of enzyme-catalysed reactions (refer to figure 4)
- increase amount of enzyme
- ->increases rate of reaction
- more enzyme–>more frequently collide with substrate
- reaches saturation point where increasing conc not have affect on reaction rate as all a. sites occupied by substrate (figure 5)
In appropriate detail explain the effect of temperature & pH on enzyme-catalysed reactions
-TEMP: increase in heat energy causes more collisions between enzyme and substrate
–>optimum temp reached
–>enzyme denatured at high temp so rate falls rapidly
(figure 6)
-pH: similar as temperature
–>each enzyme also has optimum pH works best at
(figure 7)
What is Enzyme Kinetics?
- study of rate of enzyme controlled reaction
- ->to see substrate conc effect of different inhibitors/drugs or different isozymes/ mutations
Outline the Michaelis-Menten equation (study of enyzme kinetics) and the different parts of the equation
- Equation: Vo= Vmax (S)/Km + (S)
- Vmax: represents max velocity achieved by system at saturating substrate conc’s
- Km (Michaelis constant): substrate conc at which reaction velocity 50% of V max
- (S): conc of substrate S
Using figure 8 describe basic enzyme kinetics based on the structure of the graph
- amount of P produced/unit time start of reaction–> initial velocity (V0)
- V0 increases until E saturated–> plateau produced
- max reaction rate- Vmax- point at which graph plateaus out
- (S) which gives half vmax is Km
- Km–>useful measure of affinity of E has for the S
What value of Vmax and Km does a fast, efficient and specific enzyme have? (refer to figure 9- Velocity VS substrate graph)
- Km: measures affinity for it’s substrate
- Low Km value: indicates high affinity of enzyme for it’s substrate
- ->means reaction going quickly even at low (S)
- High Km: corresponds to lower affinity for substrate
How do enzyme inhibitors work? (figure 10)
- many enzymes can be inhibited by binding small ions AND molecules
- many drugs work this way
- ->drug and substrate compete to for active site of enzyme
- ->drug blocks active site of enzyme
Outline how enzyme inhibitors may cause toxic effects (figure 11)
- inhibiting compounds block drug metabolsim enzymes
- depending on drug- inhibition can lead to reduced therapeutic effects OR toxic buildup of unmetabolised compounds
In what way may enzyme inhibitors have therapeutic effects? (figure 12)
- ACE inhibitors
- ->inhibit formation of angiotension II
- ->and thereby lower blood pressure
How does competitive inhibition work? (refer to figure 13)
- competitive inhibitor has structure similar to substrate
- competes with substrate for active site
- has it’s effect reversed by increasing (S)
- active site blocked by inhibitor so substrate conc increases
Example of competitive inhibition:
Outline the way in which Disulfiram (Antabuse) acts as a competitive inhibitor
figure 14
- drug which inhibits Aldehyde Oxidase
- causes accumulation of acetaldehyde with subsequent unpleasant side effects of nausea AND vomiting
What is Disulfiram used for? (figure 14)
-to support treatment of chronic alcoholism by producing an acute sensitivity (sensitive to details) to ethanol (alcohol)
What is non-competitive inhibition? (figure 15)
- non-competitive inhibitors can alter configuration of active site
- ->rendering enzyme inactive so no competition
Non-competitive inhibitor example- Nifedipine. How does it work? (figure 16)
- Nifedipine is calcium channel blocker
- ->inhibits Ca2+ dependent ATPase
- prevents Ca uptake into cardiac cells
- ->Ca needed for cardiac muscle excitation
- it’s main uses are to treat angina AND high B. pressure
What are Irreversible Inhibitors? (figure 17)
- bind so tightly to enzyme they are unable to remove
- ->often via covalent bond
Outline the way in which the following irreversible inhibitors work:
1-binds to serin residue in acetylcholinesterase
–>prevents nerve impulse transmission
2-covalently modifies prostaglandin H2 synthase
–>reducing synthesis of inflammatory signals
Describe uncompetitive inhibition (figure 18)
- uncompetitive inhibitor binds to enzyme-substrate complex BUT not to free enzyme
- ->stops enzyme reacting with substrate to form product
- ->also results in decrease in Vmax AND Km
- uncompetitive inhibitor effect is that it can not be overcome by high conc’s of substrate
Brief end-product inhibition (figure 19)
- substrate broken down through sequence of enzymes
- ->final substrate formed at final enzyme binds to first enzyme
- ->changes active site shape and so initial substrate no longer able to bind to first enzyme and form E-S complex
- figure 20 shows an example of this process occurring
Define Zymogens
-some enzymes initially produced as inactive precursor form
How may Zymogens become active forms of enzymes?
refer to figure 21
- zymogens form typically longer polypeptide which must be hydrolysed at specific location to produce active form of enzyme
- cleavage at activation site(s) may release polypeptide known as “pro-sequence” and result in activation of enzyme
How may further enzyme activity be regulated?
- through gene expression/ phosphorylation OR proteolysis
- living cells & organisms can’t function without enzyme controlled reactions
- ->greater understanding of enzyme function + reactions they control the better we can use machinery of nature to benefit human needs