S09C74 - Acute Abdominal Pain Flashcards
Visceral abdo pain
- caused by stretching of nerves in the walls and capsules of organs
- vague, generalized pain
- foregut (stomach, liver, GB, pancreas, 1/2 duo) = epigastric
- midgut (3/4 duo, jej, ileum, cecum, appy, asc colon, 2/3 transverse colon) = periumbilical
- hindgut (1/3 transverse, desc colon, sigmoid, rectum, intraperitoneal GU organs = suprapubic)
- b/l innervation so pain is felt in midline (eg. appy is midline of T10)
- colickly like pain
Parietal pain (somatic)
Irritation of myelinated fibers that innervate the parietal peritoneum
- localized to dermatome superficial to the site of painful stimulus
- tenderness and guarding, rigidity, rebound
Referred pain
- based on embryology
- eg. ureter and testes have same segmental innervation
Red flags for critically ill pts presenting with abdo pain:
- extremes of age
- severe pain with rapid onset
- abnormal vital signs
- dehydration
- pallor, diaphoresis, vomiting
- rapid onset of shock is usually d/t intra-abdominal hemorrhage
- BP may not drop until blood loss reaches 30-40% of normal blood volume
-incr of HR by 30 or near-syncope after standing for 1 min represents 1L of blood loss
Lab work for critically ill abdo pt:
- lytes, BUN, Cr, glucose
- coags
- type and screen
- hcg for women
- liver enzymes
- lipase
- u/a
Distension =
-ascites, ileus, obstruction, volvulus
Mass =
-hernia, tumor, aneurysm, distended bladder
Hyperactive bowel sounds =
> 50yo with abdo pain
-must always r/o AAA
Female and lower abdo pain
-everyone should get a pelvic
Male and lower abdo pain
-testicular and prostate exam should be done
Pain management
-opioid analgesia does not obscure findings, delay dx or cause incr morbidity/mortality
Abdo pain ddx by area (less commonly thought of):
- diabetic gastric paresis
- familial mediterranean fever
- heavy metal poisoning
- hereditary angioedema
- malaria
- metabolic - addisonian crisis, AKA, DKA, porphyria, uremia
- narcotic w/d
- sickle cell crisis
- hepatic abscess-
- herpes zoster
- endometriosis
- epiploic appendagitis
- hernia
- ischemic colitis
- meckel diverticulum
- psoas abscess
-splenic rupture/distension
- endometriosis
- epiploic appendagitis
Pain with n/v and rigidity:
- acute pancreatitis
- diabetic gastric paresis
- incarcerated hernia
- abdo sepsis
- Ao dissection
- hemorrhagic pancreatitis
- leaking AAA
- mesenteric ischemia
- MI
- ruptured ectopic
Pain, n/v, distension ddx:
- obstruction
- cecal volvulus
Pain, shock, rigidity
- perforated appy
- perforated diverticulum
- perforated ulcer
- ruptured esophagus
- splenic rupture
Pain and n/v ddx:
- acute diverticulitis
- adnexal torsion
- mesenteric ischemia
- myocardial ischemia
- testicular torsion
Plain abdo series, indication and sensitivity:
- mostly used for detecting perforation
- 20% of pts with perforation will not demonstrate free air
- restrict AXR to pts with suspicion of obstruction, perforation or severe constipation
- u/s may be better for detection of free air!
U/s indications
-use for pts with suspected biliary tract dz
-consider if upper abdo pain and pts >40y
- peak age adolescence and young adults
- CT preferred for dx in adults and non-pregnant pts
Biliary colic
- F»M before 60yo
- colic pain usually resolves in
Bladder outlet obstruction
- dx with u/s