S-SC - Love Flashcards
rebounding - n
Rebounding is best avoided immediately after a meal.
a form of exercise in which you perform different jumps and movements
resemble - v
That actor really resembles my brother-in-law.
to look like or be like someone or something
stigma - n
Being an unmarried mother no longer carries the social stigma that it used to.
a strong feeling of disapproval that most people in a society have about something, especially when this is unfair
persist - v
If the pain persists, consult a doctor.
it continues to exist
desirable - adj
Reducing class sizes in schools is a desirable aim.
worth having and wanted by most people
survey - n
A recent survey showed that 58 percent of people did not know where their heart is.
an examination of opinions, behaviour, etc., made by asking people questions
contradictory - adj
I keep getting contradictory advice - some people tell me to keep it warm and some tell me to put ice on it.
If two or more facts, pieces of advice, etc. they are very different from each other
subsequent - adj
The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from politics.
happening after something else
bias - n
Reporters must be impartial and not show political bias.
the action of supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way, because of allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment
make an assumption - n / assume - v
People tend to make assumptions about you when you have a disability.
something that you accept as true without question or proof
fall for someone - pv
She always falls for older men.
to suddenly have strong romantic feelings about someone
lovesick - adj
He was moping around like a lovesick teenager.
sad because the person you love does not love you
love life - n
How’s your love life these days?
the romantic relationships in a person’s life
count on someone - pv
You can always count on Michael in a crisis.
to be confident that you can depend on someone
make out - pv
Everyone at the party was making out or having sex.
to kiss and hold a person in a sexual way
lust - n
I don’t think it’s love so much as lust.
a very strong sexual desire