S-SC - environment #2 Flashcards
surplus - n, adv
The world is now producing large food surpluses.
(an amount that is) more than is needed
scent - n
The scent of roses
a pleasant natural smell
landfill - n
The shopping center was built on landfill.
a place where garbage is buried
target - n
The government’s target of 3.5 percent annual growth seems easily attainable.
a level or situation that you intend to achieve
self-sufficiency - n
One way to increase food self-sufficiency is to buy local, whether it is in a farmers’ market or in a store.
the state of being able to provide everything you need without the help of other people or countries
squash - v
He accidentally sat on her hat and squashed it.
to crush something into a flat shape
sticky - adj
The floor’s still sticky where I spilled the juice.
covered with a substance that stays attached to any surface it touches
grove - n
olive/orange/lemon groves
a group of trees planted close together
harbour - n
Our hotel room overlooked a pretty little fishing harbour.
an area of water next to the coast, often protected from the sea by a thick wall, where ships and boats can shelter
inedible - adj
The dish was too spicy, and inedible as a result.
not suitable or good enough to eat
bitter - adj
a bitter flavour/taste/liquid
with an unpleasantly sharp taste (горький)
hazard - n
The policy hazarded the islands and put the lives of the inhabitants at risk.
something dangerous and likely to cause damage
purification - n
a water purification plant
removing harmful substances from something (from water)