S-SC - Dream Flashcards
dream book - n
a book that lists common dreams to interpret them, especially in regard to their meaning for the future
persistence - n/ persist - v
Her persistence and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its international success.
the fact of continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition (настойчивость)
fulfill wishes - n
to realize a desire or wish, you do what you said or hoped you would do (реализовывать)
urge - n
The two of them seem unable to control their sexual urges.
a strong wish, especially one that is difficult or impossible to control
overrun - v
Our kitchen is overrun with cockroaches.
an instance of something exceeding an expected or allowed time or cost (перерасход; превышение)/ they fill a place quickly and in large numbers
disrupt - v
The meeting was disrupted by a group of protesters who shouted and threw fruit at the speaker.
destroy the structure of sth
consolidate - v
The two firms consolidated to form a single company.
combine (a number of things) into a single more effective or coherent whole (объединять)
renowned - adj
Marco Polo is a renowned explorer/is renowned as an explorer.
famous for something
external input - n
an elementary process that processes data or control information that comes from outside (внешнее воздействие)
dependable - adj
I need someone dependable to take care of the children while I’m at work.
you can have confidence in him, her, or it, trustworthy and reliable
rehearse - v
On her way to her interview she silently rehearsed what she would say.
repeat, to practise a play, a piece of music, etc. in order to prepare it for public performance
threatening - adj
His voice sounded threatening.
you believe they intend to harm you
take the edge off something - p
Pascoe was drinking whisky to take the edge off the pain.
to make something less bad, good, strong etc (ослабить; смягчить)
heal - v
It took three months for my arm to heal properly.
to become mentally or emotionally strong again after a bad experience, or to help someone to do this/ to make or become well again, especially after a cut or other injury
grasp - v
I think I managed to grasp the main points of the lecture.
to understand something, especially something difficult
dump - n
I’m going to clean out the basement and take everything I don’t want to the dump.
dispose of rubbish, waste, or unwanted material (груда; куча)
REM sleep cycle (rapid eye movement)
is a unique phase of sleep in mammals and birds, characterized by random rapid movement of the eyes + to do with the brain’s memory processing
a dream come true - idiom
For her, making the Olympic team was a dream come true.
something you have wanted very much for a long time that has now happened
wouldn’t dream of smth - idiom
I would never dream of asking for more money.
used to say that one would never do something or think of doing something
dream on!/ in your dreams! - idiom
Dave, buy you a car? In your dreams!
something you say to someone who has just told you about something they are hoping for, in order to show that you do not believe it will happen