S P A N I S H FINALS S T U D Y <333 Flashcards
What is the use of gusta and gustan dependant on?
Singular and Plural.
Te Gusta(n) would mean?
You like, do you like?
Le Gusta(n) would mean?
S/HE/YOU Formal Like(s)
Nos Gusta(N) would mean?
We Like.
Les Gusta(n)
They/You guys Like.
What does adding A to the beginning of a sentence do?
It adds more clarity.
What is an example of adding A to the beginning of a sentence to add more clarity?
A nosotros nos gusta leer= we like to read.
What are the indirect Object Pronouns?
What does Les mean?
It means TO
What are other verbs like GUSTAR?
Encatar= To Love
Intersar= To interest
Doler= To hurt
Chocar= To Hate
Fascinar= To Fascinate
Molestar: To Bother
Aburrir= To Bore
Importar= To be Important
In order to talk about what people like to do, what form does the verb have to stay in?
The Verb must stay in the Infinitive/.
What do we start with to tell time in Spanish?
Son Las or Es La Una.
When is “Es La Una” used?
When referring to the one o’clock hour.
When is “Son Las” Used?
When referring to every hour that is NOT the one o’clock hour.
Example of when “Son Las” would be used.
9:00- Son Las Nueve
Example of when “Es La Una” would be used.
1:00- Es La Una
How to state the time and so many minutes? What is an example of this?
Use the term “y” (and in English)
Example: 2:05- Son los dos y Cinco.
When do we use the word “menos”? What is an example of this?
We use the word menos after the 30-minute mark when it’s closer to the next hour than it’s closer to the current hour. Example: 3:50- Son las cuatro menos diez.
What do we use instead of AM and PM in Spanish?
We use “De la manana”, “De La Tarde”, and “De La Noche” instead.
What does “De La manana” refer to?
The morning hours.
What does “De La Tarde” refer to?
The Afternoon hours.
What does “De La Noche” refer to?
The evening/night hours.
Example of “De La Manana”
6:20 am: Son las sies y veinte de la manana.
Example of “De La Tarde”
3:10 pm- Son las tres y diez de la Tarde.
Example of “De La Noche”
7:55 pm- Son las ocho menos Cinco de la Noche.
What does “media” stand for?
Half hour (30 minutes)
What does “cuarto” stand for?
Quarter-hour (15 Minutes)
What does “en punto” stand for?
On the Dot.
What does “Es medianoche” stand for?
It’s Midnight (12 am)
What does “Es mediodia” stand for?
It’s noon (12 pm)
To talk about what time certain things occur we use?
“A Las” or “A la Una”
Why does it occur that there are some verbs that are irregular in the “YO’ form, but regular in all others?
For ease or consistency of pronunciation.
How many types of irregular “Yo” verbs are there?
There are 4 types.
What happens when a verb ends in -GER or -GIR?
The G changes to a J.
Examples of -GER and -GIR changes.
Escoger- Yo escojo= I choose.
Recoger- Yo recojo= I pickup.
Dirigir- Yo Dirijo= I direct.
Fingir- Yo finjo= I pretend.
What is the cause of the change in the -GER and -GIR Verbs? EX?
To stay consistent with the soft g or “h” sound in all other forms.
EX: El Escoge
Verbs that change to “-OY”?
Dar- Yo Doy= I give
Estar- Yo Estoy= I am
Ir- Yo voy= I go, am going
Ser- Yo soy= I am
What do verbs that end in -CER and -CIR change to?
They change to “-ZCO”.
Examples of -CER and -CIR change.
Conocer- Yo Conozco= I know, am familiar with.
Reconocer- Yo Reconozco= I Recognize.
Conducir- Yo Conduzco= I drive, conduct.
Producir- Yo Produzco= I Prodouce.
Ofrecer- Yo Ofrezco= I offer.
Why does change occur in the -CER and -CER verbs?
To allow continuation of the soft C or “S” sound.
What following verbs end in the word “GO” in the Yo form?
Caer- Yo Caigo= I fall.
Hacer- Yo Hago= I do/make.
Tener- Yo Tengo= I have.
Venir a- Yo Vengo a= I come to.
Poner- Yo Pongo= I put/place/set.
Decir- Yo Digo= I say/tell.
Salir- Yo Salgo= I leave/go out.
Traer- Yo Traigo= I bring.
Oir- Yo Oigo= I hear.
Seguir- Yo Sigo= I follow.
Valer- Yo Valgo= I value/ I am worth.
What other “YO-GO” verbs also have other irregularities.
Tenir, Venir, Oir, Seguir, and decir-.
What are the “Los Otros” Verbs?
They are some irregular YO verbs that don’t fit into the 4 main categories.
What are the following “Los Otros” Verbs?
Saber- Yo Se= I know.
Veo- Yo Veo- I See.
Caber- Yo Quepo= I Fit.
Most of these verbs are only irregular in the what form?
The Yo form.
What happens to the other verbs that are not in the Yo form?
All other forms will be conjugated normally.
What verbs will not be conjugated normally?
Tener. »_space;»> All have other
Irregularities Venir a.
What is the Vosotros form?