rxSwift Flashcards
What is side effects?
Side effects are any change to the state outside of the current scope.
What is Imperative programming?
Imperative programming is a programming paradigm that uses statements to change the program’s state.
Core issues that rxSwift dealt with
Shared mutable data
The order in which pieces of work are performed
“RxSwift finds the sweet spot between traditionally imperative Cocoa code and purist functional code. It allows you to react to events by using immutable code definitions to process asynchronously pieces of input in a deterministic, composable way.”
What is Subject in RxSwift
Observable and Observer
To kill cache you have to call dispose
“buffer is held in memory.”
What subject do after termination?
Every subject type, once terminated, will re-emit its stop event to future subscribers
Creating observable factories
Observable.deferred { }
Explain Observables
“Carry” an immutable piece of data Observable
an observable won’t send events until it has a subscriber. Remember that an observable is really a sequence definition
Filtering operators -> Ignoring operators
filter { $0 > 3 }
Filtering operators -> skiping operators
skipWhile { $0 % 2 == 1}
skipUntil - hasTrigger
Filtering operators -> taking operators
takeWhile { $0 < 3 }
takeUntil - has trigger
Filtering operators -> Distinct operators
DistinctUntilChanged {$0 $1}
Filtering operators -> Transforming operators
toArray map -> can be .enumerated() flatMap flatMapLatest Materialize Dematerialise
Explain flatMap and flatMapLatest
Add async and project observable
Combining operators
Combining operators Start with concat: sequential processing. concat concatMap merge: Just one event from observable that sends it event (can be many observables ) cobineLatest: Combine events from observables and sends it together triggers withLatestFrom sample switches amb SwitchLatest reduce scan
Timing operators
Timing operators Replaying past elements: You should call .connect() to start ReplayAll .replay(amount) Controlled buffering -> The only difference is that it emits an Observable of the buffered items, instead of emitting an array. .buffer(timeSpan:count:scheduler:) Windows of buffered observables .window(timeSpan:, count:, scheduler:) Time-shifting operators Delayed elements Delayed subscription Timer operators Intervals One-shot or repeating timers Timeouts
.take(5.0, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
.throttle(0.5, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
Cold vs hot observables
“Note: In Rx, some observables are called “cold” while others are “hot”. Cold observables start emitting elements when you subscribe to them. Hot observables are more like permanent sources you happen to look at at some point (think of Notifications). When delaying a subscription, it won’t make a difference if the observable is cold. If it’s hot, you may skip elements, as in this example.
Hot and cold observables are a tricky topic that can take some time getting your head around. Remember that cold observables emit events only when subscribed to, but hot observables emit events independent of being subscribed to.”
Excerpt From: By Marin Todorov. “RxSwift - Reactive Programming with Swift”. Apple Books.
“To share a subscription, you can use the share() operator. A common pattern in Rx code is to create several sequences from the same source Observable by filtering out different elements in each of the results.”
share vs shareReplay