Rx Startup / ECC / ACP Flashcards
State the major limits and precautions associated with the Rx startup procedure 40OP-9ZZ03
Precautions / Limitations:
- Below the POAH (< 1x10-1%), only one method of +δk additions allowed at a time (except LPPT)
- ± 0.5°F temperature change is allowed to be considered zero.
- Criticality is prohibited with CEAs below the PDILs OR below the ECRP (-500/-750) pcm position
- 1 dpm: Max sustained SUR (insert CEAs to lower SUR if needed)
- Suspension of CEA withdrawals to facilitate maintenance will require that CEAs are positioned such that there is a reactivity margin of at least 200 pcm to the most recent Anticipated Critical Position (ACP).
- If RG CEA insertion is not possible due to CEDMCS issues when Supercritical/Critical, stabilize power using PSCEAs.
- If power level/count rate doubles during a dilution, stop the dilution and investigate.
- 550°F Tcold (Min temp for DNBR LCO)
- 545°F Tcold (Min temp for criticality LCO)
State the criteria that, if met during startup, would necessitate a reactor trip.
Reactor Trip Criteria:
- Startup termination required when withdrawing Shutdown and PSCEAs
- Reactor goes critical while withdrawing Shutdown or PSCEAs (emergency boration required)
- Count rate doubles during withdrawal of RG3 before the first two hold points (PDIL)
- Critical below PDILs (emergency boration required)
- Critical -500 pcm below ECRP (emergency boration required) (-750 pcm initial S/U)
- Reactor unexpectedly goes subcritical after criticality has been achieved
- Reactor power reaches 1%
- Two consecutive ACPs using the same power channel are below the PDIL position or ECRP (-500/-750) pcm position AND most recently performed ACP predicts criticality to occur below the PDILs
State the initial conditions that must be met to perform a Rx startup.
Initial Conditions for Start-up (Section 5.0/6.1)
- SBCS in Local-Auto (setpoint maintaining Tcold at 565 ± 0.5°F)
- Controlling SBCV in Auto with a Manual Permissive
- Tcold ≥ 545°F (MTC)
- BDAS operable and audible CR
- ECRP (Estimated Critical Rod Position) -500 pcm CEA position is above PDILs
- Establish boron for start-up (within the larger band)
- Cb within ± 1% or ± 10 ppm of ECC value
- Close RTBs
How are the Shutdown and PSCEA groups withdrawn on a startup?
- Withdrawal CEAs in MG (A, B, P) to UGS, then to UEL in MI
- Reset pulse counters to 150”
What major action occurs when Log power is approx.
1E-6% to 1E-5% power?
- 1x10-6% - 1x10-5%: Remove CPCs from bypass (LOG 2)
How is withdrawal of RG3 performed?
- Withdrawal RG3 to 60” (PDIL) using 4 hold points
- Each hold point adds 500 pcm
- 4th hold point is 60” on RG3
- Monitor CR for doublings
- Monitor overlap at 95”
- W/D RG3 in MS to hold points OR doubling
- Reactor Engineer performs 1/M at each hold point. STA IV’s the plot.
What method of CEA withdrawal is used following the 4th CR doubling and why?
- After the 4th doubling, each withdrawal is limited to add ≤ 100 pcm, to ensure SUR does NOT exceed 1 dpm.
- When RG3 is at 60”, withdrawal RG1/RG2 to UELs in MI
What actions are required if criticality will be achieved at all rods out and < +500 pcm from ECRP?
- Stop withdrawal and dilute if criticality will be achieved ARO and less than +500 pcm from ECRP
What occurs on the HI CPS alarm at ~10000 cps?
- High CPS alarm (10,000 cps)
- Complete CEA withdrawal to stopping point
- Check NI overlap (1 decade) and turn off SU channels
When is mode 2 entered?
- Mode 2 entry (CEAs above -500 pcm position) (-750 pcm for initial start-up)
When should criticality be anticipated?
At any time positive reactivity is being added.
especially when CEAP position is within 2 withdrawal sequences.
~ 0.3 dpm SUR
Is withdrawing RG 5 beyond 135” allowed during rx startup?
What actions must be performed?
- Withdrawing RG5 past 135” is not allowed (rod insertion to below 135” and dilution will be required)
Describe the major actions required immediately following criticality.
Post Criticality Actions (Section 6.5)
- Insert RG CEAs to stabilize power
- Record critical data (time, log power, Tcold, Cb, CEA position)
- LOG 1 lit (> 1x10-4%): bypass Hi Log power trip
- Withdrawal CEAs (< 1 dpm SUR) to raise power and stabilize at 1x10-4% - 1x10-3%
- Perform LPPT if required
How is power raised to the POAH following a rx startup?
- Withdraw CEAs to raise Reactor power to just < 1x10-1% (POAH)
- Reaching the POAH with SBCS in automatic will cause reactor power to rise and stabilize above the POAH.
- If SBCS is in manual, RCS and Fuel Temperature will rise until the Isothermal Temperature Defect inserts enough – δk to make net core reactivity zero. Reactor power will stabilize at the POAH and RCS temperature will be off program high.
- Insert CEAs to stabilize power at the POAH
- Go to 40OP-9ZZ04 to continue the startup
State the mid cycle ECC equation and who performs and approves the ECC.
- Performed by Reactor Engineering. Approved by the SM.
Mid-cycle ECC
Δρ (Xenon) + Δρ (Tcold) + Δρ (Power) + Δρ (Boron) + Δρ (CEA) + Δρ (FP) = 0