Rx Benefits in Managed Care Flashcards
Future trends that will affect Rx program management (7)
- ) Patent loss of approx $90B of brand name drugs results in low-cost trends
- ) Simultaneous increase in number of specialty drugs approved by FDA
- ) Due to high cost of specialty drugs, health plans will integrate some portion of their medical and rx management
- ) By 2019, Medicare & Medicaid members will grow by 30%
- ) Due to ACA and CMS policy, there will be several initiatives to measure and promote practice patterns and risk-sharing contracts that improve outcomes and quality of care
- ) New technologies will support ACO and patient-centered medical homes
- ) Health plans and PBMs will likely implement greater restrictions on their formularies
Services offered by PBMs (9)
- ) Claims processing and management reports
- ) Community retail pharmacy provider network
- ) Home delivery (mail services) prescriptions
- ) Specialty pharmacy distribution services
- ) Drug formulary development and management
- ) Pharmaceutical manufacturer contracting
- ) Customized pharmacy benefit design development and administration
- ) Clinical pharmacy programs, such as drug utilization review (DUR) and medication therapy management (MTM)
- ) Other customized services requested by plan sponsors
Categories of drugs that are typically excluded on Rx plans (4)
- ) Experimental or investigational drugs (not approved by FDA)
- ) FDA-approved drugs when prescribed for unapproved indications (“off label” use)
- ) Drugs used for cosmetic purposes or specific purposes such as smoking cessation or inferitlity
- ) Over the counter drugs other than insulin
Drug formulary definition
A continuously updated list of covered drugs and access rules (such as tier structure and dispensing limits). It should be supported by current evidence-based medicine and the judgement of physicians, pharmacists, and other experts.
Drug formulary types (2)
- ) Open formulary - generally covers most drugs (except cosmetic or OTC drugs)
- ) Closed formulary - doesn’t cover as many drugs. Drugs not included in the formulary are not eligible for payment except by an approved medical exception.
Types of drug utilization review programs (3)
- ) Prospective- identify & resolve problems before rx is dispensed. Services as excellent member-teaching opportunity for pharmacists.
- ) Concurrent - performed at the point-of-prescribing. Pharmacists are provided clinical & benefit design edits that provide an alert for potential clinical conflicts to evaluate before product is dispensed.
- ) Retrospective - performed after prescription is dispensed. It could include review of high cost outliers.
Formulary guidelines for Part D plans (7)
- ) Must include 146 therapeutic categories
- ) If a generic is available, it must be included
- ) If pharmacy dispenses a brand name drug, it must inform patient of price diff of brand and lowest priced generic of that drug
- ) Drug rebates must be passed on to payer to decrease program cost
- ) Each “key drug type” category must have at least 2 drugs
- ) Formulary must include prior authorizations, step therapy, generic drug requirements, and preferred brand name drug
- ) Substantially all drugs in the following classes must be included: antidepressants, antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, anticancer, immunosuppressants, and HIV/AIDs medications
Services provided by medication therapy management (MTM) programs (9)
- ) Performing or obtaining necessary assessments of the patient’s health status
- ) Formulating a medication treatment plan
- ) Selecting, initiating, modifying, or administering medication therapy
- ) Monitoring and evaluating the patient’s response to therapy
- ) Performing a comprehensive medication review to identify, resolve, and prevent medication-related problems
- ) Documenting the care delivered and communicating essential information to the patient’s other primary care providers
- ) Providing verbal education and training designed to enhance patient understanding
- ) Providing information, support services, and resources to enhance patient adherence
- ) Coordinating and integrating MTM services with other health care services
Metrics for measuring financial performance of pharmacy programs (10)
- ) Various cost parameters (e.g. program expenses, billed and paid claims, and copayments)
- ) Prescription utilization and trends
- ) Admin and claim processing fees
- ) Rx discount or rebate
- ) Generic dispensing and conversion rates and missed generic substitution opportunities
- ) Drug formulary conformance rate
- ) Patient satisfaction and member complaints related to the pharmacy program
- ) Number of drug formulary prior authorization exception requests and approvals
- ) HEDIS measures related to pharmacy
- ) Drug utilization review exception reports
Drug Utilization Review Targets (5)
- ) Adherence
- ) Situations in which drug should not be used
- ) Drug interaction
- ) Drug formulary interaction
- ) Incorrect dossage
Skilled Nursing Facility Impact (3)
- ) Part D plans must contract with any willing LTC pharmacy to ensure convenient access to LTC pharmacies
- ) Part D plan may require participating LTC pharmacies to offer a portfolio of services (such as delivery of meds, access to urgent meds)
- ) Utlimately, the nursing facility is responsible for all aspects of care for residents, including drugs.
Pharma Program Quality Measure Categories (3)
- ) Administrative measures - focus on IP pharmacy operations
- ) Operational measures - focus on computer-generated information and customer service requests
- ) Integrated health quality measures - focus on patient care from a medical perspective and include pharmacy measures for specific diseases.