Provider Network Flashcards
Reasons why health plan want to contract with providers (5)
- ) Obtain favorable pricing (less than full billed amounts)
- ) Obtain payment terms that result in an underwriting gain
- ) Get the provider to agree to provide services to the plan’s members
- ) Meet service area access standards required by the states and Medicare
- ) Obtain contractual agreement for several clauses, may of which are required by the states and Medicare
Basis of minimum access requirements (5)
- ) Distance or travel time
- ) Number of providers
- ) Differ by provider type (PCP vs. Spec)
- ) Differ by area (rural vs. urban)
- ) Length of time to get appointment
Provider Contractual agreement terms (7)
- ) Submit claims directly to the plan, not the member
- ) No balance bill the member for any amount above the agreed upon payment terms
- ) Hold harmless the member (not bill for any amounts owed by the plan)
- ) Cooperate with the plan’s utilization management program
- ) Cooperate with the plan’s quality management program
- ) Provider allows auditing of clinical and billing data
- ) Provider agrees to other requirements (i.e. not to discriminate)
Reasons for a provider to contract with a payer (6)
- ) Obtain favorable payment terms
- ) Ensure inclusion in the provider network of a large plan
- ) Receive direct and timely payment from the plan
- ) Steerage of members by the plan to providers
- ) Rights if there is a dispute regarding claims and payments
- ) Not lose business or medical staff as a payer steers members to others who are contracted providers
Contract Management Systems (CMS) Functions (8)
- Track provider demographic and credentialing information
- Track payment rates by provider and plan
- Update changes in provider
- Identify network gaps
- Track provider recruiting efforts
- Track and report contract changes by provider
- Indicate upcoming negotiations and re-credentialing
- Analyze impact of changes to contracting terms
PPO vs HMO staffing focus
- HMO focus on physician to member staffing ratios
2. PPO focus on having sufficient number of providers representing major specialties
Advantages of physician assistants/nurse practitioners (NPC) (4)
- Deliver excellent primary care services
- Provide more health maintenance and health promotional services
- Spend more time with patients
- Manage patients with chronic conditions
Types of physicians and other professional providers (5)
- PCP and SCP - for traditional HMOs, the distinction between this is important b/c PCP is gatekeeper
- Hospital based physicians - Physicians have exclusive rights to a hospital, so reluctant to contract for any less than full charge.
- Nonphysician or mid-level practitioners that provider primary care - physician assistants/nurse practitioners.
- Mental health providers
- Other types - podiatrist, dentist, orthodontist, optometrists, chiro, physical therapist, nutritionists, accupuncture, home health care
Hospital based physicians specialty types (5)
- radiology
- anesthesiology
- pathology
- emergency medicine
- hospitalist
Mental Health Provider Types (7)
- Psychiatrist - specializes in mental health and able prescribe rx
- psychologist - has doctoral degree in psychology and 2 yrs of supervised prof exp
- Clinical social worker - counselor with master’s degree in social work
- Licensed prof counselor - has master degree in psychology, counseling or related field
- Certified alcohol & drug abuse counselor - has specific training in alcohol & drug abuse & provides individual and group counseling
- Pyschiatric nurse practitioner or nurse psychotherapist - a registered nurse practitioner with special training in psychiatric & mental health nursing
- Marital and family therapist - counselor with master’s degree & special training in marital and family therapy
Individual Physicians Contracting Considerations Advantage (1) and Disadvantage (1)
1. Direct relationship with physician
1. Effort to maintain relationship is large for just one physician
Medical Groups Contracting Considerations Advantage (1) and Disadvantage (1)
1. Same contracting effort yields a higher number of physicians
1. If relationship is terminated then there is greater disruption in patient care
Independent Practice Associations (IPA) Contracting Considerations Advantage (3) and Disadvantage (2)
- Large number of providers come along with contract
- May accept more financial risk
- Some IPAs perform network management, credentialing & medical management
- Can hold considerable portion of the delivery system hostage to negotiations
- Plan’s ability to select and deselect individual physicians is limited
Faculty Practice Plans Contracting Considerations Advantage (1) and Disadvantage (2)
Medical groups that are organized around a teaching program
1. Provide highly specialized care & add prestige to plan by reputation for quality care
- Tend to be less cost effective in their practice styles
- Not set up for case management so care is not well coordinated
Physicians in integrated delivery system (IDS) types (2)
- Hospital systems that affiliate with private physicians
2. Hospitals that employ physicians - these often have substantial negotiating leverage
Patient Centered Medical Homes
Coordinates all care for a group of patients
Specialty Management Companies
These focus on managing very specialized services using physicians (e.g. single-specialty case management of neonatal care)
Physician Credentialing Application Typical Elements (9)
- Demographics, licenses, and other identifiers (such as NPI)
- Education, training, and specialties
- Practice details - such as services provided and office hours
- Billing and remittance info
- Hospital admitting privileges
- Prof liability insurance
- Work history and references
- Disclosure questions - such as suspensions from gov programs or felony convictions
- Images of supporting documents - such as state license certificate
Types of healthcare facilities (13)
- ) Community based single acute care hospitals - dominant in rural areas, difficult to negotiate b/c little alternative
- ) Multihospital systems (MHSs) - consolidation has led to most hospitals being part of MHS, which gives them negotiating leverage
- ) For-profit national hospital companies - have much less local autonomy
- ) Specialized hospitals - provide care to only certain type of patients (e.g. children’s hosp, psychiatric hosp)
- ) Physician-owned single-specialty hospitals - restrict to elective procedures within a single specialty, so not equipped to handle emergencies & severe conditions
- ) Accountable Care Organizations - coordinate care for designated Medicare FFS beneficiaries & participate in shared savings program
- ) Government hospitals - may be county, state or federal
- ) Subacute care (skilled or intermediate nursing facilities) - suited for prolonged convalescence or recovery cases. Cost for bed day less than acute-care hospital
- ) Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs) and procedure centers - equipped to handle only routine cases
- ) Hospice - health care services provided at end of life, which may be at IP facility, ambulatory facility or no facility
- ) Retail health clinics - small clinics associated with retail store (Target or Walgreens); provide basic primary care services such as immunizations & preventive screenings
- ) Urgent care centers - hybrid of low-level ER dept and PCP practice
- ) Other types of ambulatory facilities - includes centers for birthing, community health, diagnostic imaging, occupational health, women’s health
Types of Ancillary Services (4)
- Diagnostics
- Therapeutic
- Pharmacy
- Ambulance and medical transportation services
Types of Diagnostic Services (4)
- Lab
- Imaging (such as X-rays and MRIs)
- Electrocardiography
- Cardiac testing
Types of Therapeutic Services (6)
- Cardiac rehab
- Non-cardiac rehab
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Speech therapy
- Other long-term therapeutic services