Ruth Manus Book 4 Flashcards
the blender
o liquificador
devil (mischievous person) (3 nouns)
a capeta
o diabo
o diabrete
devil (prime evil spirit) (2 nouns)
o demônio
o diabo
the ladybug
a joaninha
the thumbs up emoticon
o joinha
the smiley emoticon
a carinha
fill in, blot out, black out
the snare, ambush, entrapment (3 words)
a cilada (figurative) a armadilha (physical and figurative) a arapuca (snare)
tracksuit (3 words)
o moletom
o agasalho
o fato de treino (por)
the lid, cover, tip
a tampa
the head of lettuce
o pé de alface
to make fun of, mock (5 verbs)
debochar caçoar zombar zoar ridicularizar
the viral infection, flu
a virose
the trembling, shivering
2 nouns
a tremedeira
o tremor
the vexation, embarrassment, disgrace
o vexame
cardboard, card, gaffe, screw-up
o papelão
to long for, desire (four verbs/phrases)
desejar ardentemente / vivamente
the tightrope
a corda bomba
the shelf, display space in a store
a prateleira
to fill out, fill in a form