Russian consequences dates Flashcards
October 27 1917
- decrees on land and the press
- Sovnarkom and Central Executive Committee formed
31 October 1917
fighting in Moscow between Milrevcom and pro-PG forces
2 November 1917
- Milrevcom troops gain grain control in Moscow
- Declaration of the Rights of the People of Russia decree
10 November 1917
formal ranks and titles abolished
12 November 1917
elections for constituent assembly begin
14 November 1917
state bank refuses to hand money to government
22 November 1917
criminal justice system replaced by people’s courts
28 November 1917
Kadets banned and leaders arrested
December 2 1917
ceasefire with Germany
5 December 1917
decree on marriage
7 December 1917
Cheka created
9-10 December 1917
left SRs enter Sovnarkom
14 December 1917
banks nationalised
16 December 1917
formal ranks and saluting abolished in armed forces
1 January 1918
assassination attempt on Lenin
5 January 1918
constituent assembly opens
6 January 1918
constituent assembly dissolved by government
8 January 1918
this all-russian soviet congress declares ‘soviet republic’
21 January 1918
foreign debts cancelled
23 January 1918
decree on separation and church and state
28 January 1918
ukraine declares independence and this is not recognised
1 feb 1918
Gregorian calendar introduced
18 feb 1918
fighting with Germany resumes after stalled talks in Brest-Livosk
3 march 1918
Brest-Livosk signed by Sovnarkom
8 march 1918
bolshevik SDs change name to communist party
10 march 1918
Russian capital moved to Moscow
15 march
left SRs withdraw from Sovnarkom
April 1918
formal recognition of state capitalism
23 feb 1918
Red Army founds
22 may 1918
Czech Legion overthrows soviets along trans-siberian
8 June 1918
formation of SR-dominated komuch
11 June 1918
formation of committees of poor
14 June 1918
rights SRs and Mensheviks expelled from soviets
28 June 1918
war communism begins
July 1918
class based rationing begins
5-6 July 1918
SR uprising, von Mirbach assassinated
9 July 1918
left SRs expelled from soviets
17 July 1918
tsar and family executed
19 July 1918
constitution ratified by fifth congress of soviets