Rural Water Supply Manual Flashcards
Define The Water Supply Group Supervisor (WSGS)
Responsible for adequate water to the incident. Fill sites, dump sites, relay ops. Determines the water supply needs for the incident and coordinates traffic control with police.
Define Dump Site Unit Leader
Manages the dump site and assists the WSGS in his duties.
Define Fill Site Unit Leader
Manages the fill site and assists the WSGS in his duties.
Who has priority at dump sites and fill sites?
What engine is responsible for setting up and maintain the fill site?
5th due engine
When filling tankers, how many can you fill at one time?
If your engine has an electronic governor you need to always draft and fill in RPM/Volume mode. Why?
Pressure mode can cause damage to the tank
If you working around open water you must have ____.
Who is the Fill Site Unit Leader?
5th due engine officer
The tanker flow calculation formula is?
Total capacity of tanker - 20% / Total round trip time
Fire flow formula
(L x W/3) x The number of floors + 25% for each exposure
The jet syphon moves how ___ gpms between tanks
What is a Tanker Task Force
3 Tankers
1 Engine
1 Command Level Officer
Dump Site Unit leader is typically the _______.
3rd Due engine officer
(RWS) 1st Due Engine
Attack Engine and should include a siamese on the supply line whenever possible
(RWS) 1st Due Tanker
Pump water to the 1st due engine. Drop tanks and equipment. Once a draft has been established the tanker dumps his remaining water and proceeds to the fill site and joins the shuttle operations.
(RWS) 2nd Due Engine
Draft engine.
(RWS) 3rd Due Engine
Dump Site. OIC will be Dump Site Unit Leader. Crew staffs the dump site. Driver will dump his water in the pit and become part of the shuttle.
(RWS) 4th Due Engine
RIT. Driver dumps water and becomes part of the shuttle.
(RWS) 5th Due Engine
Fill Site. OIC will be the Fill Site Unit Leader. Crew will staff the fill site.
Relay operations with 4” hose are feasible at distances over _____.
A mile
Dry hydrants should be back flushed and/or tested ____.
Every 6 months. (Also should be back flushed for 2 min before each use)
(T/F)In regards to storage tanks. Due to typical tank sizes these systems should not be used as a sole water source.