Rural And Urban Links Flashcards
What is population like in urban areas
High population density
High density of buildings, roads cities
What is population like in rural areas?
Low population density
Low density of buildings
Lots of wildlife
More habitats and ecosystem
What is densely populated
Lots of people living in an area
What is Sparsely populated?
Fewer people living in an area
What are the four points of why population density differs
Relief of the land - Coast
Accessibility - Railways, shipping
Raw Materials - Coal iron steel
Proximity to other larger cities
What are some other ways population density differ?
Rural Urban Migration - Employment declines in the countryside people move to urban areas to find work
Commuting Areas - move out of urban areas to benefit from cheaper housing and more green space
Retirement Homes - rural areas when they retire as they no longer need to live close to where they live
Second Homes - urban residents buy second homes increases prices of homes
Land use - Forest Clearing, mining, cash crops pur pressure on rural areas
Infrastructure - roads built to help with movement of people
What is the Urban Rural continuum?
Is the gradual change from the urban to the rural
Urban features decrease the further away from the city whilst rural features increase
What are the three main reasons that cause rural areas to change overtime?
Economic - tourism income, farming profitability, primary sector jobs
Environmental - land use, pollution, conservation
Social - Population Change and migration, leisure time, retirement popukation
What places have the strongest sphere of influence
Often towns and villages closest to a large urban area
What three things increase the sphere of influnce
Technological change
Urban sphere of influence
Three causes of rural poverty and deprivation
Low income & Part time work
Lack of services
Infrequent public transport
What is counter urbanisation
It is where people move from Urban Areas to Rural areas
List some effects of counter urbanization?
Greenfield sites are built on
Conflict between original inhabitants and new comers
More industrial units are build on main roads leading to villages
What does the cycle of decline lead to?
Deprivation in an area because it means that more people will go to more urban areas due to not marry businesses and the reduce population. It encourages deprivation, to occur
What is a sustainable community?
Places that are able to support the needs of all residents, providing a decent quality of life in the present, as well as for future generations.
Why is there low death rates?
Health care is modern and widely available provided free by the NHS
People are better educated about health and hygiene
Modern medicines treat many diseases
Why is there low Birth rates
The high cost of living bringing up children expensive
Birth control and contraceptive pill are easily available