running Flashcards
velocity of locomotion=
cycle rate x cycle length
cadence x stride length
VERTICAL motion, speeding up
direction of motion +
1. speeding up or slowing down
2. direction of acceleration
+, +
VERTICAL motion, not changing
direction of motion +
1. speeding up or slowing down
2. direction of acceleration
0, 0
VERTICAL motion, slowing down
direction of motion +
1. speeding up or slowing down
2. direction of acceleration
-, -
VERTICAL motion, speeding up
direction of motion -
1. speeding up or slowing down
2. direction of acceleration
+, -
VERTICAL motion, not changing
direction of motion -
1. speeding up or slowing down
2. direction of acceleration
0, 0
VERTICAL motion, slowing down
direction of motion -
1. speeding up or slowing down
2. direction of acceleration
-, +
4 phases of running gait
stance, float, swing, float
phase of running gait: stance
single limb support, absorption and propulsion
phase of running gait: float
double limb unsupported
phase of running gait: swing
single limb support
one stride/cycle length =
one R heel strike to the next R heel strike
absorption of running forces, eccentric or concentric
gravitational potential energy
an object that falls from a higher will land with more force
elastic potential energy (_____)
elastic potential energy will yield
kinetic energy
positive work is concentric or eccentric
negative work is concentric or eccentric
product of avg force and duration of force applied
what will impulse will aid during running
momentum at push off
what will impulse decrease during running
momentum at heel strike
mass further from an axis creates more or less angular resistance
what affects moment of inertia more than the mass itself
distribution of the mass
valgus force on knees
fall inward
varus force on knees
fall outward
pronated foot/ankle
lean inward
supinated foot/ankle
leaning outward
femoral anteversion
feet and knees point in
femoral retroversion
feet and knees point out