Rules Of Thumb Flashcards
Check ALT vs DIST during descent
NM x 3 = alti soll
Top of descent?
Delta FL/3
ROD req for known distance to descent?
R/D = speed NO mal Füsse durch NM
Distance req for known R/D?
NM = speed NO mal Füsse durch RD
R/D by Pitch
R/D = 2 x delta pitch
V/S zurück auf Höhe?
Doppelte Abweichung in Ft
Start Level off
ft = R/C durch 10
Start roll out
Right turn HDG 080 with 25° bank = roll out at 072°
Which Bank for turn
Bank is HDG fully up to 25°
Bank° = delta HDG
Right turn from HDG 360 to HDG 007 => 7° Bank
5 Tools?
- Interceptions
- Standlinienkorrektur
- 1/3 Regel Stationsüberflug, QDR interceptions
- Faktor 36/1
- DME Arc
Faktor 36: Öffnungswinkel proc. Turn Alpha = 36 / t outbound which results in: 1min turn alpha = 36° 2min turn alpha = 18° 3min turn alpha = 12°
Visibility req. to see threshold at VDP (Non-Precision Approach)
6 mal das Minimum
Vis(m) = 6 x MDA (feet)
MDA 430 feet
Visibility = 6 x 430 feet = 2500 m
Memorize this table 1/60 (Speed No)
speed (kt) 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330
speed number 1½ 2 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 5 5½
Turn Radius
Approx 1% of GS