Rules And Regulations 100 Flashcards
Rules and Regulations
_____________-To provide uniform rules of conduct, appearance, demeanor, performance, and operations.
The Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department (JFRD) is structured to be a unified entity. These Rules and Regulations are to be applied in a uniform and equitable manner to ________ who relate, in fact or by association, to the JFRD.
Subsidiary activities within the JFRD shall be permitted to develop their own ____________; however, such rules shall not ________ with these Rules and Regulations.
All previous editions of the Rules and Regulations shall be hereby canceled and be superseded by the issuance of these articles.
Additions, deletions, and expansions of these Rules and Regulations shall be made, ____________, by the _______________.
All personnel
Operating rules
As needed, by the Director/Fire Chief
JFRD Official Documents
____________ are responsible for the comprehension of these JFRD Official Documents and their content. Copies of the JFRD Official Documents (Rules and Regulations, SOPs, SAPs, SOGs, and Training Manuals) are available via ____________. JFRD personnel are responsible for reviewing updated versions of these documents. All JFRD Official Documents issued will be certified by the _____________ for proper form prior to distribution. The official copies of all these documents will be stored in a__________ at the ______________.
All personnel
Target solutions
Master file at the Training Academy
Series identification numbers for JFRD Official Documents:
• 100 series – __________
• 200 series – _________
• 300 series – _______
• 400 series – _____________
• 500 series – _____________
• 100 series – Rules and Regulations
• 200 series – SOPs
• 300 series – SAPs
• 400 series – SOGs
• 500 series – Training Manuals
Knowledge and Application
It is the responsibility of all JFRD personnel, as well as those associated with the JFRD, to read and follow all Official Documents, as well as the ________ and the __________.
At times, situations may arise that are not or cannot be covered by the JFRD Official Documents, Civil Service Personnel Rules and Regulations and/or the Union Contract. In such instances, JFRD personnel are expected to act with promptness, discretion, and in a prudent manner, utilizing ____________ and ________________ practices consistent with the JFRD Mission Statement.
The Civil Service Personnel Rules and Regulations and the Union Contract
Common sense and professionally accepted practices
JFRD Mission Statement
The Jacksonville Fire & Rescue Department is committed to _________,_____________,and the ____________ of our great city and county through progressive and professional activities of our ________ divisions to make things better for those who call.
Protecting life, property, and the environment
Five divisions
The ______________ will be adhered to by each level of authority equally when dealing with JFRD matters.
Chain of command
The _________ shall be in command of the JFRD.
Director/Fire chief
The______________ranks directly below the Director/Fire Chief.
Deputy Director/Fire Chief
The position of _____________ ranks directly below that of Deputy Director/Fire Chief.
Division Chief
The position of _____________ ranks directly below that of Division Chief.
Deputy Division Chief
The position of_____________ ranks directly below that of Deputy Division Chief.
Assistant Chief
The position of_________ ranks directly below that of Assistant Chief.
Battalion Chief
The position of _____________ ranks directly below that of Battalion Chief
District Chief
The position of __________ ranks directly below that of District Chief.
Personal___________ and the use of __________ dictate that certain standards be placed on personal grooming.
There shall be no clothing, hair style, or jewelry allowed that would interfere in any way with the proper _________ and _________ of any PPE or other safety equipment. Clothing, hair styles, or jewelry that would prevent the proper wearing of _________ shall likewise be prohibited.
Personal safety and the use of PPE
Proper wearing and fitting
Uniform items
All personnel shall be in the appropriate uniform per SOP __________at all times.
All personnel shall present a neat appearance and be properly groomed per SOP__ at all times.
SOP 217 (JFRD Uniform)
SOP 218 (Personal Grooming)
JFRD personnel shall obey all ________ orders and ________ given by superiors. Such obedience shall be prompt, willing, and completed to its fullest.
Personnel shall not publicly __________ or make _________comments to anyone about instructions or orders they have received from a superior.
If personnel are given orders that conflict with previous orders, they shall respectfully bring ______________to the conflict. If after being advised of the conflict, the superior issuing the latest orders does not __________ them to relieve the conflict, the _________orders shall stand. Responsibility shall then rest with the _________issuing the _______________ order.
If personnel are given orders they feel to be unjust or contrary to the JFRD Rules and Regulations, SOPs, SAPs, SOGs, Civil Service Personnel Rules and Regulations, or the Union Contract they must first_______________ to the best of their ability. They may then ________in______, including the ___________ of the incident together with a description of ____________actions, through the chain of command. Personnel feeling aggrieved shall follow the grievance procedures as outlined in the __________________or the ______________.
Suggestions for the improvement of the JFRD are encouraged. Any personnel wishing to make suggestions for improvement may communicate them ________, through the chain of command, to the ______________.
Lawful orders and directions
Publicly criticize or make derogatory comments
Bring attention to
Change them
Latest orders
Superior issuing the latest order
Obey the order to the best of their ability
Appeal in writing
Details of the incident
Description of their own actions
Civil Service Personnel Rules and Regulations or the Union Contract
In writing
Director/Fire Chief
________shall be addressed by their appropriate _____ at all times and shall be referred to in a like manner when not______ addressed.
All Personnel
While _______, all personnel shall conduct themselves in an ______ and _______manner at all times.
Personnel shall abstain from abusive ________ and unbecoming ________.
Personnel shall perform their duties in an _____, _______ and ________ manner. They shall also employ _________ and good __________ at all times.
JFRD personnel shall serve the public in ways that do not interfere with the discharge of their ______________. They shall respect the _______of_______ and perform their service with _________.
Personnel shall treat ________ with respect. They shall be ____________and_________ towards the general public and other JFRD personnel. All JFRD personnel are required to speak _______ at all times whether _______or not.
On duty
Orderly and acceptable
Abusive language and unbecoming conduct
Efficient, orderly, and courteous manner
Patience and good judgement
Assigned responsibilities
Rights of individuals
All people
Courteous and considerate
Under oath
When confronted with an incident of an emergency nature while __________, JFRD personnel shall render _____________ until such time as __________is made and ____________ by duty personnel is complete. This shall also extend to personnel who may be ________________ jurisdictional limits.
Off duty
Necessary aid
Notification is made
Response by duty personnel
Outside their normal
Alcohol and Illegal Drugs
While on duty or on JFRD property, personnel shall not have _________ or have in their __________ any type of alcoholic beverage, illegal drug, or prescription medication for which they do not have a prescription. The only exception to this rule shall be when it becomes necessary to handle such items in the ___________.
While in uniform, whether ________or_______, personnel shall not be ___________ or _________where intoxicants and/or drugs are _____ or being _______.
JFRD personnel shall not use, sell, or distribute illegal drugs or medically unauthorized prescription medications.
Personnel knowing of or suspecting another of using any type of drugs not prescribed to them by a physician shall report this _____________________.
It is the responsibility of all personnel to know if any medications, whether prescribed to them or over-the-counter, will affect or impair their ability to perform their duties.
In the line of duty
On or off duty
Intoxicated or loitering
Sold or being used
Through the chain of command
Professional Ethics
No JFRD personnel shall accept any ______, ______, or __________ incidental to the performance of their duty. Anyone insisting on making a _____gift should be advised that they may donate to the ________ if they desire. Personnel are prohibited from soliciting any business for a _______or_________. Except while exercising their ___________, personnel shall not take an active part in any election or elective position while they are ____________ or in ________. While _________, personnel are prohibited from advertising in any form, the candidacy of any person for elective office. Personnel are prohibited from formally ________________, in or out of ________, at any social or public gathering without permission from the ____________or________________
While ________, personnel shall not furnish information as to how _______ are to be made or recommend any ___________ or ___________ organizations. JFRD personnel shall not recommend any company or brand name of any fire protection _________ or _________. This shall also apply to companies or brands of __________services
Reward, fee, or valuable gift
Cash gift
Fire Museum
Discount or gift
Right to vote
On duty or in uniform
While on duty
Formally representing the JFRD
In or out of uniform
Director/Fire Chief or DUTY Division Chief
While on duty
Construction or repair organizations
Appliance or service
Medical services
No personal information shall be given out regarding any JFRD personnel, unless they have given ______________ to do so.
Written permission
JFRD vehicles and/or equipment shall not be used for ________or ________ use.
JFRD personnel shall not take or remove anything for their own private use from a City of Jacksonville owned _______ or ________.
JFRD property shall not be loaned outside the department without permission from the ___________________.
When assisting law enforcement personnel in the apprehension of suspects, JFRD __________shall be provided for the use of law enforcement personnel.
When any equipment is noted as being lost, found, stolen, or damaged in any way, it shall be ___________reported to_________________.
Changes or alterations to JFRD facilities, vehicles, or other property shall not be permitted, except on _______ and ________ through the chain of command.
Personnel shall not park or place ______________ that advocate the candidacy of any person for elective office on any ______________.
Political bumper stickers are allowed on __________ only
Private or personal use
Facility or vehicle
DIVISION Chief of Services
JFRD Equipment
Immediately reported to the company officer
Request and approval
Advertising devices
JFRD property
Personal vehicles only
ALL PERSONS SHALL _____________AT ALL TIMES when riding in __________ owned vehicles.
All ____________vehicles shall be operated in compliance with State of Florida driving statutes and JFRD SOPs, SAPs, and SOGs.
No one other than ____________ shall be permitted to ride on a JFRD vehicle without authorization from the ___________ or appropriate ___________.
City of Jacksonville owned
JFRD vehicles
Regular JFRD personnel
Director/Fire Chief or appropriate DIVISION Chief
In compliance with _____ and _______ ordinances the JFRD is a tobacco free workplace. This includes, but is not limited to cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vaping, pipes, cigars and chewing tobacco.
For other than _________________, smoking will be permitted at least ____ feet outside of JFRD ______ but is still restricted inside JFRD _______.
State and city
Uniformed firefighters
AT LEAST 50 feet
JFRD facilities
JFRD vehicles
All personnel shall submit copies of certificates and licenses required by the JFRD
to __________________________
Personnel shall furnish the JFRD with a current _________and __________. When personnel change _____or_____, they shall update their contact information in _________________on the______________.Personnel shall carry the _________ as a means of identifying themselves. Employees shall know their employee __________ and all ____________assigned to them by the JFRD.
Personnel shall use _______ on all official reports and records.
Any JFRD personnel, who has a damage suit filed against them, relating to an act performed by them in the line of duty, shall __________ a copy of the suit to the _______________through the ___________. They shall include with the suit a _____and___________ of the circumstances in question.
Before going to ________ or making any _________ regarding any knowledge of occurrences that would affect the City of Jacksonville or the JFRD, personnel shall notify _________ through the chain of command.
The Training DIVISION (
Address and telephone number x2
Resource Management on the Fire Rescue Portal
JFRD I.D. card
Employee number and all personal identification numbers
Full names
Immediately furnish
Office of General Counsel
Chain of command
Full and accurate account of the circumstances
Director/Fire Chief
Personnel who live in the state of Florida shall possess, at a minimum, a ________________license.
Personnel living outside of the state of Florida shall possess a valid driver’s license from the _______________ which is equal to or greater than the requirements for a Florida Class E license.
Any JFRD personnel whose driver’s license has been suspended or revoked must notify ____________. The _______ shall then notify the _____________ through the chain of command. Personnel who fail to do so shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Personnel whose driver’s license has been suspended or revoked shall not drive any __________________vehicle. If they apply for and receive a proper temporary work permit, they shall only be permitted to drive after notifying and receiving approval from_____________.
A valid Florida Class E license
State of their residency
Their officer immediately
Director/Fire Chief
City of Jacksonville owned vehicle
The Director/Fire Chief
_________– What an engine would respond to on a single shot.
1st Due
____________– What an engine would respond to on a house fire (3rd due).
1st Alarm
____________– What an engine would respond to on a second alarm (4th due).
2nd Alarm
____________ – A designated area of JFRD responsibility divided into suppression and rescue districts or support functions. _________ are headed by a __________.
Battalion x2
Battalion Chief
____________– The rank structure of the JFRD as outlined in 100.02 of the JFRD Rules and Regulations.
Chain of Command
____________________ – The code of rules and regulations which apply to all civil servants employed by the City of Jacksonville.
Civil Service Personnel Rules and Regulations
______________– A designated area of JFRD responsibility, composed of stations and companies. _________ are headed by a ______.
District x2
District Chief
_____________– Any situation declared an emergency by the JFRD or by a physician (medical emergencies).
Emergency – Any situation declared an emergency by _________or by a __________(medical emergencies).
The JFRD or by a physician
______________ – The normal response area of the JFRD.
Jurisdictional limits
______________– A collective term applied to all classified persons on the JFRD payroll. The term generally applies to those who fall under the JFRD rank structure but may also apply to volunteers and support personnel.
________ – An instruction or directive, written or verbal, issued by a superior.
___________– Any specific information regarding JFRD personnel including the following:
• ______
• _______ number
• ________
• __________ Number
•___________ number
• ________numbers
Personal Information
• Phone number
• Date of birth
• Social Security Number
• Employee number
• PIN numbers
_____________– Any phone call not relating to JFRD operations, training, daily staffing, etc.
Personal Phone Call
______________– Any equipment used for the safety and protection of JFRD personnel.
Personal Protective Equipment
___________– Not required or permitted to perform assigned duties.
Relieved of Duty
__________– A written series of administrative rules, policies, and/or procedures, authorized by the Director/Fire Chief, to ensure orderly administrative and operational function of the JFRD. Failure to comply with these may result in disciplinary action.
Rules and Regulations
_______________– Having more time of employment with the JFRD. When referring to two employees of the same rank, it refers to the employee with more time in grade.
______________– Special duty for which personnel are excused from the performance of their regular duties and reassigned.
Special Assignment
_______________– Procedures adopted by the JFRD which define various administrative activities or other policies in which no emergency exists. Failure to comply with these may result in disciplinary action.
Standard Administrative Procedures (SAPs)
______________– Guidelines adopted by the JFRD to be employed in operations in a variety of situations and incidents (establishing command, operating at various types of EMS calls, fires, etc.). Failure to comply with these may result in disciplinary action.
Standard Operating Guidelines
________________– An expansion of the JFRD Rules and Regulations. These are policies that govern day-to-day operations and other procedures which will be adhered to by all personnel. Failure to comply with these may result in disciplinary action.
Standard Operating Procedures
____________– Any entity that operates within the JFRD.
Subsidiary Activities
______________– Personnel having supervisory responsibilities, either temporarily or permanently, over personnel of lower rank or position.
________________– Collective bargaining contracts or administrative plans applying to personnel who relate, in fact or by association, to the JFRD.
Union Contract
Relieved of Duty – Not ________ or _________ to perform assigned duties.
Required or permitted
Rules and Regulations – A written series of administrative rules, policies, and/or procedures, authorized by ____________, to ensure orderly administrative and operational function of the JFRD.
The Director/Fire Chief
Senior – Having more ______________ with the JFRD. When referring to two employees of the same rank, it refers to the employee with more ______________
Time of employment
Time in grade
Standard Administrative Procedures (SAPs) – Procedures adopted by the JFRD which define various ____________ activities or other policies in which ___________ exists
No emergency
Standard Operating Guidelines – Guidelines adopted by the JFRD to be employed in _________ in a variety of situations and incidents (establishing command, operating at various types of EMS calls, fires, etc.).
Standard Operating Procedures – An expansion of the JFRD Rules and Regulations. These are policies that govern ___________operations and other procedures which will be adhered to by all personnel.
Day to day operations