Rubin's 28: Nervous System Flashcards
What is the diagnosis? Baby born with gross deformity of lower back; Subcutaneous lesion has disorganized neural tissue and entrapment of nerve roots;
Meningomylocele Neural tube defect; Exposes the spinal canal; Causes entrapment of nerve roots
Congenital atresia of ______ is the most common cause of congenital hydrocephalus.
Aqueduct of Sylvius
CSF is formed principally by what brain area?
Choroid plexus
What is Polymicrogyria?
Common cause of mental retardation Surface of brain shows multiple small, irregularly sized, randomly-distributed gyral folds
What is the diagnosis? Trinucelotide repeat pathology; Mild scoliosis; New onset difficult walking; Lower-limb areflexia; dysarthria; cardiomyopathy
Friedreich Ataxia combined ataxia of upper and lower limbs extensor plantar reflexes and sensory loss also common; scoliosis, diabetes mellitus; autosomal recessive - inherited hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is common cause of death
What is the most common chronic CNS disease among young adults in the US?
Multiple sclerosis End-stage in brain: astrogliosis, thick-walled blood vessels, perivascular inflammation, secondary loss of axons
Associate negri bodies with what diagnosis?
Rabies tendency to aspirate fluids = “hydrophobia” perivascular cuffing my lymphocytes
Associate Lewy bodies with what diagnosis?
Parkinson’s disease Eosinophilic inclusions composed of filamentous aggregates of alpha-synuclein
Accumulation of blood between the calvaria and the dura is what kind of hematoma?
Epidural Commonly associated with trauma - bone fracture severs middle meningeal artery
Pernicious anemia can have what CNS complication?
Lesions in the posterolateral spinal cord –> degeneration –> paresthesias and burning sensations in feet, weakness of legs Once these effects hit, it is not commonly reversible
Wernicke syndrome is secondary to thiamine deficiency. Atrophy of what parts of the brain would be seen on autopsy?
Mamillary bodies and hypothalamus Periaqueductal regions of the midbrain and the tegmentum of the pons
What is a lethal complication? Infant with severe GI fluid loss ie. from diarrhea
Venous sinus thrombosis in the brain
What is the diagnosis? One pupil blown; Follows trauma; Death; Duret hemorrhages in the midbrain
Transtentorial herniation
Charcot-Bouchard aneurysms can be seen in what diagnosis?
HTN cerebral lipohyalinosis –> weakening of arterial walls –> cerebral microaneurysms
Leptomeningitis refers to an inflammatory process localized to the:
pia and arachnoid
What is the main culprit of meningitis in newborns?
E. Coli
What is the diagnosis? Accumulation of ganglioside GM1 in the CNS neurons; Progressive muscle weakness; Blindness; Death in early childhoo
Tay-Sachs AR disorder Inborn deficiency of hexaminidase A