Behavioral Science - Psychodynamics I & II - Mantosh Dewan Flashcards
Freud described the psychosexual stages of development, beginning with the oral phase. When is the oral phase?
Birth to 1 1/2 years
–suckling and dependence
What is the anal phase of psychosexual development?
1 1/2 - 3 years
first control battle - potty training, “no”, crawling and exploring
When is the phallic phase of psychosexual development?
3-5/6 years
curiosity about sex differences
child is close to the parent of the opposite sex
What is the latency phase of psychosexual development?
Age 6 to adolescence
Girls do things with girls, and boys with boys
What is the genital phase of psychosexual development?
Adolescence to adulthood
capacity for true intimacy begins
What is the Id?
the child in you
for fun and immediate gratification
exists from birth
What is the superego?
from age 5 on
acknowledgement of rules, morals and values
develops from parents, teachers, leaders etc.
“thou shalt not”
dissolves in alcohol
What is the ego?
The ever-evolving “I”
the confluence of the id, the superego and reality
the basis for personality
Level I Psychotic Mechanisms are appropriate when?
before age 5, and in adult dreams
defense mechanisms for the ego under stress
- Delusional projection
- Psychotic denial
- Distortion
What is the term for the denial of external reality?
Psychotic denial
What is the term for grossly reshaping reality to suit inner needs, including unrealistic, megalomaniac beliefs, hallucinations, delusions of entitlement, denial of personal responsibility for one’s own behavior.
Level I “Psychotic” Mechanisms
What are the Level II Immature Mechanisms, commonly seen in healthy individuals ages 3-15, as well as in personality disorders?
Acting Out
What is the defense mechanism?
Attributing one’s own unacknowledged feelings to others.
for example severe prejudice, rejections of intimacy through unwarranted suspicion, hypervigilance to external danger etc.
Level II Immature Mechanisms
What is the defense mechanism?
Turning an unacceptable impulse or feeling into pain
Psychosomatic disorder
Level II Immature Mechanisms
What is the defense mechanism?
Direct expression of an unconscious wish or impulse in order to avoid being conscious of the affect that accompanies it;
Delinquent or impulsive act to avoid being aware of one;s own sadness or anger
Acting Out
Level II Immature Mechanisms
Present in antisocial personality disorder
What is the defense mechanism?
Seeing people as ALL good or ALL bad and quickly switching between extreme positions
Level II Immature Mechanisms
Present in BPD
What is denial?
A level III “neurotic” defense
unable to accept intolerable facts about reality;
the commonest defense seen in medical practice
What is the defense mechanism?
The redirection of feelings toward a relatively less cared for object than the person or situation arousing the feelings. For example, kicking a trash can.
A level III “neurotic” defense
What is the defense mechanism?
Temporary but drastic modification of one’s character or of one’s sense of personal identity to avoid emotional distress.
Can be seen after acute trauma, or in multiple personality disorder
A level III “neurotic” defense
What is the defense mechanism?
Unconscious patterning of one’s own behavior after a powerful, influential person
A level III “neurotic” defense
How abuse is normalized in families
What is the defense mechanism?
Thinking about instinctual wishes in formal, affectively bland terms, and NOT acting on them. The idea is consciousness, but the feeling is missing.
Seen in OCD
A level III “neurotic” defense
What is the defense mechanism?
Intellectual knowledge and understanding of a negative event without experiencing the feelings
Isolation fo Affect
A level III “neurotic” defense
What is the defense mechanism?
Providing superficially reasonable accounts to explain away negative events, feelings and actions
A level III “neurotic” defense
What is the defense mechanism?
Behavior in a fashion diametrically opposite to an unacceptable instinctual impulse
Reaction formation
A level III “neurotic” defense
What is the defense mechanism?
Appearance of child-like behavior during periods of stress
A level III “neurotic” defense
What is the defense mechanism?
Protecting against a negative past event by acceptable “corrective” behavior for example superstitious rituals or atonement
A level III “neurotic” defense
What is the defense mechanism?
Vicarious but constructive and instinctually gratifying service to others
A level IV mature mechanism
What is the defense mechanism?
Indirect or attenuated expression of instincts without either adverse consequences or marked loss of pleasure
A level IV mature mechanism
Instincts are channeled rather than dammed or diverted
What is the defense mechanism?
Realistic anticipation of or planning for future inner discomfort
A level IV mature mechanism
What is the defense mechanism?
The conscious or semiconscious decision to postpone paying attention to a conscious impulse or conflict;
Looking for a silver lining
A level IV mature mechanism
What is the defense mechanism?
Overt expression of ideas or feelings without individual discomfort or immobilization and without unpleasant effect on others
A level IV mature mechanism
Can transference be positive or negative?
Positive - too high expectations
Negative - mistrust, missed appointments, non-adherence, poor outcomes