Rub/Rob Genital Tract Flashcards
Rub 8: The exophytic papillary carcinomas occur most frequently in
men above age 50; tumors feature papillary fronds that are lined by urothelial epi, which are virtually indistinguishable from normal urothelium
Rub 14: Urethral caruncles are
polypoid inflamm lesions near the urethral meatus that produce pain and bleeding; occur EXCLUSIVELY in women, most frequently after menopause
Rub 17: Urethritis is the most common manifestation of
STD’s in men, in whom it typically presents with urethral discharge;
Rub 18: Balanitis usually extends from the
glans of the penis to the foreskin and is called balanoposthitis; usually caused by bacterial infection, but if immunosuppressed or diabetic, can be caused by fungi; complications of balanoposthitis: stricture of meatus, phimosis, and paraphimosis
Rub 21: Epididymitis presents with
intrascrotal pain and tenderness, with or without associated fever; think Chlamydia, E coli, maybe gonorrhea
Rub 23: Male pseudohermaphroditism represents a spectrum of
congenital disorders that affects genetic males who have a normal 46,XY karyotype; think cryptorchid testes, external genital organs appear feminine or ambiguously female, with signs of VIRILIZATION!!!
Rub 26: Malignant germ cells that retain the phenotypic features of spermatogonia give rise to
seminomas, the most common testicular cancer; think solid rubbery-firm masses; see neoplastic cells arranged as nests or sheets that are separated by fibrous septae and infiltrated with chronic inflamm cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages)
Rub 27: Nonseminomatous germ cell tumors are derived from embryonal cells that can give rise to
clones of malignant cytotrophoblastic and syncytiotrophoblastic cells; syncytiotrophoblastic cells are multinucleated
Rub 31: Malignant lymphoma is the most
frequently encountered neoplasm in the testes of men older than 60 yrs; usually occurs in the context of systemic disease
Rub 39: Malakoplakia an uncommon inflamm disroder of unknown etio characterized by
macrophage accumulation; often associated with an infection of the urinary tract by E coli; think immunosuppression, chronic infections, cancer; look for soft yellow plaques on the mucosal surface of the bladder, and macrophages can have Michaelis-Gutmann bodies
Rub 41: Chronic interstitial cystitis affects
middle-aged women and features transmural inflamm of the bladder wall; occasionally associated with mucosal ulceration (Hunner ulcer)
Rub 46: Embryonal carcinoma invades the
testis, epididymis, and bv’s and mets to abdo lymph nodes, lungs, and other organs. These malignant cells are highly sens to chemo; look for undifferentiated neoplastic cells, form sheets and chords, surrounded by dilated vascular channels filled with RBC’s
Rob 1: Elevated levels of AFP and hCG effectively exlude the diagnosis
of a pure seminoma and indicate the presence of a nonseminomatous tumor of the mixed type; teratocarcinoma sometimes used to describe tumors with elements of teratoma, embryonal carcinoma, and yolk sac tumor
Rob 8: PSA increasing over time more likely to be indicative of
carcinoma; think adenocarcinomas that form small glands packed back to back; might not be obstructive or be palpable on DRE
Rob 12: Phimosis can be ____, but more often is a consequence of multiple episodes of
congenital; balanitis (inflamm of the glans penis or foreskin); forcible retraction could result in vascular compromise with further inflamm and swelling (paraphimosis)
Rob 14: Seminomas can remain
to the testis; good prognosis, and even with mets the seminomas are radiosensitive
Rob 20: What here points to prostate carcinoma?
presence of a hard irregular nodule with extremely high prostate-specific antigen
Rob 21: Prostatic adenocarcinoma can have alterations of
the glutathione S-transferase (GSTP1) gene that allow damage from carcinogens; look for the PSA level to get higher or increase over time, or increased free PSA to suggest carcinoma
Rob 24: Uncommon for teratomas in men to be
completely benign; need additional histologic component whic his embryonal carcinoma, especially with elevated hCG and aFP